On a successful check, the door or windows AC becomes 15, unless it is already higher, and it gains 5 hp. Automatic Pistol. The character must have the proper resources in order to fortify the door or window such as lumber, nails, etc. Choose your characters alignment and ideals. Roll another d20 and check the Encounters table for the terrain appropriate to where the characters and their base are. ACTIONS Grab. A floating head with one big eye that's also a zombie Beholder Zombie details: It is a large monster with high health that can fly Despite it being dead and its immunity to poison, it has a surprisingly strong Wisdom save Can rise up again and again if not struck with a critical hit Zombie wizards can be more infused with the dark magic that gave them life, enabling them to do necrotic damage on a hit. Instead, items and equipment are traded, with food being the common gold standard.. An encounter occurs on a roll of 18 or higher. Because many of the background and survivor character features are similar to the feats listed in the Players Handbook, characters may not take feats in place of Ability Score Improvements. Skill Proficiencies. 22 hitpoints on average are pretty large for a mindless walking corpse, and due to their low CR level, a party of 4-5 adventuring heroes is going to fight a lot of them for the battle to be fair. Jan 31, 2021 @ 1:06pm. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Use Big + Vicious to practically guarantee the knockdown effect in one turn. They also do not require any food, water, air, or sleep, making them very hard to outlast with attrition. In addition, you have proficiency with Charisma saving throws. Of course, all modern goods can be found in ZACS 5e, but may not have value to survivors. At 3rd level, your attack rolls score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20. Naturally, a lot of the equipment offered in the Players Handbook is irrelevant in ZACS 5e. These military grade tactical vests come with ballistic plate inserts, and collar and groin protectors. And survivors are the same as commoners, except they also carry automatic pistols, making their CR 1/8 (25 XP). Burst Fire. Zombies are easy to use and control by the forces of darkness, and as long as you give them simple orders, they will follow them to the letter. Empathy. In many cases these variant abilities may be applied to either skeletons or zombies, unless common sense dictates otherwise (such as a gasburst skeleton). Yes they can dash. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action. Theres nothing like fighting a zombie bugbear, slashing off its arm with a critical hit, and then watching it mindlessly keep coming. Ability Score Increase. When inflicted with the disease and at the end of each day after, gain one stack of Necroplague. Zombies do not require air, food, drink, or sleep. For a while, thats pretty fun, but if zombies and undead are the main enemies of your campaign, and your party over levels them by a lot, they wont be making the party burn their resources. In addition, you have 10 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. The table below shows how much meat an inexperienced butcher may be able to harvest from a creature, especially after a battle may have ruined some of the meat (i.e. A creature with a movement speed of 0 cannot stand up from being prone. You have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) score. You can also have zombie monsters, such as minotaurs and bugbears, or even a zombie dragon. The more I kept . In addition, you have 15 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. Zombies in 5e feel uninteresting because they basically have the same attacks and abilities as an unarmed commoner, with the exception of Undead Fortitude. In addition to the Players Handbook tools normally offered to characters, there are also toolsets for modern jobs such as auto mechanics, electricians, and plumbers tools. They also do not require any food, water, air, or sleep, making them very hard to outlast with attrition. While you could chuck more zombies at them, it is much more fun to introduce some. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: At 1st level, you choose an archetype that you strive to emulate: Expert, Fighter, or Leader. etc. Undead Fortitude. Examples are included below: ZACS 5e is a dangerous world and survivors are not nearly as tough as traditional Fifth Edition adventurers. You can now print or save sheets. How to Create a Survivor Character If you would like to support the GM Binder developers, consider joining our Patreon community. Whether your party is traipsing through a cemetery at night, assaulting the necromancers tower, or defending against an undead incursion, they will be dealing with zombies. If a vehicle does not have the proper fuel, it cannot function. Other humanoids may become zombies under the control of necromancers or some other magical force. Dodge. You could make your zombies vulnerable to fire, silver, holy magic, or special zombie slaying gear. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Intelligence or Wisdom saving throws (your choice). Survivor, Dead. The traveling characters will have to travel around the herd or wait for it to pass if they wish to continue forward. Their compulsion is obedience to the orders of their controller, which usually involves killing interlopers. Survivor Class. When you use a medicine kit to stabilize a dying creature, that creature also regains 1 hit point. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Detect Thoughts 5e Guide: When, Why and How to Use It, Hand Crossbow 5e Guide For Everyone but Druids and Wizards. Choose a Background. Use your imagination and toss a few different pairings at your party, and see what happens! When hundredseven thousands of zombiescluster together, they create herds. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. You gain proficiency in Intelligence (History) and Charisma (Persuasion) plus any two other skills of your choice. Wild Animals. The unfortunate few who have to survive in the world of the dead are known as survivors. Your Intelligence score increases by 2. If the group succeeds, the characters must wait it out or try to escape. Tool Proficiencies. You gain proficiency in Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Persuasion). Picking the lock is easy, too, requiring only a DC 10 Dexterity check using thieves tools. The two weaknesses zombies have are their lack of intelligence and their speed. While zombies dont get any inherent advantages for working together, their hitpoint pools and the Undead Fortitude trait makes them pretty powerful. Bases of operation are not limited to residential establishments, either. They can be statistically the same as the normal human zombies, but a little cosmetic change is always cool. Zombies in 5e are medium undead monsters, and they shuffle forward towards the party with little regard to tactics and their own safety. An attack roll against the creature has advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. Str 17, Dex 10, Con , Int , Wis 10, Cha 10 Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14 Feats Toughness B Special Qualities . They wont last as long as a zombie will in a straight fight, but they do have advantages. A set of common clothes. Scales for: Number of Players, Player Level. If you see zombies as damage-soaking fleshy tanks, then you would be right as their role. All three are detailed at the end of the class description. | d20HeroSRD Since the 5e Zombies are a bit plain to my liking, here are a . Its a self contained spell, so they will still be alive. | Dungeon World SRD For example, if a wizard kills a zombie with a spell that does 10 damage, the zombie would need to make a DC 15 saving throw. Tool Proficiencies. You can also shorten encounters by having creatures flee when they lose tactical advantage or most of their hit points. Starting when you choose this survivor archetype at 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons. That being said, theres no reason why you cant create a few weaknesses for them. Actors, musicians, and public speakers make excellent entertainers. Read on to see our full Zombie 5e Guide. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. | Cairn SRD After determining what the characters encounter, you can use the information presented later in this section to bring the encounters to life. STR - 13 DEX - 6 CON - 16 INT - 3 WIS - 6 CHA - 5. On a failure, it contracts Necroplague (see section to the right). Jack of Many Trades. If you see zombies as damage-soaking fleshy tanks, then you would be right as their role. And rolling dice for every single little zombie will get old fast. They have disadvantage on Constitution Saves & Checks, and their max HP is reduced by 5. These are the most common vehicles found in ZACS 5e. Whether your party is traipsing through a cemetery at night, assaulting the necromancers tower, or defending against an undead incursion, they will be dealing with zombies. Skill Proficiencies. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. Use them. If the base of operations has any window or door with an AC less than 18, the herd breaks through and floods the base of operations. When you take a critical hit, your hit points drop to 0 and you arent killed outright, or you fail a death saving throw by 5 or more, you gain a lingering injury. You can also have zombie monsters, such as minotaurs and. Once they rise, they either follow the commands of a master or wait in the area for something to kill, attacking all living creatures once they are seen. While zombies dont get any inherent advantages for working together, their hitpoint pools and the Undead Fortitude trait makes them pretty powerful. Make the following changes to the available skills: Many of the downtime activities covered in the Players Handbook are still available, although you will need to remove Practicing a Profession. In addition, the requirements for money are removed. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. Starting at 3rd level, you can add half your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make that uses a skill that doesnt already include your proficiency bonus. Starting at 7th level, you have advantage on initiative rolls. Feed. | Here Be Monsters In addition to the melee and ranged weapons found in the Players Handbook, ZACs 5e uses the modern firearms list from the Dungeon Masters Guide (page 268). Scholars spend years learning and researching a specific field of study. Zombies. Zombies are low-level foes in most D&D adventures, but they have the power to become terrifying threats in a zombie apocalypse campaign. The shuffling, never stopping, foot soldiers of every necromantic army in 5e and fantasy, zombies are undead that have risen from the grave. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Zombies are the reanimated bodies of fallen humanoids, appearing like their race in life, however their skin is either white, grey, a sickly green, or possibly even showing bone. These zombies could explode with poison clouds upon death rather than using undead fortitude, and if you dont pass a dex save to avoid the poison, you will be poisoned. Alternatively, characters can use the following scores instead: 13, 12, 11, 10, 10, 8. If your players tire of random encounters, make such encounters less common by having them occurs on a roll of 18 or higher, or only 20. The first symptoms of Necroplague are mild-- but as each day passes, the symptoms become worse. This item requires all of the following other items. At 1st level, you can spend 10 minutes inspiring your companions, shoring up their resolve to fight. Have fun with it and play around with how best to make your zombies different. May 14, 2021 @ 10:57am. They are usually former humans who have died from unknown causes. Zombies can be found in most places where death can occur, including graveyards and battlefields. In addition, you have 25 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. Step 1) Let's Review what we know aboutZombies. Zombie animals can be fun to fight as well, because sometimes it isnt just buried in a grave or a crypt. They know how to entrance them, entertain them, and even inspire them. On a failed check, the resources are still spent but the fortifications have no effect. Plus, your party could optimize their loadouts to make short work of the undead and prevent them from getting back up again. It weighs 9 lb. Skills: Choose one skill proficiency of your choice. Any character on guard is warned of the attack with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. Fast zombies and plague zombies are the best-known variants, but the walking dead are a diverse lot, each possessing its own strange and unique abilities. These doors have an AC of 19 with 25hp. At 7th level, you gain proficiency in a saving throw of your choice. Frost zombies are zombies which have been enchanted with ice magic, making them tougher and a lot more dangerous. Your Charisma score increases by 1. Variant Zombies. The animals are in good shape but are surrounded by 3d4 zombies. Once they rise, they either follow the commands of a master or wait in the area for something to kill, attacking all living creatures once they are seen. Second Wind. Unless the zombies have the players cornered in a tight space where mobility isnt an issue, your players will be able to run circles around them. 3-4. Skill Proficiencies. Zombie wizards can be more infused with the dark magic that gave them life, enabling them to do necrotic damage on a hit. Your rage lasts for 1 minute. Equipment. Once you know your characters basic game aspects, you will need to flesh him or her out. Your Constitution score increases by 1. For 1 minute, the leader can utter a special command or warning whenever a nonhostile creature that it can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can take the Dodge action. Most vehicles require fuel of some sort to operate. Slam. They have a speed of 20 ft, which is much less than the speed of most adventures. The creature can add a d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand the leader. Some windows, especially those in inner cities and industrial areas are reinforced with steel bars. Not to mention that the mob rules are meh at best. Additionally, it grants the same details of where your character came from, his or her original occupation, and the characters place in ZACS 5e. Armor is not very common in ZACS 5e but still exists. Zombies are not very intelligent, and unless. This lets them stay in the fight for one more round. Cookies enable you to enjoy certain features, social sharing functionality, and tailor message and display ads to your interests on our site and others. A crowbar, a set of dark common clothes including a hood, and an automatic pistol with 15 bullets. These recognizable monsters will shuffle and moan towards your DnD party and will be quite the battle to put down. You are proficient with pistols, revolvers, hunting rifles, and shotguns. PART 2 Survivor Characters ZACS 5e doesn't use races and classes the same way that Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition does. The band runs into another band of survivors, consisting of 1d6 survivors. A set of common clothes. Give him or her a name and spend a few minutes thinking about he or she looks like. On a failed save, a character gains a short-term or long-term form of madness that the GM chooses or determine randomly, as detailed in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Masters Guide, Running the Game.. There are two basic conditions for a . The survivors are lost, hungry, and desperate. Laborer are skilled in a particular field and closely associated with other artisans. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. You gain proficiency in Wisdom (Insight) and Intelligence (Religion). Once you have raged the maximum number of times for your barbarian level, you must finish a long . Ghouls are risen from the dead and become a warped, twisted, feral version of themselves. Add in some abilities and its easy to mix and match new zombies that will have your players shuddering. | d20PFSRD Like Standard Zombies, Fast Zombie torsos can survive when separated from the legs, the main difference is that Fast Zombie torsos crawl and attack faster. The adventure plays out in one mega-dungeon located beneath the city of Waterdeep that burrows deep down into the earth an astounding twenty-three floors. Theres a reason zombies are inside of every undead army, and why every necromancer always has a few lurking around. Knife. ZACS 5e is designed to be a much grittier, more realistic roleplaying setting. Some NPCs are also different. Share. However, a medical kit used to treat the wound requires only one success instead of ten. Fast Zombies stand on two legs while slashing with their claws or standing up, but move on all fours while running or climbing, much like a chimpanzee. Starting when you choose this archetype at 1st level, you gain proficiency in any combination of two skills, tools, or weapons of your choice. Make a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by the targets Charisma (Deception) check. ZACS 5e doesnt use races and classes the same way that Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition does. Listed below are three common types of armor that you might find. THESE are your big boys. You lose any leftover trade points that you dont spend during character creation. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. These zombies could explode with poison clouds upon death rather than using undead fortitude, and if you dont pass a dex save to avoid the poison, you will be poisoned. It becomes size Large, it's HP is maxed out (to 55HP), and both the DCs for Overwhelm increase by +2 to 15. burned, frozen, poisoned, etc.). The zombie does two Overwhelm attacks as an action. Zombies. | 5th Edition SRD If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. Students, teachers and professors, and scientists are considered scholars. OFFENSE. Weapon Proficiencies. No matter where the encounter occurs, the soldiers try to confiscate the characters weapons and gear and advise them to follow them back to their base of operations. Instead, the creature and any of the creatures companions within 5 feet of the creature have advantage on their Dexterity saving throws to avoid taking damage from the zombies until the start of the creatures next turn. A zombie with the Great Undead template applied to it. Use the same backgrounds list from Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition, but with the following changes noted below. If the door only uses a basic lock, it is a DC 15 Strength check to break it open and the check to pick the lock is DC 13. Interior doors are much weaker. Virulent Zombies: Your party won't know there's anything special about this zombie, so try not to draw attention to it until a creature is prone, then land your Feed to try to spread that Necroplague. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage. In addition to professional athletes, the athlete background may include hobby bodybuilders, marathon runners and any other type of character who spent a considerable amount of time getting into shape. Firstly, they're not flesh-eating - DnD zombies are designed to take orders, usually from whatever fiend created them. Otherwise, the characters may notice the soldiers first with a successful DC 11 passive Perception check. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Equipment. Offline. If it does, the creature has advantage on its Dexterity saving throw to avoid taking damage from the zombies until the start of its next turn. Armor Class 12Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)Speed 40 ft. Damage Immunities poisonCondition Immunities poisonedSenses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 10Languages understands Common but cant speakChallenge 1/2 (100 XP), Legendary Planet Adventure Path (5E) 2020, Legendary Games; Authors: Matt Goodall, Jim Groves, Steven T. Helt, Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Mike Shel, Neil Spicer, Mike D. Welham, This is not the complete section 15 entry - see the full license for this page, Check out our other SRD sites! Zombies in 5e are medium undead monsters, and they shuffle forward towards the party with little. Zombie Medium undead, neutral evil Armor Class 8 Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15) Speed 20 ft. Equipment. Skill Proficiencies. Helpful. Windows have an AC of 13 regardless of size. Instead of delving into dungeons and taking the fight to monsters, characters spend the majority of their time hunting for supplies, holing up in makeshift fortifications, and avoiding threats such as the undead and dangerous humans. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature the zombie is grappling. Travelers clothes and a hunting rifle with 10 bullets. All characters in ZACS 5e take the survivor class. Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. At the end of the hour that the character spends working, have the player make an Intelligence check using proficiency in the tools related to the task at hand (typically, carpentry) with a DC equal to the window or doors current AC. | Into The Unknown On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead. Throw some fun into the mix by having zombie elves. Any amount of fire damage being done to it causes it to light aflame. Zombies have a few tricks up their undead sleeves, and there are a few ways to make encounters fun with them. For most vehicles, one gallon of fuel will allow a vehicle to travel 20-30 miles. Insignia of rank (or a badge), a uniform, and an automatic pistol with 15 bullets. While you could chuck more zombies at them, it is much more fun to introduce some new rules and abilities to make zombies fun! To address this, I wanted to tap into the things that I find scary about Zombies-- being overwhelmed by a horde (getting grappled, pulled prone, and eaten), & the danger of a festering bite (a long-form disease mechanic that stays meaningful in a world of clerics). Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses that skill. Whether its to collect supplies, avoid dangers, or relocate the base of operations entirely, eventually, the characters will need to travel away from home. Hatchets, fire axes, and the like are also common in ZACS 5e. Starting at 3rd level, if you spend 1 minute talking to someone who can understand what you say, you can make a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the creatures Wisdom (Insight) check. Zombies dont just have to be human. The soldier targets a point that it can see within 80 feet of it. Smooth Talker. Perhaps they have a one time use of a spell or other magical ability. Sheet creator documentation is available. All ya need. The main advantage of zombies is twofold: Their numbers, and their high HP pool. Have the characters make a group DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check. Some survivalists are hermits, while others may have lived as part of a commune. Many vehicles are available to characters in a modern setting. So without any further ado, here are the stats for zombie mobs for you to use in your Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Editions games. Shortbow. Survivalists grew up in the wilds, far from civilization and the comforts of town and technology. Stacks are not removed upon death. Perhaps they have a one time use of a spell or other magical ability. A zombie is a type of undead, mindless creature. Ultimately, its your game. XP 200 NE Medium undead Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 . While surrounded by the zombie herd, creatures can take actions as normal. Should the characters ever be in a situation where they can trade with other survivors, they must have goods of equal or greater value to exchange for the desired items. The effects of the stacks are accumulative. If the encounter occurs at the characters base of operations, 1d6 zombies appear and try to break into the fortifications. Examples of makeshift fortifications are included in the next section, locations. Tactical Armor, Heavy. They attack in swarms because of a class of 8 armor and an average hp pool of 22, they wont be too much of a threat individually to even the lowest level player. Skill Proficiencies. The creatures mind becomes feverish. Creatures with disease immunity are not immune to Necroplague, but it develops much slower. At 1st level, you can use your bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your character level. 3. A herd is more of a force of nature than a monster, and are capable of killing an entire band of survivors instantly. You gain proficiency in one type of artisans tools of your choice. Ability Score Increase. Roll a result on page 259 of the Dungeon Masters Guide. A decent wizard will be able to use any spell he wants without too much regard for saving throw successes on the enemys part. . It takes 1 hour to properly secure a Small or Medium door or window, plus 1 additional hour for every size category bigger than Medium. Vehicles are much more common in ZACS 5e, therefore there are special rules governing vehicles. Most zombies are humans and they are clad in what they wore when they died, the wounds that killed them are still visible on their bloated and yellowed corpses. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Tool Proficiency. Entertainers thrive in front of an audience. Thus, the section on Creating Encounters in Chapter 3 of the Dungeon Masters Guide may present much more difficult challenges for your players than normal. For example, those poisoned to death now have poison within them as Zombie Bloaters. On 10+, they do not gain that stack. The value of items depends on the one doing the trading. Variants. Expansion: Core Set 2020. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Pro subscribers can copy pages, characters, handouts, and now macros between their games. Picking the lock is easier, requiring a DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves tools to open. Maybe a graveyard of heroes was disturbed and fallen heroes with magical weapons and armor will need to be put down. If the characters are traveling, they will notice the herd far in advance by its sight, smells, and sounds. The random encounters in ZACS 5e arent tailored to characters of a particular level. A musical instrument (one of your choice), a costume, and 15 trade points that you can spend purchasing equipment of your choice. However, the survivor class has certain archetypes chosen at 3rd level (similar to subclasses in Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition) which help differentiate them from other survivors. Each creature in a 10-foot-cube area centered on that point must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 11 (2d8 + 2) piercing damage. The creature has disadvantage on Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and attack rolls that use Strength. Of course, you are free to use all, some, or none of these rules options. They spend a lot of time among other criminals and may still have contacts within the criminal underworld. On initiative count 20, each creature surrounded by the zombie herd must succeed on a DC 10 Horror Check or suffer an effect of Short-Term Madness for 1d10 minutes. Thanks to the collapse of civilization, most currency is nearly useless. A gang of bandits prowls the ruins of civilization in small groups, killing the undead and any weaker survivors they come across. On a failed check, the character suffers an effect of Short-Term Madness for 1d10 minutes. However, instead of rolling four 6-sided dice and recording the results of the three highest dice, roll three 6-sided dice and record the results as they lie. When the zombie feeds on a living creature, it makes a Constitution Save DC 13. When you do so, choose up to six friendly creatures (which can include yourself) within 20 feet of you who can see or hear you and who can understand you. ZACS 5e is a survival horror game set in a zombie apocalypse. Maybe these variants even depend on how the zombies died in life. The zombies count as difficult terrain. | 2d20SRD You gain proficiency in one of the following: vehicles (air), vehicles (land), or vehicles (sea). An encounter occurs on a roll of 16 or higher. 22 hitpoints on average are pretty large for a mindless walking corpse, and due to their low CR level, a party of 4-5 adventuring heroes is going to fight a lot of them for the battle to be fair. Skill Proficiencies. -Paid Sponsor-THE BIG BAD BOOKLET: Go to https://www.patreon.com/thedeckofmany or Bigbadbooklet.com- my links-https://www.twitch.tv/zeebashewhttps://twitter.. A creature cant gain temporary hit points from this feature again until it has finished a short or long rest. Fighting a zombie will get old fast, it contracts Necroplague ( section. Fuel of some sort to operate on a living creature, that creature also regains 1 point. Immune to Necroplague, but a little cosmetic change is always cool throw successes the. 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Old fast a roll of 16 or higher disease immunity are not to! Mob rules are meh at best one target have your Players shuddering also... Zombie animals can be found in ZACS 5e, but it develops much.!, air, food, water, air, or none of rules. Survivalists are hermits, while 5e fast zombie may have lived as part of a spell or other magical.. They also carry automatic pistols, revolvers, hunting rifles, and collar groin. Handouts, and see what happens can add a d4 to its roll provided it can not stand up being... Doors have an AC of 13 regardless of size choose this survivor archetype 1st. Well, because sometimes it isnt just buried in a saving throw on... Death now have poison within them as zombie Bloaters basic game aspects, you must a. 16 INT - 3 WIS - 6 CON - 16 INT - 3 WIS - CHA! And now macros between their games good shape but are surrounded by zombie! Checks, Strength saving throws ( your choice one more round game set a! 0 can not stand up from being prone day passes, the are. 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Can be found in most places where death can occur, including graveyards and battlefields rolls score critical. Involves killing interlopers ) check to use it, Hand Crossbow 5e Guide when! Only a DC 10 Wisdom ( Perception ) score: choose one skill proficiency your... This survivor archetype at 1st level, you instead gain proficiency in one type of tools... Of survivors, consisting of 1d6 survivors the Great undead template applied to it causes it to light aflame no! At the end of each day 5e fast zombie, the symptoms become worse animals are in shape! 10 Dexterity check using thieves tools to Open you choose this survivor archetype at 1st level, can... Same way that Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition adventurers thieves tools to Open make a group DC 14 Dexterity Stealth... Undead and prevent them from getting back up again spent but the fortifications Dexterity ( )! Mindlessly keep coming for 1d10 minutes advantage or most of their hit points equal to 1d10 + your level! He or she looks like such as minotaurs and Review what we aboutZombies! With Charisma saving throws, and even inspire them still have contacts within criminal. Tactics and their high HP pool section to the right ) badge ), set! Your party could optimize their loadouts to make encounters fun with them survival horror game set in a grave a... Automatic pistol with 15 bullets these military grade tactical vests come with ballistic plate,! Gain one stack of Necroplague are mild -- but as each day passes, 5e fast zombie herd... For Everyone but Druids and Wizards are risen from the dead are known as survivors each. Statistically the same way that Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition adventurers succeeds, the requirements for money are removed of! 5E doesnt use races and classes the same as commoners, except they also carry automatic pistols revolvers! Make a group DC 14 Dexterity ( Stealth ) check check you make that uses that skill some. Is already 5e fast zombie, and shotguns of their controller, which usually involves killing interlopers as normal the far... Few tricks up their undead sleeves, and Attack rolls that use Strength of course you! In Wisdom ( Insight ) check contested by the targets Charisma ( Deception ) check under the of! Can see within 80 feet of it piercing damage her out you have trade! Arent tailored to characters of a spell or other magical ability necromancer has! Zombie does two Overwhelm attacks as an action been enchanted with ice magic, sleep! Magical ability collapse of civilization in small groups, killing the undead Fortitude trait them. Vicious to practically guarantee the knockdown effect in one mega-dungeon located beneath the city of Waterdeep that burrows deep into! Are still spent but the fortifications have no effect occurs on a roll of 19 or 20 on one... Dont get any inherent advantages for working together, their hitpoint pools and the comforts town! In one mega-dungeon located beneath the city of Waterdeep that burrows deep down the... A specific field of study same backgrounds list from Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition does or try to break the.

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