Modifies: light crossbow, shortbow, greatbow, heavy crossbow, longbow, recurve bow, arquebus When you roll the highest number on a damage die, you must reroll the die and take the second roll. Simple Weapons Armor lined or reinforced with animal hides and furs for warmth. You can inflict status with this weapon, and when you do you inflict both status: slashing and status: bludgeoning, even though you only deal slashing damage. Futuristic firearms are powered by a special type of ammunition called energy cells. Beyond a weapons short range, attacks up to the weapons long range are still possible, but they are made with disadvantage. A crew must have appropriate ammunition, as detailed later in this section, to fire a siege engine. If one of your hands is occupied by performing somatic components, grappling, etc, you cannot attack with this weapon until you return your hand to the weapon. Therefore, it can be helpful to think of the different types of weapons in D&D as archetypes, rather than specific items. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. This weapon returns to your hand if you miss. The target's weapons also shrink to match its new size. Cestus are not held in the hand but are worn as gloves or wrapped around the forearm. Ideally, players will intuit and remember properties with ease. Many weapons can be represented by the same mechanics. These weapons are unwieldier than most. Whether or not a character is proficient with firearms is left up to the DM and the content of their campaign. These weapons feature chains, hooks, or other parts that entangle. An apparatus combining a small shield, a lantern, a gauntlet, and several blades. A set of fanned barrels used as an anti-personnel weapon during the Hundred Years' War. Modifies: arquebus, handgonne Racial and class features might provide damage dice when making unarmed strikes with specific parts of your body. Ultimately, it hopes to increase martial characters' ability to think tactically and add a level of nuance which characters without magic or superiority dice sorely lacked. However, it appeals enormously to martial play, makes choice of weapon have meaning, and it's easy to learn your favorites. You must decide to do this before making the attack roll. Iron weapons ignore fey creatures' resistances and immunities to nonmagical weapons and damage, and when a fey creature starts its turn in contact with an item made of iron, it takes 1 fire damage. Because of its small size and attachment to your hand, you cannot drop a cestus or be disarmed of one unless you are incapacitated. The Hammer comes with a catch well, two. To do so, each weapon has a combination of several unique properties, which add new functions, passive bonuses, or options. The mightiest mundane items, siege engines are expensive, slow artillery used in large battles. Chain Whip. USAF 425th TFTS F-5E Fighter Weapons School Instructor Patch Williams AFB. You can use your Strength modifier to increase the range of darts hurled with this weapon, as though it had the thrown property, and it and its darts are considered thrown weapons when used to make ranged attacks for the purposes of benefits such as the Thrown Weapon Fighting fighting style. Clicking on a melee weapon's name will give you a description of the weapon and . In some cases, these properties conflict or overlap with feats, a difficult problem. Each has its own benefits. Special And Unusual Weapons In addition to normal weapons forged of wood and steel, sometimes you'll encounter weapons made of special materials or which are otherwise unusual. 0wlington 8 yr. ago Full plate reduces the damage by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus instead. You cannot buy elemental ammunition, but you can craft it if you have proficiency in the appropriate tools and the Arcana skill, and can cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage without expending a spell slot. A lance requires two hands to wield when you aren't mounted. If mastery of a particular type of weapon is something youre interested in, choosing a feat to complement that weapon can be a great way to go. Wearing armor made from bone (an incredibly rare item thanks to bones' inflexibility and inconsistent quality) grants you advantage on saving throws against necromancy spells, and when you cast a necromancy spell through a focus made from bone you can reroll one of the spell's damage dice. Fey are not pleased by this development. My approach is more like: if those things get fixed (by houserules or whatever), then this weapons list should still work with the fixes. When prepared for the right moment, the weapon can be devastatingly effective. Steel. While holding a creature in this way, you can use a bonus action to attempt to shove that creature using your weapon's reach and weapon attack modifier instead of your own reach and Strength (Athletics) modifier. A great feat if you acknowledge the universal truth that more, bigger sharp things equal more dead enemies. Silver Bullet. When wielded in both hands, it acts as a melee weapon that deals 1d8 piercing damage with the ensnaring, heavy, and parry properties in addition to its AC bonus. A solid feat for high-Strength damage dealers who want to really maximize the feeling of being a greatsword-wielding death machine. Whistling Arrow. Unarmed Strike. This thick, heavy spear is better wielded in two hands than one. Modifies: buckler, shield, tower shield, dueling shield You cannot drop or be disarmed of a gauntlet-sword. This is pretty close to being a tie with the scimitar, but as theres not a huge amount of difference between these d6 damage light weapons, I think the shortsword takes it on price. This reduction applies before you apply resistances or vulnerabilities. The cannons in this document are muzzle-loaded, lack wheels, and have the gunpowder property. When you hit an object with an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition, the hit is a critical hit. A weapon with a scope attached doesn't have disadvantage on attack rolls made beyond its standard range. When you land a critical hit or exceed a target's AC by 5 or more, you deal additional piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus. This weapon has the gunpowder property, and its user is both prone and gains half cover when using it. A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has a range in parentheses after the ammunition or thrown property. If you are disarmed of this shield or doff it, the lantern moves with it. Both Adamantine and Mithral confer some mechanical benefits to equipment, but there arent a whole heap of rules for either, so fair warning: our guides do some (very careful and considered) slightly homebrew ruling. A critical hit also triggers status. In addition, this weapon can be used to throw bombs to any point within its long range. On a hit, the target is automatically grappled and restrained. The attack also ignites flammable objects within its area of effect that aren't being worn or carried. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, and destroys the net. Ranged weapon attacks are made using a characters Dexterity modifier. Modifies: armor You can use them one-handed for 1d8 slashing damage which frees you up to use a shield, hold a torch, or cast spells or double down and use it two-handed for 1d10 damage. When you take nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage, the damage you take is reduced by an amount equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded down. Adamantine. Properties should in most cases adhere to the design philosophy of 5e, and most are relatively simple or expand properties which already existed. Ironwood items are considered wood, rather than metal, for the purposes of spells and other effects that target those materials, and can't be set on fire by effects that ignites objects that aren't being worn or carried. An ultra-hard jet-black metal with a multicolored sheen, weapons made from this meteoric iron devastate other objects. When worn, half plate and heavy armor offer Damage Reduction. Most bronze weapons are antiques, though the use of bronze-cast cannon and bombards has caused it to return. As time passes, most warriors will find their favorites, memorize those options, and remain loyal to their preferred style. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Their might allows settlements without magic or heroes to defend themselves against supernatural threats. An energy cell contains enough power for all the shots its firearm can make. Flametouched Iron. A +1 weapon is uncommon, a +2 weapon is rare, and a +3 weapon is very rare. A creature can take this damage only once per turn. There are a couple of weirder, unofficial outliers as well, but well get to them in a minute. The rules make no distinction between a kukri and a stiletto; theyre both daggers, and its up to you to decide how you want to flavor that type of weapon. The Armor Table shows the cost, weight, armor class, and properties each type of armor. If you inflict status on an attack but deal no bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing to a creature with the attack, you do not trigger the effects of status. When you roll a 1 on a weapon damage die for an attack you make with a bow that has this set of forward-facing secondary arms, you can reroll the die. Barrel of Sewage. Modifies: shortbow, greatbow, longbow, recurve bow Crossbows are the most commonly encountered example of a weapon with the loading property. Most classes that have martial weapon proficiency start with one or two for free, as listed in their starting gear. A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance. When determining if youre proficient with a particular weapon, the place to start is whether or not the weapon is simple or martial. UPGRADED D&D Weapons: The Bow More Content #Shorts Become a Patron: Alkander's Almanac D&D 5e Expansion: http. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take the weapons normal damage. Fiends and undead take an additional 4d6 radiant damage from a cauldron of holy water on a failed saving throw, or half as much damage on a success. The DM is within their rights to disallow any alternative on this list. All iron is considered cold iron, and iron is one of the most common materials used to make weapons. Garotte Wire. An attack with any part of your body, such as a fist or knee. Shield grips determine how you hold a shield. You can make an exception if you want, but "Very Rare" items . That change is listed in parentheses: (b) for bludgeoning, (p) for piercing, and (s) for slashing. This can be tempting, but if its proficiencies with weapons youre after, youre probably better off taking one level in fighter. Unarmed strikes act as a melee weapon for features that activate after a successful weapon attack, such as martial maneuvers, divine smites, or spells delivered with weapons, but is not considered a weapon when an effect or ability such as Two-Weapon Fighting requires you to hold one. Who needs Power Word Kill when youve got a gun? 5e PHB pp.144: As a general rule, undamaged weapons, armor, and other equipment fetch half their cost when sold in a market. Elemental Ammunition. Melee weapons, especially polearms, used a haft made of wood and a head made of iron or steel. Boiling Oil. A creature can free itself or others by using its action and succeeding on a DC 10 Strength check. The corpse of a Small creature deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage and 1d10 poison damage. You can add weapons of your own design to the game, but be cautious. When you apply an injury poison to an adamantite weapon or piece of ammunition, the poison isn't removed after the first injury, but is instead applied every time you deal piercing or slashing damage to a creature until the poison dries naturally. They are a specialization with an enormous opportunity cost and should be treated as such. Xun Lei Chong. A single-man siege weapon made from five gun barrels mounted on a single axis, that uses a rotating fuse mechanism to fire multiple shots at one target. You can inflict status with this weapon, and when you do you inflict the effects of both status: piercing and status: slashing, regardless of the damage type you dealt. When you damage a prone creature with a finisher weapon, you roll an additional weapon damage die. At 1st level, the greatsword is always the right choice over its more swingy cousin, the greataxe. The "v.3.5 revised edition" of the game has both spiked gauntlets and punch daggers as core weaponsand they are both simple. None of the weapon's properties apply to that attack. This additional barrel multiplies the weight of the gun by 1.5 and allows you to attack twice, instead of once, before reloading. As objects, each engine is immune to psychic and poison damage. You start with the armor listed for your class. You can target a number of creatures in that line equal to your proficiency bonus, making new attack rolls for each creature. Picture Information. You can load both barrels with a single action. A weapon that requires two hands should hit harder than a weapon that can be used in one hand. When a creature fails its saving throw against the cauldron, it is coated in oil. Your characters race as well as their subclass (many of the cleric classs divine domains, for example, give additional weapon proficiencies) and certain feats can also give you proficiency with extra weapons. While every weapon has a default material, different substances provide circumstantial benefits. This Legendary weapon is useful for strong player characters to have to fight some of the biggest monsters in the D&D 5e universe: namely dragons, giants, and ogres. Ironwood. This chapter adds no new actions and works to adhere to the already-extant combat system without additional redundancies, extras, or rules bloat, though it does tweak much. For an adventurer, having access to the right weapon can often mean the difference between victory and defeat even life and death. (Weapon stats are different enough between 3.5e and 5e that the other 3.5e attributes of these weapons probably aren't too meaningful for 5e.) Create new weapon. Then, pick a weapon that suits that style of fighting. The arrow ignites objects in that space that aren't being worn or carried. [Rough Draft] (xpost /r/unearthedarcana) If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. Because finesse weapons like the rapier allow low-Strength, high-Dexterity classes to be effective in melee combat, these weapons are very popular with rogues and bards. A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance. A explosive barrel packed with gunpowder and pellets attached to the end of a polearm. If a magical shield applies its bonus to both AC and attack and damage rolls, its rarity tier increases by one. A Wizard can't just spend a few months of downtime to learn how to swing a greataxe, for example. Objects in that area also take damage. Simple Weapons: Dagger Dart Greatclub Handaxe Javelin Light crossbow Light hammer Shortbow Sling Martial Weapons Blowgun Greataxe Greatsword Hand crossbow Heavy crossbow Lance Longbow Maul Net Rapier Scimitar Shortsword Planned New Weapons: Bolas Double axe Exploding shuriken Katana Khopesh Kunai Nodachi Ranseur Shuriken Siangham Twinblades 2) 1d8 on a light weapon - regardless of damage type - makes this the new dual wielding sword and makes dual wielder feat essentially just a feat for +1 to AC - goes from a situational feat to a feat where there is always a better option - to make this at all balanced this needs to be an option only for +0/1 uncommon/rare magical swords/items Because your proficiency bonus can easily mean the difference between a hit and a disastrous miss, youre not going to want to make an attack with a weapon you arent proficient in unless theres no other option. Melee might not be for you. This cost represents not only the price of the silver but the time and expertise needed to add silver to the weapon without making it less effective. An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. Upon firing, the projectiles fly in a line 5 foot wide and as long as the gun's normal range. Lastly, special weapons have their own unique rules that set them apart from other options on the list. A middling feat that mixes a +1 Strength or Dexterity increase with proficiency in four simple or martial weapons of your choice. This ability can be used in conjunction with the Great Weapon Master feat. When wearing adamantine armor, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. After the initial impact, sewage seeps from the barrel in all directions. This mechanical and stylistic diversity is the ultimate benefit of tabletop roleplay over other games, and this remaster helps that aspect shine. Characters in most established D&D settings, like the Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk, wouldnt have firearm proficiency, so if they found a gun (presumably in a scene resembling that moment from the Tim Burton Planet of the Apes), theyd have to practice using the training rules to gain proficiency. Used in areas without access to wood or metal, items made of this inflexible material are as durable as their standard versions, but weigh half as much and have triple the cost. When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points with a sweeping weapon, you can target another creature within 5 feet of the first that you can reach and, if the original attack roll can hit it, apply any remaining damage to it. Precise, delicate, and graceful, Finesse weapons are melee weapons that let the wielder choose between adding their Strength or Dexterity modifier to attack and damage rolls. Similar sidenote - Could always add a saber. Because some monsters (werewolves being the classic example) have resistance or immunity to attacks made with nonmagical weapons but are susceptible to silver, its possible to invest in plating mundane weapons with silver. No longer is a longsword interchangeable with a battleaxe, or a spear with a javelin. Modifies: light crossbow, hand crossbow, heavy crossbow When you attack an object or a target wearing a breastplate, brigandine, cuirass, half plate, hauberk, splint, or full plate with a sundering weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll. You can gain proficiency in an exotic weapon from class or race features, training rules, or the Weapon Master feat. Hwacha. You can use a bonus action to attempt to disarm a creature within your reach, using your weapon attack modifier in place of Strength (Athletics). You can be proficient with different weapon types, depending on training, or use objects to improvise one. A goblin with a dagger was as much a threat as a orc with a great sword and it was the characters inherent attributes and 'skill . You must use the same modifier for both rolls. ( Info / ^ Contact) HazeZero 7 yr. ago However, if youre playing a barbarian or half-orc, both of which benefit from some features that give them better criticals, at higher levels the larger damage dice granted by the greataxe starts to outshine the greatsword. Grabbing the nearest thing to hand and using it to hit someone over the head is a time-honored tradition among adventuring parties. Enjoy these 23 new weapons, from boomerangs to spiked chains, guaranteed to impress your friends and severely wound your enemies! Morningstar. However, the two-handed property is relevant only when you attack with the weapon, not when youre just holding it or carrying it around. When you come within 5 feet of a prone creature on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make a melee weapon attack against that creature. A strong, off-white material scavenged from animal, monster, or humanoid corpses which is carved or cut into useful shape. Magma. Swords, spears, axes, hammers, and many other kinds of weapons are designed for use in melee. When you hit with a firecage arrow, half the damage you deal is fire damage, instead of piercing. Since most alternates originate from cultures and eras outside D&D's early-renaissance European pastichesuch as Rome, Japan, China, India, and Polynesiathey are not appropriate for every game and location. So while equipment used by monsters is rarely worth much as loot, any non-monster NPCs can be looted by a plain reading of the RAW. Lance. Net. Not only do you get to use a bonus action to make a melee attack with the opposite end of your polearm (for a d4 of bludgeoning damage), but while you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter your reach. martial melee weapons, base damage 1d10, Simple ranged weapons; Martial ranged weapons; This are not all possible named weapons: Great axe has damage and traits of Maul and Greatsword for example, Longswords is the same as warhammer and battleaxe, halberd is the same as pike, guisarme, pole-ax, etc. When used to attack an evil creature or an undead, a weapon made from flametouched iron is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical damage. Special weapons have entirely unique attributes, detailed after the weapon charts. Modifies: all melee weapons, three pieces of ammunition that are not bullets If you are wielding a cestus, you can use that hand to grapple or shove an enemy, but you cannot make attacks with that hand without ending the grapple. D&D 5.5 Can Make Existing Weapons More Diverse The biggest issue with the current weapons in D&D is that some of them are almost identical, save for their price and weight. This only works assuming they have enough ammunition to keep their new gun working long enough to become familiar with it. Siege Tower. Bronze. Weapons made from steel by default are listed with their cost when made of steel. Might give you some good ideas! All in all, there are 37 different weapons in the D&D 5e equipment list. When exposed to sunlight, adamantite weapons disintegrate. Ranged weapons are hugely versatile (you can use them as delivery systems for messages, fire, and magical trick arrows if you can get them) as well as being a highly effective way to deal damage without giving your enemies chance to hurt you back especially if you make judicious use of cover. The target's speed is halved until it takes 10 minutes to scrape the tar from its body. This movable galley is equipped with an iron-clad log suspended by chains. Were going to get into stuff like weapon proficiencies (whether or not your class can actually use a particular weapon), different weapon properties, and even magical weapons in a bit. When you make an attack, the weapon flashes, expels smoke, and creates a bang that can be heard within 300 feet. All adamantine melee weapons have the sundering property, against all types of wearable armor. In the case of classes that focus on martial prowess over magical ability, having the right weapon to hand is essential for using certain class abilities, feats, fighting styles, and even spells. The creature which aims the trebuchet chooses a point in range at least 60 feet away. In addition to their damage dice and damage type (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage), weapons are defined by their properties, which were going to break down here starting with the most simple division of weapons into melee and ranged categories. The curved metal bars that flare out from the shaft of this arrow create a cage that carries a burning coal through the air, which sheds dim light in a 5 ft. radius. Obsidian. In D&D 5e, class grants you proficiency with certain weapons, reflecting both the classs focus and the tools you are most likely to use. 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