It often travels on all fours and has glowing eyes. The name stems from the Old Irish word for "goblin," puca. The Wendigo and the Wechuge may best be compared to todays modern zombies. Legendary creatures of the United States. Eye witnesses describe the Slide-Rock Bolter as a large, whale-like monster with an immense head, small eyes and a huge mouth. Thor battling the Midgard Serpent. A number of religions, legends, and belief systems describe shadowy spiritual beings or supernatural entities such as shades of the . 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. The creature gets its name from its awful odor. Your intuition may be very good, leading you to alternative cures or treatments and healthier lifestyle habits. What happened to Sam Harris? The Shoshone avoided the Nimerigar whenever possible.. All the myths and legends of this mythical creature describe the N-dam-keno-wet as a male a male who likes pretty, young women. Many years ago a huge and fearsome creature began to carry off members of that tribe of Indians called the Illinois. Yikes. One enterprising Arkansan claimed to have captured a Gowrow, and would let the public see it for a small price of admittance. There is a fringe theory, however, that claims the entity known as Skinwalkers is somehow able to use the DNA of animal hides or human hair to manipulate its own DNA into copying it. By continuing to browse you are agreeing to the use of these cookies. Worried and upset that their daughter was outside so late, Susanas parents forced her to come inside. Their agility and ability to shapeshift makes them impossible to capture. In some myths, the little people were magical forest gnomes, while in others, they were a fearsome foe. When she found it, the beast took one look at her and fled, petrified. The Loch Ness Monster gets all the attention, but according to Native American myths and folklore, there are strange, unidentified sea serpents living in some of the larger lakes of North America, too. But just before the reveal, he announced the Gowrow had escaped. Some witnesses have found strange footprints, 14 inches long and eight inches wide, with four toes, in the snow. This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total. Unfortunately, nobody has managed to catch the Bear Lake Monster so any potential prize money remains as insubstantial as the monster itself. Now called La Llorana, she attacks those who venture to the river at night, looking to kill people in her grief. (Oct. 16, 2014), Mothman Festival. It had a long nose like a wolf and can move upright or on all fours. This creature with "tendril-like" fingers and glowing eyes was spotted by three Massachusetts teens in 1977. The Gowrow was described as a twenty-foot-long reptile with enormous tusks that ate livestock. Arizona's Mogollon Monster. "Donkey Lady tales travel around area." Although some reports have surfaced that the beast remains active, it hasnt stopped Bladenboro from hosting an annual festival centered around the legend -- which is this weekend. Wendigo - I love drawing folklore creatures and decided to draw a Wendigo, a Native American evil spirit : r/learnart . For other groups, like the Seminole, tribes of little people can be seen only by children and medicine people, says Dictionary of Native American Mythology. Witnesses describe Teratorns as having wings spanning at least 20 feet. The Taku-He has been spotted in mostly in wide-open areas, staring creepily at witnesses. Mythical Creatures are legendary beasts, monsters or massive animals that are based on the stories, myths and legends of the different tribes of Native American Indians - Native American Mythology. It also had three teeth, and a white star on its forehead. the Siren of Greek myth, and that creepy girl from the "Ring" movies, El Naddaha has a relatively recent origin compared with the 5,000-year span of Egyptian mythology.Just within the past century, apparently, stories began to circulate in rural Egypt about a beautiful voice that calls, by name, to men walking the banks of the Nile. (Oct. 15, 2014), McCullough, Chuck. As the stories say, the Nimerigar practiced a gruesome form of euthanasia by bashing in the skulls of their own members who had become injured, fallen ill, or grew too old to be useful. A website devoted to the creature, The Florida Skunk Ape, says it receives several reports of sightings each week. Reports of what emerged from the lake describe a green, wet, seven-foot-tall creature. The Jackalope (Lepus temperamentalus) is a cross between a rabbit and an antelope (or sometimes a goat or deer) seen over most parts of the United States. Photograph by David Barkasy and Loren Coleman. Rooted inKutenai legend, this Montana monster is often depicted as a long eel. A mythical fairy of Celtic folklore, the pooka is a dark-furred creature that assumes a variety of forms. Knudsen's photo depicted a tall, willowy, fuzzy figure. Bigfoot is one of the oldest creatures to make its way into American mythology and was part of the folklore of indigenous cultures well before the first settlers arrived. Says one onlooker: "His head was like a camel's. Some say he's an exiled chief; others, the man who stole another chief's bride and was transformed by the local medicine man as a punishment. "Lost Tapes Wendigo." Slenderman is a notable legendary figure for two main reasons. She rejected most of her suitors, and married the most handsome young ranchero around. Top 10 Greatest Mythological Creatures and Legendary Creatures of Myth and Folklore Werewolf: Wolf-human shapeshifter (Global Culture) Dragon: Depicted as fire-breathing and winged (Global Culture) Chimera: Hybrid Fire-breathing creature (Greek Mythology) Loch Ness Monster: Aquatic monster (Scottish Folklore) "The noise opened up again, as though Satan and a regiment of imps were coming forth for battle," wrote a reporter for the Des Moines Daily News after the area's resident man-shaped bat escaped into a mine shaft. One Texas woman even brought in a strange-looking dead critter a suspected chupacabra to scientists at Texas State University-San Marcos and the University of California-Davis for DNA testing. If the Loogaroo sucks out too much blood, the victim will die and become a Loogaroo himself. The massive wings of the Thunderbird made the sound of thunder when they flapped, and according to some stories, the Thunderbird even shot lightning from its eyes. They practice cannibalism, sitting in circles and eating piles or basketfuls of human flesh.. The third creature in our list of mythical creatures hails from the East. The bear, beaver, elk, eagle, owl, and snake are also frequently referred to, but also occur in the myths of Woodland and other tribes. More in Mythic Creatures. According to the rumor, this freshwater cephalopod is about the size of a horse and resembles an octopus, with long tentacles and leathery, reddish-brown skin. He saw creatures of around four feet tall, with webbed hands and green, leathery skin. This mythical creature was revered as sacred. These mythical creatures have been brought to life in stories, dances, ceremonies and works of art. The body was covered in scales, yet it had a human-like face. According to Connecticut legend, these small humanoids with bulbous heads are the inbred decedents of escaped criminals who resorted to cannibalism to survive the area's harsh winters. If it wasn't for his three-toed footprint, it would be easy to mistake this hairy, stinky, sandwich-stealing hominid for somebody's dad. In this manner, stories of the Wendigo and Wechuge served as cautionary tales warning people against wandering the woods alone. People who have glimpsed the beast describe a large, red-eyed creature covered in long dark hair. Descriptions of the monster are inconsistent; sometimes it is said to be a hairy bipedal creature, while other accounts describe a ghostlike figure. Swimming like a dolphin, but with the snout of a crocodile and big bug eyes, the existence of this stream-dweller has been recognized by native Americans for centuries. Both versions say that Maria became consumed with guilt and sorrow after the boys' deaths, and began walking alongside the river crying out for them. Its face was hidden in a mass of hair. Al-mi'raj. Witnesses who got a good look at Shunka Warak'in described it as being nearly black, with high shoulders and a back that sloped downward much like a hyena. "Mothman." If you came here looking to get your X-Files on, you're sure to have found an unexplained phenomenon or two in our mythical creature bestiary. In Norse mythology, few stories are as dramatic as that of Jormungand, the . Another version of the story says Maria was the wild one, going out at night to entertain men and often leaving her young boys home alone. people who disturbed them. In 1673, Father Jacques Marquette wrote about the Piasa Bird in the journal he kept while traveling through the area. Both of these creatures attempted to lure humans into the water, where they frequently drowned. They dont leave behind footprints, so they cannot be tracked. Some said the beast was spawned from a failed NASA experiment; others claimed that the disease AIDS originated in the chupacabra [source: Ross]. Lurking along the Utah-Idaho border, this serpent-like creature was first spotted by a Mormon colonizer in 1868. Some say it stands around seven feet tall, others say 10 feet. With its figure-eight-shaped melon head and ability to fuse with rocks, it's pretty clear the Dover Demon is either an alien or an escaped scientific experiment. Those who claim to have seen them describe them as more than seven feet tall and covered in grayish hair. This hissing tripod can leap at least 25 feet in a single bound and may be an evil spirit or an alien, depending on who you ask. According to lore, the beast demands a blood sacrifice before it will allow anyone to cross the lake. Iowa residents claimed to see a half-human, half-winged animala few even tried shooting it to no avail. This terrifying creature is the Wampus Cat. While no photos of him exist, reports consistently place him at around 7 feet tall with piercing red eyes (sometimes on his head, other times on his chest) and either bat-like or feathered wings. All cultures have historic mythical tales created long ago to explain things people didn't understand. Several Native American tribes include stories of races of little people, called the Teihiihan, the Nimerigar, and the Pukwudgies. After the famous debut, the creature went on to emerge once per decade, giving mystery to its history. The black Hodag was, and is the largest of the several Hodag species. Several dog carcasses were later found drained of blood. The N-dam-keno-wet is the Algonquin version of the mermaid myth. In this myth, if a Wendigo possesses you, you'll go out and start eating people. Other names for this flying mythical creature are Unipeg, Alicorn, or Winged Unicorn. In another version of the story, the children died while Maria was away cavorting with other men. Although she never harmed anyone, the thought of a hug from Miss Molly is enough to make kids keep curfew. This dragon-like beast was depicted in two Native American murals along the Mississippi River. It is muscular and scaly with bulging, red eyes. Centaurs. According to legends, these werent cute, jolly, Disney-esque dwarves. The Loogaroo is sometimes described as a witch or a vampire, but often is a shapeshifter that holds all the attributes of other monsters. Her ghost came back and continued the vigil, wailing and screaming in the night. Another version of the tale says she lives under an old stone bridge crossing Elm Creek in south San Antonio. The Thunderbird Myth. Typhon (Greek and Roman) Echidna (Greek) The Furies (Greek and Roman) Scylla and Charybdis (Greek) Banshees (Celtic) 1. One corner of the animal kingdom is immune from extinction, the creatures that live in our imagination and every US state has its own infamous mythical beast. It likely had its origins with one Daniel Leeds of 18th-century New Jersey. When late 19th-century farmer George Brown's relatives kept dying without explanation, locals decided to dig up their graves and investigate the bones. In time, this being would grow into a giant.. In terms of Cajun folklore, the Rougarou may be the most popular. June 30, 2014. Closed Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Fellow forum posters added details, as did Knudsen. She was a beautiful girl who would only deign to marry the most handsome man. Generally on the prowl in northeastern Tennessee, the creature has also been spotted in eastern Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia and, intriguingly, at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. Mothman is the name given to a creature first seen in West Virginia in November of 1966. The faces of these so-called Dark Watchers have never been seen and they never make a sound. It's part of our human DNA. Linda Godfrey, Michigan-based author of several books of American monster lore, said: "There's a group nickname for these large . One of the only mythical creatures to have a shade of eye shadow named after it. It has supernatural powers but is not dangerous. The warrior's wife wasn't happy about this, so she hid under the skin of a mountain lion and stalked the beast to exact revenge. The N-dam-keno-wet wasnt unique in North American mythology; other mythical creatures stalked young women too, according to Native American stories. Loch Ness monster - this is one of the more famous mythological creatures: a long-necked water creature said to inhabit Loch Ness in Scotland. (Oct. 13, 2014), Florida Skunk Ape. If this is the case, the Skinwalkers are much more advanced than we are. By and large, Native Americans transmit culture, history, values, hopes, and dreams through what they say and do, wrote Sam D. Gill and Irene F. Sullivan in Dictionary of Native American Mythology. In Native American mythology, there is what is known as the Thunderbird. He didn't initially write much about it, but hinted at its evil character. It's said to have large red eyes, a row of spines down its back and bat-like wings. Cynics reckon the White Thang spotted wandering the counties of Morgan, Etowah and Jefferson since the 1940s could just be an albino bear. This scaly scoundrel hangs around South Carolina's swamplands and was first spotted in the 1980s. Furthermore, it has three fingers, red eyes and scales. And a lot of them involve scary creatures: Scotland's Loch Ness Monster, for instance or the Himalayans' Yeti, or Abominable Snowman. Often, you never knew what happened when he caught someone just that it likely wasn't pretty. From Tessie to Elsie, California doesn't shy away from its fair share of legendary sea monsters. It is no different in the United States. Advertisement ‐ Content Continues Below. More open-minded cynics take comfort in the thought that he could just be an albino Bigfoot. Since the discovery of the San Pedro Mountains Mummy, the remains of other ancient little people have been found. Swamp creatures have long been part of human folklore, so it's probably not surprising that a state with vast tracts of swampland birthed such a myth. (Oct. 13, 2014), Urban Legends Online. The tribes of the Pacific Northwest topped their totem poles with carved images of Thunderbirds. People began whispering that the deaths came at the paws of a mad animal. For those wondering, the Mothman is described as a humanoid creature with large wings and glowing red eyes. With a rap sheet stretching back to the 1950s, the Blandenboro's trail went cold in 2003 but locals still keep their pets indoors overnight, just in case. Maria walked the riverside in her white gown, crying for her sons, until she died of starvation on the river bank. When stories of the Jersey Devil arose, it was said to be the child of a Mother Leeds and looked much like the winged dragons on the Leeds family crest [source: Regal]. The Thunderbird is a very large and powerful bird. One on our list even began in the Internet Age. Many of the legends claim that the Skinwalker can only shapeshift if it wears the pelt or hide of the creature it is copying, but there are other stories that claim the Skinwalkers can use hair or fingernail clippings from humans to shapeshift into them. We've got another real one, folks! As menacing as the tahsaia was, however, most of the tales about this cannibalistic demon end in the creatures defeat. The mythology and ritual are the heart, the lifeblood, of every Native American culture.. "La Llorona - A Hispanic Legend." Every culture around the globe creates mythical tales. 2. If the human ate it, he or she would be transformed into a Bakwas too. If you live in San Antonio, Texas, the Donkey Lady might get you. The stories surrounding Yenaldlooshi are pretty gnarly: theyre always up to evil shenanigans and breaking Navajo taboos. Americans claim that the creature looks like a hairless dog, whereas according to Puerto Ricans, this creature can stand on its hind legs and looks terrifying. Spotted in Maryland, this bushy-tailed beast is the enemy of another local legend: the flying, blood-sucking Snallygaster. Those made by the native Americans and those made by modern day Americans:- Native Folklore Ahuizhotl (Ahuizotl) Amala Balam Baykok Campacti Chenoo Hoga Itcuintilpotzotli Menehune (Menahune) N-dam-keno-wet Nagual Skinwalker Thunderbird Tlatecuhtli Xolotl New World Folklore Bigfoot One of these more fearsome creatures was the tahsaia, a cannibal demon described by the Zuni people of the Southwest as huge and demon-like. It signifies ambitious energy, conflict, opposition, and the irrational. Some Missouri residents believe this creature is a 12-foot-tall gorilla that escaped a circus train; others describe it as wolf-like. The truth may very well be in here! A staple in West Virginian lore, the Mothman is described as a human with owl-like features. Over time Slenderman spread onto other forums and his description began to morph. Photograph by Flickr user Paul-W. Loveland, Ohio, has multiple sightings recorded of an unusual reptile, which has become known as the Loveland Frog. "The Wendigo." It can also be considered an Iberian version of a bugbear as it is a commonly used figure of speech representing an irrational or exaggerated fear. Legends of America. One of the only mythical creatures to have a shade of eye shadow named after it. "La Llorona Weeping Woman of the Southwest." Naturally, people want to look for rational explanations for the Skinwalker phenomenon. Sounds sweet, huh? One night, by themselves once again, they wandered down to the river and drowned. It smells awful, like skunk spray and wet dog. According to eyewitness reports, these sleek wood devils are so good at blending in with their surroundings that you might walk into one before you saw it. This prohibits Skinwalkers from stealing hides and shapeshifting into these ferocious animals. The centaur or hippocentaur is a legendary creature from Greek mythology. What we've got here is another dinosaur that refuses to stay extinct. Yupik people have this fascinating mythological creature called the amikuk. Never mind that she'd only been dead two months and was buried in coldest winter; she was probably a vampire. This article is more than four years old. For fictional creatures of the United States created with sardonic intent, see Category:Fearsome critters. Whole villages were depopulated. The story of the Wendigo comes from Native American folklore and is linked with cannibalism. No matter what shape the pca takes, its fur is always dark. Al-mi'raj is a mythical creature in Islamic mythology which is basically a hare (rabbit) with a single horn on its forehead much like a unicorn. On Dec. 15, 1967, a major bridge in the area collapsed during rush hour, killing 46. Like all good boys, the dogman was perfectly peaceful; but the woodsmen ran away in terror all the same. "Wild Story Produced in Wildlife Preserve." The pca is a mythological fairy and ultimate shapeshifter. He tried to trick the young maidens into sampling the soup he had been cooking: soup made from human children he had abducted. If the Bakwas came upon a human who was lost in the woods, it would offer the person some food but it wasnt normal food. Art history is a veritable menagerie of mythical and hybrid creatures like the chimera, the dragon, and theunicorn. The Native Americans had many names for large, ape-like giants that lived among their tribes or above the mountain tree line. 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