At this stage, your adult bearded dragons diet should consist of 80% vegetables and greens and 20% insects. A bearded dragons juvenile period can be a tricky time in terms of diet because its an in-between phase. See a list of 100 awesome names for bearded dragons. The following list of insects, vegetables and fruits are good choices to include in your bearded dragons diet: Dubia roaches, earthworms, crickets and superworms. Size and Growth Chart, Bearded Dragon Shedding: Everything You Need to Know, 4 Best Bearded Dragon Terrariums, Tanks & Cages, 20 Types of Bearded Dragons: Species, Morphs & Color List, How Much Does A Bearded Dragon Cost? Bearded dragons are omnivores and can eat a variety of things. The exact mix of those things will change as the bearded dragon ages. WebThe Best Foods for a Bearded Dragon Staple Greens Collard Greens Dandelion Greens Endive Escarole Mustard Greens Turnip Greens Watercress Staple Vegetables Acorn Squash Butternut Squash Green Beans Okra Parsnips Snap Peas Sweet Potato Yellow Squash Occasional Greens Bok Choy Carrot Tops Celery Leaves Cilantro Cucumber (peeled) Kale Bearded dragons are omnivores and eat a variety of vegetables, fruits and insects. Moderate to severe vitamin A poisoning occurs when 10,000 IU/kg of synthetic vitamin A is given to a bearded dragon. They are toxic, but their toxicity levels are unknown; however, they are deadly for birds. Some owners choose to chop vegetables and fruits weekly and then freeze them. It contains plenty of fiber and vitamins A and C, which will help boost the immune system and help develop eyesight. Hi Kenneth, it will cause no harm. Broccoli: Yes broccoli is high in vitamin A, thiamine, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Celery: No like iceberg lettuce, it is mostly water and contains very few nutrients. Yes, bearded dragons can eat blueberries. Aside from the fruits and protein from the meat, bearded dragons also need other essential nutrients and vitamins that can be found in vegetables. Feed sub adults twice a day and adults over 18 We used it extensively when compiling this list. Garlic is in the same genus as onions, chives, & leeks, and therefore it is better to play it safe. There are a few things youll need to remember when it comes to an adult bearded dragon diet (defined as 18 months or older). Selecting the right size food for your bearded dragon. WebThe following list of insects, vegetables and fruits are good choices to include in your bearded dragons diet: Dubia roaches, earthworms, crickets and superworms. Bearded dragons can eat bananas, but you should only feed them bananas rarely. Baby Bearded Dragon Food List (2022 Guide) February 29, 2020. The best way to do this is to feed them with a nutritious meal before you feed them (this is also known as 'gut loading'). They are also easy to breed and live longer than crickets do. Find helpful information on caring for bearded dragons. You can leave some finely chopped vegetation in your beardies tank, and it will snack on them between mealtimes if it gets hungry. Bearded Dragon Food. Heres the massive list of what vegetable and greens you can feed your bearded dragon: Sprouts Escarole Watercress Parsley Carnations Okra Sweet potato Green beans Kale Hibiscus Carrots Collard greens Broccoli Asparagus Zucchini Artichoke hearts Cucumber Cabbage Nasturtiums Geraniums Kohlrabi Cooked lentils Various types of While things like phosphorous to calcium ratios, levels of oxalates & goitrogens, and sugar content are all important in determining what is and isnt a great food for your beardie, too much of that information tends to make things confusing. And you shouldnt have to have a nutrition degree to figure it out. If you are thinking about adopting a pet turtle, you may be wondering what size tank do you need? Not only that, but we also show you how to adjust their diet as they get older. Alfalfa. Some, like lightning bugs, are fatal. Apples, blueberries, peaches, strawberries and watermelon. A baby bearded dragon diet should consist of more insects than you feed older beardies because theyre rapidly growing. A way around this, is to feed young dragons in a separate enclosure without the substrate. You can dust your beardies live insects or vegetation. The number of times a day you need to feed them changes too: Sub adults (12 to 18 months) should eat 30% feeder insects and 70% vegetables. My question is, can they eat small spiders? Insects and other bugs. Its also low in fat and sugar, and the leaves are acceptable for your beardie to eat a few times per week. Being omnivores, they have a wide range of diet options. Heres the massive list of what vegetable and greens you can feed your bearded dragon: Sprouts Escarole Watercress Parsley Carnations Okra Sweet potato Green beans Kale Hibiscus Carrots Collard greens Broccoli Asparagus Zucchini Artichoke hearts Cucumber Cabbage Nasturtiums Geraniums Kohlrabi Cooked lentils Various types of Bearded dragons also need vitamin A, but they will usually get enough of this from the plants and vegetables in their diet. Within those 3 categories, there are a variety of options as to what they should eat. 4. Beardies are generally not picky eaters. Apples, blueberries, peaches, strawberries and watermelon. Zucchini: Yes it is safe to feed but it does not have many nutrients. My dream is that all bearded dragons kept in homes around the world are as healthy and happy and loved as I am! We got confused by lists with way too much detail. There are also many other veggies, safe plants/flowers, and herbs to feed you can feed to these pets occasionally. Calcium is necessary for bone development, neurological processes, and a variety of other bodily functions. Try to feed a split of 75% greens, vegetables, and fruits and 25% insects and vertebrates. I wanted to make sure we knew what we were getting into and that my 11 year old could handle it on his own as long as I purchased the necessities and stuff for hiM (Leviathan) aka Puffy for short ha ha ha! So it is best to take the necessary precautions to make sure this never happens to you. A bearded dragon not eating can be cause for concern and a symptom of a Read More , Adenovirus in bearded dragons, also known as atadenovirus, wasting disease, or stargazing, is a common, highly contagious disease. A juvenile needs a diet of mainly insects and some plant material. Or do I feed them to my Beardie before feeding him insects? So the general rule of thumb is that it is unlikely for a bearded dragon to get vitamin A poisoning from vegetables, simply because the bearded dragon's body can excrete unneeded vitamin A from vegetables. When they are this age, a juvenile bearded dragons diet should consist of 50% insects and 50% vegetation. Varying the foods you feed, giving occasional fruits and gut loading insects before feeding will help to make sure your bearded dragon gets the nutrients it needs. 1. Bananas: Yes. This is because they possess oxalates that can build calcium and other trace minerals, preventing them from being absorbed into the body (which can result in nutrient deficiencies). The following fruits are good options to feed your bearded dragon: You should only feed your bearded dragon fruits occasionally and use them as treats. In the wild these lizards are omnivores and eat a mixture of insects, vegetables and fruits. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription! Garlic is in the same genus as onions, chives, & leeks, and therefore it is better to play it safe. Make sure your bearded dragon eats feeder bugs 2 times a day. Its a good idea to mix these up from week to week to provide nutritional diversity and a more balanced diet. Feeding these vegetables too often can lead to hypothyroidism. My question is the journey to bring him home is approximately 1.5-2hrs traffic dependent knowing that they need heat to regulate their temp how can I transport him home safely. My adult beardie, Drago, loves strawberries and blueberries. However, Dubia roaches stand still or hide, which make them more challenging for bearded dragons to find. Alright! 1. Hello, the best way I found was chopping up the veg in very small pieces and getting a silkworm and put the silkworm on the veg, pick up the silkworm and they hold onto the veg then feed the silkworm to your dragon. This list is from veterinarians which recommend avoid feeding any pets these plants due to their toxicity. Pieces should be no bigger than the distance between your bearded dragons eyes. WebVitamin C. Vitamin K. Potassium. So we made our own. Hi there!Wow! Please let us know of any suggestions or improvements. If you have noticed a reduction in his movements around the enclosure, or an increase in his sleeping time, there is a good chance your dragon is in brumation. Most pet stores carry jars of cricket/insect food that both hydrates and feeds the insects. When we introduce a wild reptile to captivity it is important their food mimics the foods they eat naturally. Other common causes of appetite loss are diseases and injuries, for which it is always best to consult a vet. These insects may contain pesticides, insecticides, or fertilizers that are toxic to bearded dragons. Like most of the vegetables on this list, cauliflower should be fed raw rather than cooked, so your dragon gets the most out of its nutritional content. The food list for your bearded dragon should include a variety of different fruits and vegetables. In addition, you can keep fruits as only 5-10% of the diet of your bearded dragons. It should be made easy for you. Raspberries contain many important nutrients like Vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. Adult dragons do not need to eat as many insects as younger dragons, and overfeeding your dragon can cause him/her to become overweight. Pet Beardies have a very diverse diet and eat insects, small vertebrates, greens, vegetables, and fruits. Swiss chard, spinach, and beet greens should also be fed sparingly, as they contain oxalates that can bind calcium and other trace minerals, preventing their absorption. Should eat vs. could eat Vegetables contain beta carotene which a bearded dragon's body converts to vitamin A when he/she needs it. Johnathan leads the Everything Reptiles editorial team as our Editor in Chief. Below are common questions we've been asked about bearded dragon diet and nutrition. [Answered]. Soaking is a natural behavior for bearded dragons and it actually helps them with digestion. Expert Tip: Wash vegetables before feeding them to your lizard. Even one of these bugs can be lethal to an adult bearded dragon. Meats and fish are too high in fat and phosphorous. The foods in the list below can cause a variety of health abnormalities and toxicities: Bearded Dragons do not eat meat in the wild, so it should not be fed in captivity. Bearded dragons between birth and five months old are considered babies. Expert Tip: If your bearded dragon gets sick, isnt eating, or ingests something on this list, you should consult with your veterinarian. This is because it uses natural vitamin A which cannot poison reptiles, making it extremely healthy and safe for bearded dragons. Baby bearded dragons should eat a diet containing 80% insects and 20% vegetation. You may want to feed your beardie using a small dish or bowl. WebBlack means, that you can feed it to your beardie unhesitatingly. They crush crickets and mealworms with their powerful jaws and eat every day. Once they reach maturity, a bearded dragon will need to eat more vegetables in order to help them stay healthy. But, I wouldnt purposely feed them because of parasites. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Grapes should be chopped into quarters to prevent choking. As mentioned previously, we highly recommend Herptivite Multivitamin for Reptiles, because it will supply your bearded dragon with vitamin A without the risk of overdosing or making your beardie ill. Vitamin D3 and Calcium are two of the most important vitamins and minerals you need to make sure your bearded dragon gets. You should always leave fresh vegetables in the cage, but three times per day you should feed your beardie insects. Always consult your veterinarian about which supplements are best for your bearded dragon. Cabbage, carrots, collard greens, kale, pumpkin and sweet potato. Im concerned. Bearded dragons will also eat fruit. Mistake One: OverfeedingObesity in adult bearded dragons is very common. The following tables includes a list of vegetables bearded dragon can eat: Asparagus Artichoke Heart Arugula Broccoli Bell peppers (Green, Red, Yellow) Bok choy Butternut squash Basil Carrots Corn Cabbage (Red, Green) Carnations Cucumber Cilantro Chicory Courgette Savory Radicchio Pepper Uncooked Kale, Radish, Pumpkin, Zucchini, & : These are foods that are either known or thought to be toxic. Please remember that, as a responsible pet owner, what you feed your bearded dragon is up to you and the consequences of those choices are yours and yours alone. If you are interested in any of those more detailed food facts, the USDA food database is a great place to look. Its also low in fat and sugar, and the leaves are acceptable for your beardie to eat a few times per week. But with so many foods to choose from, coming up with the perfect bearded dragon diet can seem a bit overwhelming at first. Having a list of what bearded dragons can eat is just one piece of the puzzle. To make things easy, we created this resource to help you quickly see what foods you can feed your bearded dragon. When you feed your bearded dragon, its not a matter of what you CAN feed them, its a matter of what you SHOULD feed them. mine is named Drogan ,Drogo, he also loves blueberries and strawberries but used to only want his dubias and superworms now only wants his blueberries, i have to trick him to eat more then 5 worms or 2 dubias, he seems extremely healthy Hes about 8 or 9 yrs old now and i feel bad taking his fruit to force him to starve and want insects, how much insects does urs eat? 5. 5. In the wild, bearded dragons eat a wide variety of insects, fruits, and vegetables (we dig into each of those a bit later on). However, these should be cut into small pieces to avoid choking. This page will tell you which foods are safe and heathiest for your beardie. Alfalfa. Kale, cabbage, and mustard greens should also be fed sparingly because they possess goitrogens, which are substances that suppress the functioning of the thyroid gland. Collard greens, dandelion greens, kale, grapes, bananas, watermelon and blueberries. I have a bearded dragon,(Unexpectedly) Im not exactly sure of how to take good care of her. If it is longer than the space between it's eyes, then it is too large. You can see the full list of safe vegetables for bearded dragons by clicking here (including their nutritional values), or you can view a partial list below: Reptile Safe Vegetables Acorn squash Artichoke heart Bell peppers (raw) Bok choy Butternut squash Cabbage (raw) Carrots Celery Cucumber (peeled) Endive Mustard greens Yellow squash WebWhen your pet bearded dragon roam beside you, you might want to share fruits that youre enjoying. As your Bearded dragon ages their diet will change. It contains high levels of oxalic acid, enough to be poisonous to Once a bearded dragon reaches 18 months of age they should transition to an adult diet. Apples: Yes apples are an excellent choice of fruit to feed your bearded dragon. Heres a list of fruits that your bearded dragon can eat: Knowing what foods you cant feed your beardie is incredibly important, and there are a number of foods to be aware of. You probably want to avoid using containers which are see-through, because many people have insect phobias and you don't want to risk house guests having a panic attack seeing thousands of crickets, roaches, or worms. I have a new bearded dragon and I was wondering how the leafy greens worked. Every bearded dragon is different and can react to foods differently. That, but you should always leave fresh vegetables in order to help you quickly see what you... About which supplements are best for your bearded dragon, insecticides, fertilizers... Should only feed them to your lizard my question is, can they eat small spiders because uses! Beardie unhesitatingly, can they eat small spiders homes around the world are as and! Foods differently when they are also many other veggies, safe plants/flowers and... 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