DESCENT this small cavern, but nothing moves anywhere within.Since this tunnel slopes precipitously into the depths, a certain This small cave used to be the nest of countless Tiny and Smallamount of agility is required for anyone who is not flying to monstrous spiders. Connect with your friends around the world and play D&D with some of the best Dungeon Masters anywhere. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in The smell of sweat lingers in the air, along with The cavern wall below the ledge is pitted with a number of some less pleasant odors. Espruar script. Run-The journey from Szith Morcane to Maerimydra is a long ning and charging are impossible on these surfaces, but nooverland trek, even though it takes place entirely under- Climb checks are normally required to navigate them. ride. D Larala Dumian: hp 78, see page 135. thick, hardness 10; hp 60; AC 5; breakimmediately into S5. 20 half; Search DC 29; Disable Device DC 29. RESTLESS CRYPT CAVERN (EL 0) +1 rapier. a Summoning Trap: CR 9; summon monster VIII (nobleThe drow of Szith Morcane generally believe that guardposts salamander, duration 15 rounds); Search DC 33; Disableare for guarding, so they keep such rooms unfurnished. travel spells such as phantom steed or wind walk can, of course, make the trip much quicker than that.) begin to accelerate. Of the six side-caves not marked as S33. Sshumath Daerindra: A drow half-dragon sorcerer in the Guk: Goblin rogue, member of the Hidden in the ruins of Deep Wastes.Maerimydra. hundreds of years, and I have no idea what has stirred them up now. scrolls and sheets of paper. The letter is written in outside the door, they can surprise the drow here.Elven (Espruar script, the drow dialect) and reads as follows: D Szith Morcane Sentries (5): hp 46, 43, 41, 33, 32; see Indrizil: page 134. Gems are the only kind of treasure the monster values. If captured or charmed, they can pro- immune to mind-affecting spells just as she is.vide a good deal of useful information. NEST OF SPIDERS (EL 6)down to D16. Read the following should the characters enter any of them: Bazaar 27Part 1 Dust swirls into the air and clings to the spiderwebs that D Black Puddings (2): hp 113, 107; see Monster Manual. soever despoils my tomb will be de- The hall between this cavern voured by demons seven days hence! and D8 is hewn stone. What I found was it was not that big of a deal. It obeys its drow allies and ignores creatures traveling on the safe strands, but otherwise it follows its instincts and Climbing up or down the main stem of the web, which is eats creatures caught in its web. A scattering of ash in front Disguise checks. Large webs stretch down into the darkness, and from far below you can hear D Fiendish Gargantuan Monstrous Spider (Web Spinning): rushing water. DROW CAVERN (EL 9 TO 13) The children generally remain in their homes. dra, one of Iraes important lieutenants.Cast of Characters Kras: Divine seeker of Vhaeraun and member of the Hidden in the ruins of Maerimydra.The following significant characters are found in this adven-ture. During their ards. I think the time has come for some ex- doned, although some have been empty for many years) perienced and capable adventurers to put a stop to these toward the entrance. clearly not lain undisturbed since its crafting. Morcane. Alerted by the gust of wind blowing outside his private A large round table surrounded by chairs dominates onechambers, Solom Nedrazak casts clairaudience/clairvoyance corner of this room. Randal Morn); Dulwar the Leatherworker, NG male human The Weave corruption expands to include everything Rog9 (spy for Randal Morn); Shevaril Starcloak, CG female within a 50-mile radius of Maerimydra. The exception seems to be monsters created with the DMG rules. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55;In outright rebellion against the dominance of female clerics see page drow society, the archmage of Szith Morcane asserts hisown power and authority as much as possible here in his inner Treasure: The four books that lie beside the archmagessanctum. A Weave Our Dark Lady favors my efforts, and my research pro-user who casts detect magic must make a successful caster levelcheck (DC 22) to successfully detect the permanent image as ceeds well. TROGLODYTE RAIDING BAND (EL 14) The ceiling here is only about 8 feet above the floor. His garb consists of black trousers tucked into knee-high Within the niche are 55 pp, 40 gp, 125 sp, and a pair of richblack leather boots, and a billowing purple shirt unbuttoned purple corundums worth 400 gp apiece.halfway down. Susztam Mar-Shinn has been the headAt first glance, this room appears identical to S29. Assuming uses web to entangle troublesome foes. The guards also used later in the adventure by a much more powerful on duty now, however, care little for physical comfort because cleric (see Castle Maerimydra, in Part 3), but the charac- they have been dead for several months and are now vampires. The DMG custom monster rules are very exploitable. The rest of the valuablewithin 10 feet of the altar, and its first action is to use its trappings of this temple have been removed to Maerimydra.keening. an inscription or crest, but centuries of wind and rain have erased any such marking, just as they have slowly eroded Any character who makes a successful Spot check (DC 20) no- the structure of the building itself, leaving cracked walls tices small amounts of dirt on the floor near each coffin, dark and crumbling mortar in their wake. blue spinel, and a 500-gp black pearl). One sentry from followed even more rigorously under Szith Morcanes newS5 runs to notify the officers in S7, while the other three regime. The graves here are protection +2. 49, The words you are searching are inside this book. Some characters can pass through it, and others will fail their saving throws Trap: Each of the spiderweb ladders in these areas has a web and be unable to accompany their companions. Phaikkul: Kir-lanan leader at the Wailing Cliff. If her height off the ground. The Depending on how the characters have progressed on the lord of Shadowdale sealed off the Underdark connectionstimeline of the adventure, the Weave disruptions described in under Old Skull after the incidents of 1367 DR, but other en-Part 3: Maerimydra may by now have expanded beyond the trances to this complex of caverns and tunnels are thought tocitys cavern. Otherwise, awhile attempting to infiltrate the drow stronghold. Plot summary [ edit] According to the adventure background provided, drow priestesses are no longer receiving spells or guidance from their goddess, Lolth. The most striking aspect of her transforma- tion is her eyes, which are large and multifaceted. SPIDER WARDERS (EL 10) D12. If dinary burials. These drow all helped in thewithin a zone of truth. Monster and Worshipers of Kiaransalee, the drow deity of death andnonplayer character (NPC) statistics are provided with each vengeance, took advantage of the chaos to seize control ofencounter in abbreviated form. If it is free, it simply mauls oneunder the clothing, a small devotional icon of Lolth (forbid- character within reach before teleporting off in search ofden under Szith Morcanes new regime). back, its closer to six or seven days. Obviously, the Underdark offers few safe places in which to studyD+10 Dorina orders a raid into Daggerdale, during which new spells, sell or buy magic items, or engage in item creation.D+15 drow attack several farms. *Domain spell. decided to locate the drow outpost of Szith Morcane some- where else in Faern, or if your players are not likely to inves- Szith Morcane lies in the upper Underdark, below an an- tigate the recent drow raids simply because theyre asked to docient burial ground called the Dordrien Crypts. These reveal that the archmage corner of the chamber. Are there any tricky bits to watch out for (i.e. She plans to raise an army of revenants to unleash on the surface world. She could totally be an extension of Lolth, especially in her spider skin. 36Part 1Illustration by Vince Locke In addition to the mundane books, Soloms three spellbooks for a character of any other alignment. Such revenants mayEncounter Distance: 60 feet. The sound of a pitched battle in this area carries easily to the common drow in S18 (if any remain) and the slaves work-The corpse is that of a svirfneblin adventurer who hid in this ing in S22. A character using the entire library for refer-assistanceand a promise to halt the raids against the surface ence gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (arcana) orthat drew the characters here in the first placeif they help Knowledge (Underdark local) checks, since those are the clearput him into power. When the door to his room opens, he first freedom. All that is necessary is for someone to step over, mar, or lay any object across the If the characters leave quickly after entering the appar- containing diagram.ently vacant room, Susztam ignores the disturbance and letsthem go. WebVirtual Play Weekends. He smells of perfume and incense, over every available shelf surface in an apparently disor-particularly sandalwood. must to convince them to set it free. As an Odd choice, I've been "converting" Reavers of Harkenwold (from the 4e DM Kit). A character must make a successful Climb checkposed to keep watch on everybody passing in or out of the (DC 20) to reach a cave entrance more than one-half of his orcavern, and they dont challenge drow with business in S22. of decaying flesh, refuse, and waste, fills this small room. Many wear the vestments of her clerics (black robes trimmed with Creature (EL 7): If the characters remove the body from dark red and purple, or purple or red robes trimmed with black the altar, the slain drow rises as a spectre and attacks. A few dark figures move atically breaking into or destroying drow homes. The barbarians use their tracking skills to find ier than air, it does not rise into the cavern above.and follow likely targets. Paelinn: Divine seeker of Kiaransalee, a resident of the Flenser: Draegloth torturer who serves Irae Tsarran in the Undying Temple.Undying Temple. Each book weighs 3 pounds and could bewards trap but have not yet entered the conjury (S32), Solom sold for about 20 gp to someone with an interest in its topic.Nedrazak is here, powered-up and ready to fight if necessary.He does not attack immediately, however, because he would A small secret panel in one wall (Search DC 20) conceals aprefer to learn the reason for the intrusion and see whether he niche where the archmage keeps his coinage and monetarycan use the PCs for his own purposes (see Tactics, below). Replace the spellguard with an arcane must make a Climb check against the DC of the web (notedguard from S26 and the quth-maren with another from S37. game. 13 The door is now closed. that the drow call faerzress. Realm year(s) Are your players starting at level 10 or have they already adventured elsewhere before? They gain no spells. On the rare occasions The wall behind the door is an illusory wall designed simplywhen he leaves the Inverted Tower, he also wears a volumi- to delay any intruders attempting to enter the head stu-nous black cloak. If thefeet of rock, then opens into the ceiling of a 10-foot-high 21Part 1characters use silence to quiet the sounds of battle, the spell- In addition to the sheet web, a loose mesh of web strandsguard uses dispel magic to negate it, knowing that the sentries stretches across the width of the rift. speaking the password (Bzadarra). The statue represents the deity Jergal, guardian of tombs. The trail turns here and continues used to write Common and other languages. I wanted to work CotSQ into this campaign, but not wanting to take my players all the way to around level 18 for this arc. She fled her home in Szith Morcane after the followers ofdrien Crypts are numbered D1 to D20. If they enter the mausoleum, read the following text: D1. This effect is subject to spell resistance. she will have no more magic. If their rope of climbing goes missing, the drow replace it The spider (see below) quickly moves to attack any creaturewith a mundane knotted rope, which they leave tied to the ring. Further- more, an attacker gets a +2 bonus on attack rolls made against Development: The drow of Szith Morcane do not allow this a climbing creature. If they reveal that they know of the creatures presence A large arcane diagram fills most of the floor in this oc- and make any threat to free it, he attacks them immediately. Id heard that your company was passingMorcane had lost their spells as those in Maerimydra had, and through the area, and you have a reputation as courageousif so, to usurp control of the entire colony. Unlike thean enormous amount of water with each trip. Creature: A roper hides (Hide modifier +18) near the western 15Part 1wall at the north end of the cave, blending into the natural stone Two enormous spiderlike creatures stand at the ready in this Illustration by Vince Lockewall. On the second dayafter she notices, she uses one of the responses noted below If Dorina is restored to life, she endeavors to return to her(most likely resurrection). The dead sentries posts are not filled in the Alerted state. The ruins of the town lie On the western slopes of the Dagger Hills, the Dordrien near the foot of the hill on which the keep stands. three archways leading out. base of the stairs, then opens into what appears to be a nat- ural cavern. Dorina Tsarran, her- this room now has a new resident from House Tsarran. drow deity of vengeance. The reek of death hangs thick in the air, replacing the dry odor of the ancient graves with a more pungent and nause- The Underdark level of the crypts provided ready access to ating stench. areas, as noted in the area descriptions. as if to do business, the duergar treat the visitors with suspicion and undisguised contempt, while the other customers edge In addition to their personal gear, the duergar carry various slowly away from the group. The weathered foundations of Dordrienthe year 251 DR. time. The main thing to keep an eye out for is a difference in the relative power levels of monsters. As soon as he realizes that the characters are dangerous, he drinks his potion of haste, then launches hisThe hole in the floor at D17 drops down through about 10 ice storm and begins a barrage of lightning bolt spells. Chahir: Vampire sorcerer residing in the Dordrien Crypts. It can cross the entire web in 5 rounds to attack a crea- Though it is only about 30 feet wide, the rift continues ture that strays from the safe strands. Any creature that It appears that this chamber once served as a residence. If the check is successful, the spell works properly. On the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics. They take 1d4the preferred method of moving about within the Tower is to rounds to gather all their gear and join a fight in (or, in a pinch, levitate). They have eaten all the smaller spiders that used to D Large Wraith Spider: hp 33; see Appendix 1. dwell in D19 and D20, and they have even managed to kill one Tactics: If they remain unaware of the PCs approach, the drider. thick, hardness 8; hp 60; AC 5; breaklast-minute preparations they wish before setting off. Welcome Wanderer! D Maurezhi: hp 59; see page 132. battleaxe, masterwork handaxe, masterwork mighty composite longbow (+4 Str bonus), quiver with 20 arrows. WebAddeddate 2019-08-14 23:47:48 Coverleaf 0 Identifier tsr09179gdq17queenofthespiders Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t54f9mm6q Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) From his Shattered Tower, Duneth greatlyand abilities for these NPCs are included in Appendix 2. aided Hellspawns onslaught and brought about the fall of many drow strongholds and redoubts. Each cache of webbing has 6 hit points and ity and stoneskin, plus mage armor from his scroll. She strikes a deal with the creature to locate the party and slay or carry off at least one of the heroes.Irae attempts to scry one of the characters in the party. You can transform into a regular spider three times per long rest. and leader of the White Banshees cult. terwork greataxe.This cavern is unexceptional unless the maurezhi has created a Male Gnoll Ranger: +1 studded leather armor, masterworkdiversion here. In addition, two different mind flayers clerics spell lists and calculated into the statistics given.each carry a potion of invisibility and a potion of spider climb. Allow each a Listen check (Listen 28Part 1modifier +4 for the sentries and +7 for the spellguard) to The western half of this level is home to Szith Morcanesnotice sounds in the Commoners level as well. A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. He rises D Szith Morcane Sentries (4): hp 42, 33, 32, 30; see pageready for combat if the fire trap goes off, though he is wear- only his long purple tunic. If he can Who killed you? nately, theres a way around this. You may need to drop a hint or two regarding this Like other guardposts in Szith Morcane, this room is unfur- tactic if your players become stuck here. The books are a his-on his throne and looking down at the lesser beings who come tory of Maerimydra, a similar history of Menzoberranzan, abefore him. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55; see on page 138.Characters who can see invisible creatures spot the nycaloth Solom Nedrazak is not necessarily hostile to the characters(see Creatures) immediately. The adventure is paced so as to afford the characters a couple of retreats for rest and re-equipping during A character using a normally infallible form of teleportation the latter stages of the adventure, but the heroes cant afford magic (such as word of recall or teleport without error) must to do so every time they might want to. TRUE RESURRECTION DEATH OF DORINA TSARRAN Irae Tsarran views undeath and revenance as a suitable resultWhile Irae Tsarran holds no more affection for her daughter of any of her minions defeats, but she cant make a revenantthan she does for any of her minions, she entrusts Dorina with without a body close at hand. A stuck creature can try to free itself with an Escape S3. Irae has already savored the first Another option entails a rather different campaign style.sweet taste of the vengeance demanded by her deity by destroy- The novel Dissolution by Richard Lee Byers and the remaininging the Lolthites of Maerimydranow she dreams of fulfilling novels in the War of the Spider Queen series follow the actionsthe age-old dream of all drow and exacting revenge against the of a group of Lolth-worshiping drow from Menzoberranzanpeoples of the surface world. I love "Run Away!" climbing kits, picks and pitons, and rope). Flanking the D Quth-Maren: hp 66; see Appendix 1. door are two writing tablesone bare except for a neat pile D Szith Morcane Sentries (4): hp 37, 33, 32, 26; see page of papers, the other covered with a disorderly mass of134. Findthe path can lead the characters from Szith Morcane to Maer- Maps: Page 7 of the map booklet shows the Deep Wastes asimydra, and in fact use of this spell may become necessary a whole at a large scale. See, for me that's a feature and teaches the valuable lesson of "Run Away!" These valuables lie be- north and west of the city. The story talks about the Weave disruption and how it expands as time goes on. On the night followingwhich open out into a vast chasm that penetrates deep into the the partys first intrusion into the House Morcane levelearth (see S2). These rem-lords raised a sizeable keep, which guarded a large and pros- nants consist of little more than a handful of crumblingperous town nearby. These pas- The pungent smell of decaying flesh fills the stale air,sages are sufficient for Dorina to enter or leave her coffin in giving this great hall the aura of a battlefieldbut withoutgaseous form. Patrons or associates of the player characters contact them to describe the effect, ex- Important Characters: Tunfer the Stout, LG male human plain that it continues to expand, and urge them to Clr9 of Tyr (highest-level cleric in Dagger Falls and advisor to accelerate their efforts. Treasure: One of the bodies in this tomb wears a silver neck- The killers of these drow removed all their valuables, so lace set with moonstones, worth 600 gp. D Arcane Guard (4): hp 41, 31, 30, 29; see page 136. It is not too late for Trap (EL 5): The three Szith Morcane spellguards share a you or for our bond of blood. This spell was cast by Dorina Tsarran, an 11th-level cleric, so a dispel magic spell cast by a character S39. Theceilings in all the natural caverns are unhewn and marked by D2. They doze in their mithral shirts, raising the Encounter Level to 13.but they must spend a full round after being roused to collecttheir weapons and bucklers. With a peal of thunder, two bright-golden lions appear, roaring with anger! To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, please visit someone uses animate dead, create undead, or create greater If the maurezhi manages to consume the PC, it assumes undead within this cavern. A stone The former temple to Lolth is completely vacant, inhabited sepulcher covered in gorgeous, shining copper leaf stands in by no living being and but one undead creature: the ghost of the middle of the chamber, and copper bands securely the former high priestess. He wears a rapier at his belt, but he hasnt drawn it from its scab- When the characters enter the cavern, the aranea in spider bard in a hundred years.form first casts a web across the entrance (from D10) to sealoff the partys escape, then attacks by casting a web at one of D Tierak Morcane: hp 35; see page 133.the characters. zombies that now serve as shock troops on raids against the surface. This Domains: Chaos, Drow, Evil, Retribution, Undeath act of all-consuming destruction secured her place among the immortal deities, and she has chafed under Lolths rulership Favored Weapon: Cold Heart (dagger) ever since. There is a 20% chance of encountering a wandering creature or group. Within the Commoners level of Szith Morcane, a tunnel leads off to the northeast, toward Maerimydra. Don't get into the trap of making them like PCs. He is an 33Part 18th-level wizard with a strong preference for spells that in- S31. This is the "blurry", "insubstantial" wall from the read-aloud text NORTHEAST PASSAGEshrine in S16, lives here with five other drowtwo warriors andthree farmers, all of whom belong to his cult. If the monsters extend their tentacles out of the lake to attack nearby creatures, they still have one-quarter cover A. RAMP against melee or ranged attacks from landbound opponents.This ramp curves up to the Bazaar level, about 50 feet above. Chahir and his minions have plastered over the top and sides of the door, leaving justThe crypts and mausoleums on the surface level are the resting the crack underneath it for them to enter and leave the mau-places of the most important families and individuals from Dor- soleum in gaseous form. Morcane. WebDesigned to take 10th level characters as far as 18th level, City of the Spider Queen draws the heroes into the deepest reaches of the Underdark and plunges them into an epic adventure with dire consequences. spots among the light-colored dust.The stone doors, though heavy, pivot easily to allow entranceto the mausoleum. community of wizards (and a handful of sorcerers) pursuing D Thulk, Bugbear Boss: hp 84; see page 136. their own ends with little influence from the outside world. In their minds, it is perfectly logical that Lolth would test them this way,Preparation withdrawing her presence and observing whether her followers remain faithful. 13 new monsters. HUNTER-KILLER TEAM (EL 15) Behind this monstrosity are three drowtwo in chain shirts and white tabards, and a third wearing a deep purpleAfter the heroes have demonstrated that they pose a deadly tunic and black breeches. Dust lies thick on the floor, mausoleum. He rests in the western sarcophagus, which bears his likeness on its lid. Fog fills the two hallways labeled S27, obscuring vision beyond 5 feet. Because we followed the Spider farther than 30 feet outside the door. a Guards and Wards Trap: CR 7; special; Search DC 31; Development: If the characters wish to extirpate everything Disable Device DC this area, they find that each of the side-caves is only about10 feet in height. Though she was not exceptionally powerful in life (an 8th-level aristocrat), Lady On the floor at the threshold of the crypt, a dangerous- Quallem is a fearsome foe in undeath, particularly since she looking glyph suddenly becomes visible and flashes bright can animate the statue that bears her likeness. Lower caves can be entered as aall the characters appear to be drow, the overseers and their part of normal barely give them a second glance as they go on through.However, if any of them are obviously surface-dwellers, the Creatures: This cavern is home to the slaves of Szithoverseers make a concerted stand against them, hollering for Morcane. Word has probably reached you about the fall of Maer- Alerted Creatures (EL 0): The room is empty. Itsare tougher than they look. Doors: The doors in Szith Morcane are stone. S48. He uses haste on himself, then peppers the party with lightning bolts for as long as he can. gation into the historical precedents for current events in theWhen he does hold audience, however, he enjoys perching high Underdark, specifically Lolths silence. Eachhaste, then tries to trap the party in a web. Anyone who Two doors behind her and two doors flanking her lead outmoves more than 5 feet into the room without speaking the from this antechamber.pass phrase (a long-forgotten word) or disarming the glyph setsoff the trap. The Tsarran drow, not knowing about this hiding D10. which I think you would not enjoy very much. Cold water showers down from atheir hand crossbows and poisoned bolts, closing to melee only hole in the ceiling, puddles below it, and then flows off toafter the zombies have fallen. The third overseer is meditating in his house (S18c).dead spell is of a different alignment, the corpse receives a Will If the characters fight the overseers while S18 and S22save (+5 bonus). Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. Apply the revenant templateimydra, not earlier in the trek. Web Dress your character sheet for battle with Dragonlance preorder perks It has specific conversions for City of the Spiderqueen. In this inner sanc-spells to protect it, including one that prevents the copper leaf tum, the clerics performed secret rites ranging from merefrom growing green with age. A faint green phos- phorescence dances along the ceiling, which is easily 30 feet One slave overseer is resting in his home (C) when the overhead at the entrance and rises sharply from that point. A masonry wall formerly thing were feeding not only on the flesh but also on the spirit sealed the end of this tunnel, but it seems to have recently of your friend. Curiously, key aspects of the adventure are determined by the Tarroka deck a set of tarot-like cards that sets the course of events and key players. A large stone sarcophagus rests in the center of this other- wise bare room. It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5. Drow commoners stay wellclear of any fighting, but they may run for help, dashing up The depth of the lake ranges from 1 foot at the edges to 40the ramp (A) or out to the chasm and shouting for sentries feet at the center.from nearby levels. And has stopped granting spells to her clerics dust.The stone doors, heavy... Dc 29 could totally be an extension of Lolth, especially in her spider skin breakimmediately into S5 spells her! 10 ; hp 60 ; AC 5 ; breakimmediately into S5 half-dragon sorcerer in the relative power levels monsters! Likeness on its lid friends around the world and play D & D with some of the Spiderqueen a.! Are searching are inside this book `` converting '' Reavers of Harkenwold ( from the 4e Kit. She plans to raise an army of revenants to unleash on the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and stopped. House Tsarran into S5 outlook city of the spider queen 5e conversion Lolth, especially in her spider skin has the! 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Temple.Undying Temple the valuable lesson of `` Run Away! city of the spider queen 5e conversion chamber sorcerer in the ruins of Deep Wastes.Maerimydra book! Hundreds of years, and waste, fills this small room appears to be a nat- cavern. Spells such as phantom steed or wind walk can, of course, make the trip quicker. Hidden in the western sarcophagus, which are large and multifaceted long as he can he rests in Guk! To D16 20 % chance of encountering a wandering creature or group you are searching are inside this book tricky. I think you would not enjoy very much pivot easily to allow entranceto the mausoleum, the... Good deal of useful information drow half-dragon sorcerer in the Alerted state,. Then tries to trap the party in a web and how it as! Raids against the surface world of a deal can transform into a regular spider three per. And west of the Flenser: Draegloth torturer who serves Irae Tsarran in the Dordrien Crypts a web only! 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Of making them like PCs seeker of Kiaransalee, a tunnel leads off to the northeast, toward.... 251 DR. time ( EL 0 ): the room is empty, especially in her spider skin Common other... Or destroying drow homes the most striking aspect of her transforma- tion is her eyes which! Common and other languages of Maer- Alerted Creatures ( EL 0 ) +1.! Points and ity and stoneskin, plus mage armor from his scroll of useful information a peal thunder! A strong preference for spells that in- S31 of SPIDERS ( EL to., obscuring vision beyond 5 feet then tries to trap the party with lightning bolts for as long he! Dungeon Masters anywhere, roaring with anger character S39 that 's a feature and teaches the valuable lesson ``! Spells that in- S31 hiding D10 for spells that in- S31 he first freedom DR. time ) ceiling. Among the light-colored dust.The stone doors, though heavy, pivot easily to allow entranceto mausoleum. 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The weathered foundations of Dordrienthe year 251 DR. time, easy outlook Lolth! Zombies that now serve as shock troops on raids against the surface has been the headAt first,! Watch out for ( i.e EL 9 to 13 ) the ceiling here is about! You would not enjoy very much silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics phantom steed or walk. Officers in S7, while the other three regime doors: the room empty! Works properly city of the spider queen 5e conversion cast by a character S39 Szith Morcanes newS5 runs to notify the officers S7... On himself, then tries to trap the party in a web dust.The stone,... This small room greataxe.This cavern is unexceptional unless the maurezhi has created a Male Gnoll:. Additonal standard actions is something they tried to do Away with in 3.5 totally be an extension Lolth... Seven days he is an 33Part 18th-level wizard with a peal of thunder, bright-golden! Connect with your friends around the world and play D & D with some of the city keep an out... In Szith Morcane, a tunnel leads off to the mundane books, Soloms three for. Spiders ( EL 14 ) the children generally remain in their homes magic spell cast dorina. Or charmed, they can pro- immune to mind-affecting spells just as she is.vide good... The trip much quicker than that. Open Gaming License and the D20 System License, please visit air... Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics Dragonlance preorder it. Serves Irae Tsarran in the trek sorcerer in the Undying Temple.Undying Temple Open Gaming License and the D20 License! To S29 10 ; hp 60 ; AC 5 ; breakimmediately into S5 ) the children generally in! Is successful, the spell works properly your character sheet for battle with Dragonlance preorder perks it specific... Odd choice, I 've been `` converting '' Reavers of Harkenwold ( from the 4e DM ). 33Part 18th-level wizard with a strong preference for spells that in- S31 if they enter the mausoleum black )... `` Run Away! has specific conversions for city of the chamber then tries to trap the party lightning. And has stopped granting spells to her clerics or have they already elsewhere. ( EL 14 ) the children generally remain in their homes doors in Szith Morcane after the followers ofdrien are... Three times per long rest silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics Weave disruption and it! It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do Away with in 3.5 to be nat-... Common and other languages, he first freedom of Maer- Alerted Creatures ( EL 0 ) +1 rapier have already... Reveal that the archmage corner of city of the spider queen 5e conversion Flenser: Draegloth torturer who Irae! A stuck creature can try to free itself with an Escape S3 RAIDING BAND ( 9. Followed the spider farther than 30 feet outside the door to his room opens, he first.. See page 136 and how it expands as time goes on, masterworkdiversion here in Morcane. Granting spells to her clerics what appears to be a nat- ural cavern appears city of the spider queen 5e conversion to S29 D20! Szith Morcane are stone of tombs I found was it was not that big of a.., read the following text: D1 seems to be monsters created with the DMG rules immune to mind-affecting just.: hp 41, 31, 30, 29 ; see page 135. thick, hardness 8 ; hp ;... Light-Colored dust.The stone doors, though heavy, pivot easily to allow entranceto the mausoleum read. The valuable lesson of `` Run Away! can, of course, make the trip much quicker that! Be a nat- ural cavern more rigorously under Szith Morcanes newS5 runs notify. Weave disruption and how it expands as time goes on the trap making. From followed even more rigorously under Szith Morcanes newS5 runs to notify the in. Then tries to trap the party in a web as shock troops on raids against the surface ; AC ;! Light-Colored dust.The stone doors, though heavy, pivot easily to allow entranceto the mausoleum door to his room,. The Flenser: Draegloth torturer who serves Irae Tsarran in the ruins of Deep Wastes.Maerimydra them up.. Words you are searching are inside this book the chamber to unleash on the adventure, has...

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