You'll need them later. You should already have 99 Rusted Bits, so you'll need to go back twice to buy 99 and then 2 more (99 + 99 + 2 = 200). They'll be on opposite sides of the main road on grassy areas. You'll definitely be happy to have the Clarity Shield's Confuseproof ability, as the Havocfangs would have confused you here otherwise. I'm really sorry, delete the save data and just go back to your main save and farming the mats you'll need for Crafting Goal #5. Let's now go back to farming kW from Roboresurrection to power up the D Path and until we get to Urgent: The Ghastly Griffon (D1). Drooping Whiskers is an upgrade item which houses this spell. You'll be thrown into a Solo Quest: Let Sleeping Kings Lie, which requires you to just defeat some Goblins with an AI named Miles. You'll either wind up with the Behemoth Tears (Rare) or the Behemoth Incisors (Common). Since you're still weak, it will take about 5 or more minutes to kill the boss. I actually recommend leaving Noctis for last since he is the hardest to beat the Behemoth King with and you'll want the practice with the other three first. Important Note: When using the Cornflower or any other Shuriken, make sure you are relatively close to the enemy. At the depot, barter 5 Dynamo for a Dancing Daggers. If you're already familiar with the game's crafting system, you may be wondering if you can do some minor STR stat optimization before reaching the Level cap in the first version of the game. Cornflower (Petrified Disc) in Hunt: Smog on the Water (0:58 Video). Once you've gotten one weapon to Level 30, stop crafting and save your mats until we reach Crafting Goal #2. Also, if you got the Cornflower earlier, you should craft/level it up instead of the Imperial X-Blades. After powering the 500 kW Power Line, you'll find yourself in the alley in Lestallum with Talcott, Monica, Holly, Aranaea, and Cor waiting. The Treasure Shop (Mats) doesn't have anything great, aside from Rusted Bits, for dismantling Shot Resistance gear. Out of the choices, Insomnia is the best for MP and Lestallum comes in a distant 2nd place for MP, but has more HP/STR. If you get the Petrified Disc (Cornflower), craft and remodel it using Laser Sensors until reaching its cap at Level 70 and replace your Imperial X-Blades with it. Head to Cid's Remodeling Station in Hidden Harbor and select a Weapon as usual, but this time press the SQUARE Button to dismantle it. Since all of your weapons were previously leveled using Chrome Bits (instead of Laser Sensors) in Crafting Goal #3, we will need some minor adjustments. Also, once you've imbued the Cactuar Needle (Penetrator), make sure you always keep imbuing it or you will lose it. Therefore, make your first battle a "practice" run to get acquainted with Ifrit's attack patterns, lose, and then play for real in the second battle. For example, you may incorrectly get kW from a Fragile Rock, even though that's a Crystal-Laden Rock reward; if that happens, mine from different rocks. On paper, it would seem that Air Supremacy X would be the better ability (50% > 30%), but this is actually false. Talk to the bro in Lestallum's upper level up by the EXINERIS Power Plant (where you did Holly's Solo Quest in the beginning of the game) to train with them. For now, just keep it at Level 1 and replace one of your Level 1 Kite Shields with it. The birthplace affects the stats you get at level up. Note: If you're playing the Standalone and have access to online, make sure you get started on getting the 30% Cid Buff (Crafting Boost Level 3) via the Daily Quest. The Wasps sometimes drop Sharp Scythes, which you'll need 3 of later. Then start powering up the B Path to Urgent: Roboresurrection (B1). I've played both, and I would recommend Insomnia to most players. You should have your Heavy Lance -- or one of the Kite Shields -- at Level 30 after doing the next few Quests, earning you the Trophy: One with Your Blade. Version 1.0), but I've provided an Alternate Strategy at the end for newer Comrades versions. However, don't worry if you didn't get it the first time. Version: 1.00 | Updated: 07/19/2019 Highest Rated Guide. Now, there isn't really anything in Old Lestallum that's worth your attention at the moment. Instead, move near a rock, and you'll see the name of it displayed on the screen. The video shows you how it's done: Ideally you want to get a few regular hits in between each Warp-Strike, instead of spamming Warp-Strikes non-stop, but it's 80% as effective and easier. If you don't already have the Urgent in your available quests, reference the Optimized Roadmap earlier in the walkthrough and power up a few Power Lines to get to it. When you start reaching 99 on the Electrolytic Condensers, periodically sell some, but try to make sure you end up with around 99 Electrolytic Condensers in your inventory when you're finally done farming. This quest features a few weapon drops, but the one worth mentioning is the Befouled Blades (Lohengrins) dropped by the Behemoth King as its rare bonus/break drop (horns). If you don't have the mat for some reason, you can find it in the Walkthrough using your browser's search function as I had you buy/get everything if you read and followed the previous sections. You won't be able to do the quests until you've completed the game, so we won't consider them for the purposes of this Walkthrough. You should be doing some good damage on him per hit. You don't have to do this for the purposes of the Walkthrough, though. Although "only" a Level 4 quest, this is a tough quest with AI, as if you let too many Spiracorns pass thru the tunnel, the quest will be abandoned. Stay behind it (tail area) or by its side to try and do Blindside damage, and let it attack your AI. Icon to head to Cape Caem. It's OK if you lose/abort, as you are only farming for the items here. There isn't much to this battle; just keep aerial attacking and cure if you need to. And just a heads up: if you plan on doing the post-game content and following Crafting Goal #5, you'll need to have at least 53 Laser Sensors, which should easily be obtainable in the 5-7 hours. Second, do and repeat a new quest, Defense: Too Tough to Tame to farm 3 Crooked Helixhorns from the Spiracorns here. Final Fantasy XV - Multiplayer Expansion: Comrades . It adds cooperative multiplayer to the game and allows players to create a customizable avatar and take on quests with up to three other players online. You'll come back to this to do more Gil farming later. With the Rampage Sigil's Warp-Strike, you are very hard to hit for several frames, so if you and him both attack simultaneously, most of the time you'll come out on top. Power up the new 10,000 kW Power Line southeast of the Norduscaen Garrison Outpost to forge a new path to Hammerhead, continuing until you reach Insomnia. However, you must get both Fire and Shot resistance to 100% for the final storyline battle, and having Lightning and Dark at 100% will prove to be useful in other battles. As usual, you'll want to start by buffing yourself with the Dancing Daggers and go all out on the Yojimbo. Your STR and MP will drop, but your HP and VIT will increase substantially. The Magic Pot will give you 100kWx99 (9,900 kw!). If you start with 1.0, you'll be able to clear the Walkthrough in only about 15 hours. If you want to be optimal though, keep continuing with the Shuriken for another 3 or so minutes and try to hit 99 Laser Sensors. It isn't too bad though because you should get at least 1 Needle every 3 or so trips (on average). Updated: 03 Jan 2017 22:33. Behemoth Tears in Urgent: Double Deadeyes (0:26 Video). From the two choices, make sure you pick Aiden Lunder (Item Shop Opening). After you've updated to Comrades 1.2 and have beaten the game at Galdin Quay, when you next load into Lestallum, a short scene will take place ("Several days later"). Then go after the MA-Veles and MA-X Maniple bosses by breaking their legs to immobilize and make them vulnerable. Even by this point in the game, you'll be so powerful there's really no point in me writing a strategy for this quest. When the battle starts, it will take Ifrit several seconds to get up from his throne and actually be susceptible to any damage. After the bees, Point-Warp (TRIANGLE) to high ground, move across the beam carefully, then Blade-Warp (L1 + TRIANGLE) to the woman on the ropeway and help her to finish out the quest. We'll be dismantling these three weapons later at the end of the game to get some very important items called Meteorites, Strength Shards, and Strength Gemstones and Level 51/50 is all that is needed for each. Next, you'll be using 1 Cactuar Needle and your remaining Chrome Bits to level your new Level 1 Javelin you bought earlier to a Level 51 Knight's Lance. Note: You will need 1 or 2 Treant Sap for Crafting Goals #2 and #3. You can then at that point craft the Behemoth Tears as the final mat, and if the post game content quests prove too difficult, you can then load your backup save and "re-use" the Behemoth Tears in Crafting Goal #5 instead (so you only have to farm for the Behemoth Tears one time). You'll need to complete it 4 times, once with each bro. Go near where Vyv (the photographer) is and up the next flight of stairs into the upper level of town and talk to Holly and accept and do Holly's Solo Quest: Ropeway Under Renovation. Do not sell the now-Level 1 Imperial Blades and Clarity Shield you just dismantled. It's a good trade-off for this fight, as you have a ton of STR already (and will literally be at around 2,000 STR still with it on). Specifically, your: The old ones will be Level 50 and have lower STR/VIT. Overpower everything with your DW and aerial attacking. The Curved Hollowhorns we'll use to level all our gear with, as they give +25 STR and have the best STR to EXP ratio of any mat in the game. Go talk to Jeanne (Send Power) and access the electrical grid. Power up the 6,000 kW Power Line it was blocking to get The Wanderer's Sigil: Cheer. If you run out of Laser Sensors, do the Item Drop Bug in Ghost in the Machine. You can now buy the final mats you'll need to do your last crafting session. Unlock the nearby 11,000 kW (B3) south of here and keep farming Roboresurrection for kW, following the C Path until you hit the Urgent: The Malevolent Malboro (C1). With the Rampage Sigil, the fight might take about 10 or so minutes. Talk to a Hunter standing by the wall of the alley with the [ ! ] Try and keep yourself buffed with Jitterburg. You shouldn't need to spend more than ~10 minutes in a battle to hit 99 Laser Sensors. You should hopefully have been able to buy around 40-50 Chrome Bits with your current Gil. The 1st and 3rd waves are Garchimaceras, the 2nd and 4th waves have the Mutant Mindflayers that drop the Octolegs (along with Ronins, who have an instant death attack), and the 5th and final wave are the two Mutant Bandersnatch bosses that drop the Monster Jaw. Use these early waves to get acquainted with the character you're using, as all four bros play very differently. Coincidence? Roboresurrection Chain Warping (0:35 Video). It's recommended you pick Insomnia because it offers the best stat gains for MP -- the hardest stat to increase in the game. The Petrified Disc automatically remodels into a Cornflower at Level 30. The Final Fantasy XV Comrades multiplayer expansion DLC actually contains quite a few all-new mechanics that weren't found in the single-player side of the game, with the development team . Use your Flamebind/Frostbind/Stormbind attacks for close range combat (O Button). Note: If you wish, you can go ahead and continue to Galdin Quay and finish out the 1.0 Comrades content and beat the game. If you wish to though, you can unequip it by pressing L3. On average, I tend to get the Petrified Disc within an hour of farming for one (since you have two early chances to get it). Before you start this quest, buy a Shuriken from Lestallum's Weapon Shop (keep it at Level 1) and replace your Imperial X-Blades with it. Even though this is a Level 10 quest, you can handle it at Level 2. :) Two waves of enemies. You finish with a Cactuar Needle to end with all four stat requirements done and at exactly Level 30 with 0 EXP Overflow, ready for 100% Laser Sensors. The ammo replenishes after a few seconds once it reaches 0 (so you want to always use each gun down to 0 before switching to the next). Here are the alternate crafting mats and steps: It's now time to do the final few Urgents. When you break the Veleses' legs, you should get some Dynamo mats, which we'll be using at the next Outpost, Cauthess Depot (B2). You should have gotten some Dynamos from Roboresurrection (breaking the two MA-Veles bosses). Note: At the time I took this screenshot, I didn't have the Curative Spell: Cura on the Clarity Shield in the build/crafting steps. Then go in and defeat the enemies. 1.0 or 1.2). By always keeping yourself behind it, you'll avoid its Bad Breath attack, which can confuse you. Just keep your Jitterbug buff up, aerial attacking and breaking them with your Knight's Lance, and you'll wind up with the mats. Drooping Whiskers | Final Fantasy XV Wiki. They have a great value. The Clarity Shield will only have 90% Fire Resistance via the Sinister Sharpscales (the other 10% should come from the Dragon Whisker) and 100% Shot Resistance. To kill the Behemoth quickly and efficiently, begin by breaking at least two of its four legs. They can be sold for a very . I do not recommend using your existing save and just making a . It can be a tough one with the AI because it's actually a pseudo Defense mission disguised as an Urgent. Silky serpent whiskers, very resilient and able to shed any liquid. You'll fight two Malbodooms in this quest. Also, when it's nighttime, it's a little harder to see when mining as you'll be using your flashlight with reduced visibility. First, make sure you send power to Biggs Callux / Wedge Kincaid (C2) northwest of Meldacio and Devon Elkton (C3) west of Meldacio. Unfortunately, the game doesn't tell you how much Total kW you've accumulated and spent. Ifrit will be on fire. We'll be spending a ton of gil. We will need to get a total of 25 Meteorites for Crafting Goal #4. The Escort with a Truck is next, which is not hard, although the Nagarani might take a while if it regenerates its HP. Source. Do this quest/bug until you've gotten at least ~60 Laser Sensors and then move to the next section, Crafting Goal #3. If you didn't see him though, don't worry, as he can appear anytime. If you wish to do the Post Game content and get all the other resistances required, you are expected to do Crafting Goal #5. If you run out of mats before getting 25 Meteorites, start using your Spirit, Magic, and Vitality Shards/Gemstones or buy more Rusted Bits from Old Lestallum. You should hopefully be somewhere at the 11-12 hour mark, Level 25+, the game beaten, and with your final four weapons crafted at their current max level. Also, if you haven't already, equip The Oracle's Sigil: Healing Light into your GEAR before starting this quest, as you'll want the 100% MP for doing Chain Warps. Head to Cid's Remodeling Station to craft. Heavy Lance) to weaken yourself. I recommend starting with Gladiolus since he is the easiest/strongest to play this quest with. Afterwards you will unlock Meldacio Hunter HQ (C4). Each weapon behaves like this; if you see a small "boost meter" underneath the stat, then you must fill it up before reaching Max Level or you will fail to remodel it into its next form. You are actually able to take down the final boss right now without much difficulty with your current Chrome Bit-leveled gear. The Javelin will be remodeled into a Heavy Lance at Level 20, increasing its Max Level to 40. Note that the "Oil Spill" / Flames do not have to happen for the bug to activate. ADWDA aims not only to have the Dorper and White Dorpers become truly part of the Australian sheep Industry, but to be one of the leaders of the Australian Sheep industry into the future. I do not recommend using your existing save and just making a new character, though that might be worth trying. Make sure you have your Clarity Shield with you. You can also set your "Save Point" here (near the music-playing trio by Cid's Remodeling Station) so that when you begin the game, you start here instead of Lestallum. Drooping Whiskers is an upgrade item which houses this spell. After defeating Ifrit and earning the 13th and final Royal Sigil, The Father's Sigil: Revitalize, you'll earn the Trophy: Blessed by All. After defeating all the enemies, the wonderful Cape Caem music will play. Remember: The Royal Sigils show up as red glowing stations with little swords in them on the electrical grid. Buy 1 Clarity Shield (7,030 Gil) from the Weapons Shop and replace one of your remaining Kite Shields with it. Urgent: Out of the Darkness in 30 Seconds (0:47 Video). You honestly don't need to waste the 5,000 kW to send power to it until after you've reached Urgent: Ghost in the Machine (D3). You need 3,000 Gil to mine. You have 4 Mindflayers opportunities, and the Octolegs dropped about 25-50% of the time for me. Selling 99 Electrolytic Condensers should net you 17,325 Gil per run and 99 Laser Sensors double that at 34,650 Gil. After completing the Urgent: The Terrible Treant, you will unlock the "best" Royal Sigil in the game, The Rogue's Sigil: Aerial Ace. Then get yourself around it and situated to target the second leg/foot and break it. Afterwards, power up the 11,000 kW Power Line nearby to unlock The Rogue's Sigil: Aerial Ace (C6). Note: You can also view the original map with all the locations listed, made by @TFORTIERPHOTO here: You should have earned some more Gil, so buy more Chrome Bits to finally complete Crafting Goal #2. You'll be able to get 3 more Royal Sigils in the process of powering up the electrical grid: The remaining 3 Royal Sigils will require you to do some high level battles. If you equip it into your GEAR's Royal Sigil slot, you'll see that it gives you 100% MP, doubling it to about 120. Your final goal before updating to Comrades 1.2 is to grind Ghost in the Machine for about 2 hours doing the Item Drop bug until you have around 350,000 Gil. It's a little bit RNG, as the rocks have a pre-determined list of other mats it can also hand out. To get to the final battle, send power to reach Galdin Quay (D4), the 4th and final Outpost. You'll know the bug is activated when you start hearing a lot of item drop sounds, as your AI's attacks will also work. Final Fantasy XV Wiki Guide. Here's what my character looked like at the 10-11 hour mark, before I finished off Bahamut and updated to 1.2. If you didn't, get about 450,000 Gil. All of your attacks with the Dancing Dagger buff should be doing 5000-9999 damage per hit. So if it's night, I recommend to restart the game to reset the time to morning (OPTIONS > Return to title). Note: The Petrified Disc/Cornflower below is an optional weapon you can get very soon in the Walkthrough, so I'm including it in this Crafting Goal. Point-Warp to a lamp post if the situation is hairy or you need MP. If you plan on playing the Standalone and doing the post game content, it's possible to skip Crafting Goal #5 (which requires the 30% Cid Buff) by simply topping off your current DW with a Behemoth Tears. This will be your new best crafting mat for this point in the game. You could level these weapons up higher if you wanted, but you'd be unnecessarily stronger while wasting Gil, mats, and time in the long-run. This is the only Sigil you'll be wearing for the entire game (except for maybe the final boss). Ghost in the Machine) to have the next bro arrive, and repeat. It's time to do one last status check. To get VIT to 20, use a combination of +VIT mats like Strong Bone, Garula Tusk, and the Iron Giant Armor (don't be afraid to use the one you got from the tutorial -- you can actually get more of these from another quest). Item Drop Bug - Warp-Strike Method & Regenerating the MA-X Maniple's HP (1:29 Video). This will give you access to Comrades 1.2 content and let you start earning the Main Game's second set of trophies. Aerial attacking and cure if you start earning the main road on grassy areas wearing... Play very differently mats and steps: it 's OK drooping whiskers ffxv comrades you did n't get the. 99 Laser Sensors, do and repeat a new quest, you should hopefully been... You 're using, as the rocks have a pre-determined list of other mats it can be a one! Start earning the main game 's second set of trophies Needle every 3 or minutes! 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