Gender display option in tooltip had space on the wrong side. Fixed issue with ObjectiveTracker toggle button showing incorrect value. [Nameplate: Style Filter] Added trigger if the unit is Focused (or not). The other two have had their names updated, so if you changed settings of them (Boss or Explosives), you can go ahead and delete them yourself now). Added option to hide Health Bar on Tooltips. Fixed a bug in the Plugin library which prevented some plugins from versions being checked correctly. Fixed CVar `chatClassColorOverride` not working correctly. Unified Font setting is now replicating old behaviour entirely. Added new style filter triggers "Is Targeting Player" and "Is Not Targeting Player". You can also choose to have a UI scale calculated for you, or simply set it manually in the config. Added EP Boss one debuffs to Raid Debuffs. He called this device the Mobius Chair, and to power it he needed Element X, the same element he used to create the Boom Tubes. [Actionbar] Stopped allowing Keybinder in combat. You can lose everything. Battlefield map should now show the player location correctly. copyrighted to their authors with all rights reserved. Also I wanna know where to rate this feat. Fixed black Quest Text if Parchment Remover is enabled. This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. Please only register if you have an autoconfirmed account there, as otherwise your registration will be rejected. Added ExtraActionBars from Blazeflack. Wally asked The Spectre if he could do anything to help Jai and Spectre told him that he could give Jai the surge of energy the Speed Force gave him for the fight against Savitar. Fixed issue with stance bar visibility when switching between specs. :), Added new "Unified Font Sizes" setting for "Replace Blizzard Fonts" (on by default). @tedirey: What part of this suggests that Wally could have actually done this beyond him going "bro trust me I can do it"? Fixed issue which prevented Style Filters from applying to Healthbars of some Nameplates when Healthbar was disabled., literally putting reality in motion pushing it forward, him his and every other speedsters their super speed, Hyper-Time is like "three temporal dimensions". Nameplates were reset in the last version for some people who had a newer profile, sorry about that. Fixed errors which occurred in `OrderHallTalentFrame` and `Contribution` skins. This new system is much more advanced and should allow you to set up the filters exactly how you want them. Published Feb 5, 2020. 5. TaintLess was updated to help with some taint problems (Thanks foxlit). Flashing fixed for the Texture Swap from StyleFilters (Thanks Eltreum). He realised reality is damaged and met up with Tempus Fuginaut, telling him he had a plan to repair reality. Fixed issue which broke item links and icons in the profile export when using table or plugin format. Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West was the fastest man alive, and the third speedster known as the Flash. Wally jumped into his own son Jai twenty years in the future, where Irey was waiting for him. Fixed issue with ClassBar on NamePlates since 8.1 patch, the ClassBar also correctly works on Druids now. NamePlates had the wrong font when loading into the game, should be resolved now (for real finally). Fixed "script ran too long" error when jumping from Skyhold to Dalaran. RaidUtility would still appear as a black boxes when disabled, that is sorted now. [Nameplate] Added ElvUIPlayerNamePlateAnchor for WeakAuras and other AddOns. Fixed issue with backdrop on tooltips turning blue. Hid the Recipient Portrait on the TradeFrame. Fixed Copy Chat Log (and Copy Chat Line) from displaying lines sometimes. Replaced more Blizzard font elements for panels where fonts were mixed. Using the Speed Force excessively and recklessly can result in him being permanently trapped in it. Fixed a rare error from old profiles related to the Gold Datatext and "OldMoney". Cooldown Target Aura now supports Macro spells. Many current and former members of the Teen Titans gathered together the night before the battle. Stylefilter sliders were not showing the correct Max Level. Stance Bar will now get placed in the correct place, it was rolling a placement dice, we took it away. Added toggle option for display of targeted nameplate health bar. Disabled the "Boss" Style Filter by default. Waygate Travel was added to the Blacklist filter. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Flash Family members" category. Bag assignments can be sorted now, also work on classic (looting to that bag seems to work as well). He gains the power of Metron. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Not sure who or why people would even begin to vote Thor lol, Isn't Wally with the MC is nigh omnipresent, nigh omniscient, and low outerversal? Wally wanted to run back into and through the horde to go after the Mobius Chair, while Barry wanted to continue to run forward. Ned_the_outer_god. Logic is an argument. Mistakenly believing himself responsible for the power surge and under the effects of hypnotic persuasion from Eobard Thawne, Wally also placed a future version of himself amongst the victims. (Hunters Rejoice)! also who is Kidsavage? Ant-Man VS Atom; Gogeta VS Vegito; Past Seasons. Fixed issue with NamePlates glow beeing pixelated. NamePlates were rewritten from scratch. Fixed visibility of raid frames in the installer for the healer layout. Added color options for UnitFrame Power Predictions. Alerts created by other addons (using the WoW alert system) will now follow the growth direction shown on the Alert Frame mover. Hotfixes for Battlegrounds and Custom Currency Datatexts. Added spacing option to unitframe Aura Bars. Thin Border Unitframe setting can be toggled separately, regardless of the Thin Border UI setting (both are found under. However, when Owlman, Grid, Metron, and the Mobius . Lowered the min value on some Unitframes elements, mainly health. Updated the macro text on the ActionBars to use the ActionBar font. Worldmap coordinates are placed better (anchoring on the actual map). Added Glimmer of Light for Paladins to the BuffIndicator. If you use friendly nameplates in those situations then you will notice that they use the default WoW style. This release resets the nameplate settings in order to transition to the new nameplates. Blizzard's Target Interact Icons can now appear on Nameplates. (Thanks Ellypse). The system datatext will now display protocol info (IPv4/IPv6) if applicable. [Style Filter] Added Triggers- Raid Target Marker, Not Name, Is Resting, Is Pet, and Unit/Player In/Out of Vehicle. 'name:medium:translit'. He caught up to Superman and questioned him about how he remembers him, as well as his life with Linda Park. (#831). (Note: NonTarget is used to replace the NonTarget Alpha option and Target is used to replace the Target Scale option. Added Custom Font options for Unitframe Castbars (Thanks @Caedis). Added heal absorb display to the heal prediction module. Fixed "button.db" error in Nameplate Aura code. Wally receives power from the Mobius Chair and residual power from Dr. Manhattan's time in the Mobius Chair, transforming him into a near-omnipotent being. Simplified skinning of chat bubbles with new API. Top Auras on Classic / Wrath were accepting Key Up and Down instead of only up causing a double click, sometimes double-remove, when clearing an aura. Flash and the Titans fought Red X but the villain quickly escaped without a trace. Fixed the background color for Alternative Power bar, sometimes it was not updating to the correct color the first time. Fixed incompatibility issue(s) with Kaliel's Tracker due to a moved reference to E.Blizzard. Added "Auto Add New Spells" option to actionbar general options. To make matters worse, they would even forget their own history as a group due to the machinations of Mister Twister, further hiding Wally's existence. Display an icon on Bag icons for corrupted items. A lot can happen in the blink of an eye. During a battle against H.I.V.E., Wally suffered from a heart attack and apparently died. Attempted fix for the last Bag would sometimes be disabled. The next day, they discussed who could have been behind the assassination, and Wally learned that Dick had a long-lost sister who was the Mayor of Bludhaven. Whoa, I didn't even realize that. Fixed Style Filter error: attempt to compare nil with number (line 322). Dark Matter surrounded him as he heard evil laughter echo through reality. You are using an out of date browser. The only exception being you may [Unitframe] Added Duration option for cooldown text and reworked the cooldown code. Masque should play nicely again. There is no easy fix for it, as the issue is with how the nameplate module was initially written. Fixed Nameplate Class Bar error "ClassPower.lua line 133: attempt to index field '?' Added a separate skin setting for Blizzard Interface Options. Added Detached Power Bar Auto Hide when empty option (needs better locales). Bag Datatext displays info correctly again. [Chat] Added options to Desaturate, Pin to Tab Panel, or Hide Voice Buttons. Chat error when friends going online or offline on Wrath or Classic. How so? Added option to control heal prediction overflow. Fixed Item Level showing incorrectly on the character page when in a gear scaled instance. (Thanks AcidWeb and Ls- for helping us with this!) Fixed issue which could cause an error in other addons when Chat History was enabled. Quest Icons also shows the quest ! Fixed error in Garrison skin when the addon GarrisonCommander was enabled. Added options for the Ready Check Icon on Party/Raid/Raid-40 Frames. Community Skin error caused by recent update from Blizzard. The Flash Family gathered at the Flash Museum to go into the Force and hopefully find Barry and bring him home. When setting Smart Aura Position, then the "Attach To" setting will automatically be set for the respective aura type, and then the selection box will be disabled. E:ShortValue will now floor values below 1000. [Actionbar] Added show cooldown text on charges option. Fixed Style Filter Class Trigger. Fixed Spellbook error in combat (happened when leveling). Changed various default settings for aura filtering in order to lessen the confusion for users. Changed the status frame. AuraBars using Debuffs type can once again, switch to Class Color, just like magic. Allowed the MicroBar to be shown in Pet Battles by editing the visibility setting. Added toggle option for Cutaway health on Nameplates. Fixed a texture issue on the Talent skin (#566). Added E:IgnoreCVar(cvarName, ignore) API. I only wish that it had better support for default profiles for when you roll new alts. Changed how icons get shadowed in Guild bank and Bags module. [10] However, thanks to his cousin, he managed to survive, and his heart condition had healed. Fixed issue (#282) which prevented some Style Filter actions from taking affect. Workaround by foxlit. Character Stats and Profiles Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. (#819), Fixed `Raid Menu` button in `Raid Control`. Fixed issue on pet bar which may have caused the "auto cast" markers to show in the wrong pet spells. If Wally was 6-D then this would be somewhat debatable. Fixed the AltPowerBar enable toggle not requiring a reload. Attempt to prevent issue with RC Loot Auto-pass getting loot frames stuck. Added the ability to show Toy ID when Tooltips have the Spell ID setting enabled. Microbar has a new option for the art it displays (ActionBars > MicroBar > Use Icons). This seems a little rude and overly confrontational, dude just asked a simple question probably because he's not super well versed in what was wrong with the profile, you could've just answered him without being a snob about it. Fixed Classbar being tiny when using AutoHide option, also would error when leaving a vehicle. Barry said he would go and search for the rest of the League and told Wally to return to Earth 0 and protect it from the Darkness. It is disabled by default. It will now send a lot fewer messages in total. Fixed an issue in Bags skin preventing the "highlight" visual from showing when searching for items. [Style Filter] Added Triggers- Threat conditions, New Casting (or not Casting; or Casting:NotSpell) triggers, Key Modifiers, and Target: Require Target (used in ElvUI_NonTarget). Changed the click needed to reset current session in the gold datatext from Shift+LeftClick to Ctrl+RightClick. Added an option for a detailed report for Vendor Grey Items. Nameplate Auras now has a "Color by Type" option which will remove the debuff type border color (stealable and bad dispels will still be shown). [Lag Fix] Removed a spammy event (UNIT_AURA) from the PetBar as this was causing it to execute far more than needed. Base tier is fine, but the file formatting is like, really poor. Because of a change Blizzard made to friendly nameplates in 7.2, it is no longer possible to modify them in dungeons and raid instances. Fixed Auras text from using wrong settings. Added Korean option for the "Numer Prefix Style" setting. Fader for Unitframes and ActionBars now understands Empowered casts. Fixed a bug which broke exporting profiles in plugin format. Added option to toggle Objective Tracker when boss or arena frames are shown. Unfortunately this is not the case when the ElvUI NamePlates module is enabled. Fixed Battleground map position saving. But Im pretty sure Noelle just passives. Priests should be able to see when they can actually dispel Diseases. We decided to completely rewrite the DataBars, this includes rewriting the old threat into this new module. Implemented fix for Auras not anchoring correctly. Mail Icon was not positioned correctly on Minimap. Fixed skin issue with Mission Talent Frame. Changed the Focus Aura Bars to off by default. Chat has a Server Time setting now which can be used instead of Local Time. Fixed error when opening fullscreen worldmap while in combat in the Order Hall. Fixed pet type in the pet battle UI for non-English clients. Tweaked and updated some of the Cutaway lib again (it now uses clipped textures, so it wont overflow). Added option to hide the ElvUI Raid Control panel. Fixed Hovered Hyperlinks when scrolling in the Chat. Fixed issue which caused classbar to disappear from target nameplate. Added option to display custom currencies in the main Currencies datatext tooltip. Added Corrupted Item Icon onto the Character Frame for items with Corruption stat. Made sure Voice Icons appear when the Panel is hidden. Tabs can be customized with color and we added a feature to let you hug the text with arrows. Fixed error when attempting to right click a fake unitframe spawned from "Display Frames" by unregistering mouse on these frames. Sorting should seem a lot smoother, especially for low end computers. Fixed issue which prevented item borders in bags from updating when opening the bank. What I dont get is why they have to be a special snowflake and need their own client to update the addon, why cant they just add it to Twitch like every other addon? Added Phase Indicator for Target, Party and Raid frames (Thanks @ls-). Also if Wally is only at least 5-D then can you close this? Looking for Group complaining about GetPlaystyleString (Start a Group button is now intentionally unskinned). Fixed error when Spec Switching involving Raid Role Icons. Removed alert and flash in chat tabs when chat history is displayed after a login or reload. New datatext for Date, incase you aren't sure. Fixed Friends Datatext to show those playing Classic WoW. Added a toggle in General for Voice Overlay. Added option in our media section to remove the cropping from icons. [23], The Batman Who Laughs, empowered by Perpetua, defeated Wally and stripped him of the Mobius Chair. Fixed an issue with the cooldown module which wouldn't correctly set cooldowns when they were started cooldown before you logged into the game. Health Breakpoint option added for Unitframes. [Nameplate] Fixed a bug where the Highlight was under the health. Your name, your reputation. Although Wally carried some residual "Anti-Crisis Energy" from Dr. Manhattan, he was no longer omnipotent. Fixed issue which caused E:UpdateAll to be called twice, potentially causing errors in plugins. (#1013). Blizzard's Chat mover will work when our Panels are set to HideBoth (after reloading). Removed some of the excessive options in Buff Indicator which were overrides which were left over from the old code. Fixed issue with AP calculation in bag. Created a Forcefield that deflected the Avengers attacks,, Flash Environmental Destruction downgrade, The fastest known speedsters across creation, now face each other in a fierce brawl (GRACE). Prevented right-aligned Ace3 dropdowns (and SharedMedia dropdowns) cutting off when the text is wider than the box. He saw the Teen Titans founded twice, and two different versions of the Flash Family. The Artifact DataBar tooltip will now display numbers in groupings (1.000.000). The default color in ElvUI has been changed to match the new logo. (Rubgrsch). Group Finder had wrong Premade Groups icon. Weaknesses: Uncontrollably discharges lightning when he becomes emotionally overwhelmed. Added click-through option for Actionbars: Bar 1 through 10, Pet, and Stance bar. Or he'll be 5-D? It will now correctly count from 0. [57], While Wally was having a barbecue with some of his friends and family, a mysterious spire arrived on Earth and everyone who wasn't a speedster froze in time. Fixed issues with Aura Highlight not working. Attempt to fix compare tooltips not hiding. Example: "/ec unitframe,player,portrait". Fixed AP calculation in bags for Korean and Chinese clients. Added an option to Swap to Alt Power on party frames, until we have a widget or something for corruption status of party members. (#1256). MainMenuBar taint involving PetBar and SetPointBase should be resolved finally. The Renegades promised to take care of him if Iris agreed to come back with them, to which she agreed, although Barry and Wallace also come back to the 25th century with them. Added color option for Swapped Alt Power to Unitframes and Nameplates. The AFK screen should no longer appear if the character is casting something (crafting). Quest Icons code was slightly updated to improve locales and pick the correct icon to use, so now it might work on other languages better. Wally ran away in search of a plan and found Deathstroke's son, Jericho, for help. Fixed scaling of the Leave Vehicle button on the minimap. Tweaked the Tooltips in the Config so it will display the hard limits (min, max, decimal step) and only display a tooltip when it has other information than just name. Menu for Datatext switch was displaying results twice. Added Flyout Button Size option (for pets and such). Reworked vendor greys code to resolve issues with the previous versions. Chat History will now highlight keywords, allow linking of URLs, and will no longer populate Last Tell for replies. Updated the Death Recap, Combat Log, and Community skins in 2020 style. Plugin that provides 4 additional action bars to ElvUI. Added Alternative Power Bar. Tier: At least 8-C. Varies with speed, up to 4-B normally, up to 2-C, possibly 2-A at his peak. The new scaling adjustments are in place, which should allow you to select a custom scale that will keep borders intact better. Clicking the Currencies datatext will now open the currencies frame in WoW. ElvUI will now handle the error gracefully and inform you that the import string is incorrect. Make sure you check out the post in the news section for the details! Fixed an issue that mostly affected actionbars, where elements would be misplaced after a profile change. Added new UnitFrame Glow settings located under `UnitFrame -> General -> Frame Glow`. Bag Bar: Lowered the min button spacing to -1. Added visibility options to the microbar. Wally freed Dark Opal from prison so he could lead them to the Heart, but by the time they got there Eclipso had already descended into the core. Added the WoW Token price in our Gold DataText. Added an option to allow the portrait on UnitFrames to truly overlay the health, including the backdrop. Wally remained active as the Flash for years, eventually meeting Linda Park, who he would go on to marry and have two children with: Irey and Jai West. Added a Panel Snapping option, which allows you to toggle the snapping into panels. [11] Afterwards, the Justice League encouraged the Titans to disband, which they do. He also can't reach the speed necessary to return to his time. Wrath still has a Totem Bar (for shamans) but will. Added more game clients to the Friends datatext. Fixed a bug in the new Addon Manager skin (AddOn index must be in the range of 1 to 4). Corrected Count Font Outline on Top Auras, along with the border color being incorrect. Fixed issue which caused the chat panel backdrops color to change when updating the normal backdrop color setting. Loot frame error about item not existing. Can remove Bags and drop items into the Container Bags again. May 3, 2021 #1 Flash (Wally West) (Post-Flashpoint) As the title suggests, I'm creating a profile for Wally's Rebirth iteration. [Style Filter] Cleaned a decent amount of the trigger condition check code with the help of @wing5wong. [Nameplate / Unitframes] Added a new smoothing method to Unitframes and Nameplates. - scales to at least 5D. Wally West, named after his grandfather, is the only son of Rudy and Mary West. External Edit of ElvUI that adds additional functionality and design option to ElvUI. While in a dungeon or raid instance the default WoW nameplates are supposed to be active. For this assume that Wally has all of Dr. Manhattan's power, knows how to use them, along with the Mobius Chair. "Is PvP" / "Is Not PvP": Activated when a unit is flagged for pvp or not. Removed requirement to hold down Shift in order to move the Interface Options frame. Fixed issue which caused the Blizzard PartyMemberBackground frame to show up when it should not. EXP Databar layering was a getting reset. Petbar wasn't appearing with the Backdrop option selected. 8. Enhanced the display and sorting of the Friend datatext. Updated Trinket Spells for Trinket element. Varies with speed, up to Solar System level normally, up to Low Multiverse level, possibly Multiverse level+ at his peak (Can tank the recoil of his own attacks), Stamina: Near Infinite (According to Wally, he will never run out of energy due to his direct connection to the Speed Force[24]), Range: Standard Melee Range (Most of his powers are melee-based, but he can use ranged Speed Force effects a few meters away), up to Several kilometers with whirlwinds and such. That problem is corrected now. Panel Movers will update with the Panel resizing again. The van drove to meet with the assassin, who was revealed to be KGBeast. Fixed Heirloom Cooldown not fitting the icon. Fixed issue which broke the Ace3 config of other addons. We apologize for the inconvenience. Fixed issue which caused the Action bar buttons to not set the "checked" state. Wally "invited" Dick to stay in his house, carrying him there before he had a chance to object. Added new style filter trigger "Casting Non-Interruptible". Also, the Unified Fonts setting was further adjusted to be exactly as it was pre-font changes. Colors will now update as you click the wheel. Equipped Item border wasn't updating correctly. And I was gonna do Mobius Chair Wally, but he would stomp if I do that. The Titans then arrived just after Red X murdered the psychic villain before fleeing the scene with Nevermore, who told the Titans not to follow them. Unitframe Status Bars will now sync their textures onto the background space when not using transparent. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Round 2: Morals off. Fixed a few "attempt to access forbidden object" errors relating to tooltip. Years later, during the Justice League's war against Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor, the barrier between Wally and the real world was finally weakened enough by the powerful death of Darkseid. (#1280). It will only affect the Antorus raid instance now. Fixed issue which broke coloring of Runes. Vote. Just change your main option number to: 6. and, using his abilities, reconstructed recordings of all of the other patients' traumas. Datatext bar offset for non-thin border theme corrected. Added some spell IDs for ToS to RaidDebuffs filter. Masque on Action Bars should once again trim correctly (when Keep Aspect Ratio is checked). Fixed issue which made the Friendly Blizzard plates wider than they should be for some users. Clicking on a player's name who whispered you or messaged into guild chat via Mobile app will now properly link their name with realm attached. Fixed placement issue of name and level on NamePlates when "Always Show Target Healthbar" is disabled. (!115 - Thanks @wing5wong). Real Change Log coming soon.. Servers went up early. [Lag Fix] Tweak our oUF_Fader slightly and recoded the UIFrameFade to solve various CPU lags with UpdateRange. Your current role has to match this before a filter is activated. Readded delete functionality to Vendor Greys on Classic. Highlight texture for Items on the Character page are now the old style instead of the blizzard style. Wally West. [16] Wally reluctantly assisted Fuginaut, fighting alongside the heroes of Earth 23, and purged the Dark Matter from their world. Sometimes when adjusting the aura settings for a unit it would bug and not actually update the positioning (mainly targettarget). Some Datatexts refused to show information on login, now they are willing to share said info. (Abeline). Wally finally escaped the Speed Force, but, due to all the history manipulation, no one remembered him. Fixed issue which prevented clicking in the top-right of screen where Minimap is by default (when the Minimap is not actually there). UI: You can once again move Blizzard's Player Alt Power Bar with our movers. Aura Special Filters can now be localized. Attempted fix for Info Panel erroring about backdrops. Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the. Fixed error in castbar element (for real this time). Chat Editbox will follow the chats text font and size. [Nameplate] Corrected the Swap to Alt Power setting. Recoded some of the Cooldown module code and made it support UnitFrame Buff Indicator better. CustomGlow is now back to ButtonGlow for the time being (no settings for this right now. In one, Iris introduces him to Barry alone, while in another he is accompanied by his cousin Wallace. Resto Shaman: adds Earth Shield from self (Elemental Orbit), Earthliving Weapon, and Healing Rain. Meant for buffs provided by NPCs in raids or other PvE content. Updated Castbar Ticks amount, nice Penance btw. Base Wally is 3-D physically with 6-D powers afaik. Updated RaidDebuffs filter with more ToS debuffs. Units in different phases will now always have their unitframe be displayed as out of range. The chair was created by Mobius, also known as the Anti-Monitor, to assist in his quest for knowledge. Fixed the BG Double status bar not skinning right. After the events of the Darkseid War, Owlman took control of it for a short time, taking Grid with him inside of the chair. Barry transferred the last of his speed to Wally to give him the boost he needed and Wally pushed himself as hard as he could, his costume transforming into the one he had worn before the Flashpoint. Fixed issue preventing the stance bar buttons to be keybound. Set to HideBoth ( after reloading ) named after his grandfather, is Resting, is Resting, Resting! That provides 4 additional Action Bars to ElvUI Afterwards, the Unified Fonts setting was adjusted... Default settings for a unit is flagged for PvP or not ) foxlit ) registration. External Edit of ElvUI that adds additional functionality and design option to Hide ElvUI. 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