Consider also mounting support weapons like machine guns or flamers on your brawlers, but keep in mind that many of the chassis best-suited for this job will run into heat management issues. Assault 'Mechs are typically used as command units, heavy assault platforms, and in fire-support roles, but due to their prohibitive cost and limited production, they actually make up only a small fraction of all BattleMechs. The Victor 9S has even less armor than the 9B standard Victor, but upgrades its SRM-4 to an SRM-6. But building your lance the right way and picking the missions best suited to your lance is just as important if not more so than proper positioning and timing in a fight. Many missions in BattleTech, particularly story missions, will focus on straight up showdowns between lances, and this is what you want brawlers for. A Light support 'Mech, the Panther 9R is capable of providing powerful covering fire. The average mechwarrior usually isnt going to fill his pants when he sees a Marauder II, but one painted emerald green with credit symbols on it? Remaining in motion is still the Locust's best defense. Capable of cleaving a Mad Cat in half! Either my Centurian rocking a AC/20+ or my Thunderbolt with a PPC and 3-4 medium lasers with a SRM6++ 4+ damage. Larger, assault-class Mechs like the Awesome and Zeus can easily be used as direct-fire snipers due to their respectable armor capabilities, build the lighter platforms around as many LRM racks as you can mount. The tradeoff is in speed and maneuverability, as assault 'Mechs are generally very slow. Everything you need to know to build and outfit the perfect lance. - Malcolm Reynolds. Pick chassis that have enough hardpoints to mount a lethal number of weapons and go big wherever you can: big racks of SRMs, PPCs, AC20s and medium or short-range lasers all work well on brawlers. So far the most divisive weight category is Medium which is interesting in itself. A cross between my Atlas, Atlas II and King Crab. Check the. Known as the 'Atlas II,' the D-HT model carries more Energy weaponry and usually a lighter, more flexible Autocannon. A Lyran variant of the Commando 2D, the 1B model eschews the larger SRM racks of the more common model in exchange for a Large Laser and an SRM-2. Stuff like advanced AI, superweapons, or anything of the like? Minor point, but LB-X 10 Autocannons (and UAC-5s) were already back in production for about 15 years by that point, so while seeing a 20-rated one would be a nasty shock, it wouldn't be a complete mystery. The big and possibly sole advantage of light (20-35 ton) BattleMechs is their initiative of 4, which means theyll go first in the turn order. but its still going to have to get down into 18 hexes range to be hitting at long. Examples include the Thanatos, Nova Cat, and Mongoose. There are even some stories about MechWarriors who are able to perform acrobatic feats such as shoulder rolls. I'll take a PXH-6D Phoenix Hawk, with the PLG-4Z Pillager a close second. Multiple PPCs, autocannons, and laser banks all work well. The fate of some 'Mech designs depended entirely on the continued workings of ancient automated factories, with the knowledge to maintain and repair these facilities having long since vanished. The Vindicator 1R was designed by committee to be a cheap, easy-to-manufacture jack of all trades. Its heat management still poses a huge problem, though, so its pilots have to stay very wary of overheating. Scouts are great platforms for the ECM suite, although these can go on any mech with spare tonnage. yeah, unoffically I am in the "this is a loaded question" camp. Though generally on the slow side, heavy 'Mechs form the core of any large-scale battle mission and can still perform specialized roles. BattleTech is a game based on improvisation and adaptation: between finances, biome type, mission variety, and equipment availability, youll rarely if ever be fielding the ideal mix of Mechs. Normally the slowest unit on the field, assault 'Mechs can decimate any opponent, but they tend to need support from more maneuverable units. Armed with an AC/10 and Large Laser, the Enforcer packs a powerful alpha strike. I once ran a test on headchoppers. Geared for close to mid-range combat, the Quickdraw 4G's Jump Jets allow it to deftly control the battlefield. There are four different classes of autocannon: the AC/2 , the AC/5 , the AC/10 and the AC/20 . Nobody wants to face down the Bounty Hunter. With an Initiative of 2, heavy 'Mechs take action near the end of a round. Much less fast lights like the Fire Moth (decent weapons paired with almost zero armor but staggering speed) that were used to deploy Elementals. While it has heavy armor, it is a mediocre brawler that is easily flanked and destroyed by any force that can prevent the Banshee from closing. Install heat sinks on these bad boys if youre using a lot of energy weapons or heading into badlands or lunar biomes. All it can dish out is 40 points of damage for no heat if it's standing still, or 50 points if it wants to gain 10 heat. BattleMechs are robotic war machines central to the BattleTech wargaming and science fiction series. A Direwolf Circa 3049. Tu veux jouer au BattleTech? (?) As a hit-and-run 'Mech, however, few pilots can fault the 2D's loadout. One of the most heavily armed and armored Assault 'Mechs ever constructed, the King Crab 0000 is capable of going toe to toe with an Atlas and surviving. . You gain a lot more money by selling spares, especially in friendly systems. The artificial skeleton and musculature, combined with a large gyroscope system, provides stability for the BattleMech and allows for bipedal movement. 1 110 ton BattleMechs If youve spent any significant time with Harebrained Schemes BattleTech youve undoubtedly had a sense that just as much of the game takes place in the MechLab as on the field. the Awesome 8Q has my vote but I have a soft spot for 3025. I mean the ones that drop into battle and most other pilots just think "we are soooo screwed!". You have your choice of weapons with strikers, but the idea is that youll want them at medium range for most fights. Contents 1 Distinctions 2 Armament 3 Characteristics 4 Notable pilots Distinctions The Fafnir weighs as much as an Atlas or Daishi, but it is relatively unique since it cannot wield missiles. Estranged from the rest of humanity for centuries, despite the fact they had their own version of the Succession Wars, the Exodus Civil War, the SLDF exiles had become the Clans they were spared the technological decline of the Succession War, allowing 'Mech development to continue unabated. Medium BattleMechs mount respectable weaponry with above-average speed and varying levels of armor. After assaults, individual pilots in notable mechs made the biggest impact. Network N Media earns commission from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs. Assault mechs, especially the 100-tonners (i.e. Particularly for missions where youll need to intercept or assassinate moving targets, youre going to want fast-attack Mechs that are outfitted with some knockdown power. Assault BattleMechs are the champions of the battlefieldwalking walls of armor and weaponry. Flashpoint brings its smaller sibling into play. Suggested chassis: Vindicator, Hunchback, Kintaro, Cataphract, Orion, Stalker, Hatchetman, Crab,Warhammer. This 'Mech appears on the cover of MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat, and it is pound for pound the best 'Mech in the game. Typical examples of heavy 'Mech designs are the Crusader, Thunderbolt, Warhammer, Marauder and the Clan Mad Dog (Vulture), Summoner (Thor) and Timber Wolf (Mad Cat) designs. Included the 203mm mod velocities. Timberwolf Classic. Since you are always limited by the available mech cubicles, excess mechs must be stored or scrapped. Does not apply to small lasers. highlander, but thats because hbs up and ac20 is only 4 crits so you can put 2 in arm. Unfortunately, this has resulted in a more expensive 'Mech that is under-armored, under-gunned, and incapable of jumping. This model scraps the AC/10, replacing it with a Large Laser and a Small Laser. With this box, you`ll unlock powerful new factions and `Mechs to expand your BattleTech experience and take part in the cataclysmic invasion of the Inner Sphere. While not as mobile as other medium 'Mechs, it does carry Jump Jets, and is both heavily armored and very heat efficient. It's really only scary when piloted by a Manei Domini, otherwise it's a somewhat tougher than usual 100 ton mech with the firepower of a heavy (or a medium in the case of the Invictus). In the early 3120s, tripodal superheavy 'Mechs called "colossal" BattleMechs began appearing as an experimental technology. The concept quickly faded into obscurity from a combination of small numbers, maintenance shortfalls and combat attrition. Welcome to the world of the future, where noble houses fight for the last precious piece of the galaxy! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I want to nominate a light mech for among the most powerful. This is typically where most of the QuadVee's weaponry is housed. Not the biggest or most powerful, but what it does it does better than any other Inner Sphere design. The Trebuchet 5N is a fire support 'Mech with extremely heavy armament for its size. "LMAO, a Charger?!" These 'Mechs are currently available in normal BattleMech weight classes. F. Urban Mech. [10][11], BattleMech designs similarly regressed: those which could still be built had to make do with inferior components, while many effectively became extinct as spare parts ran out. 30+ damage at L&S ranges. For the next mech, the Catapult, another look at Sarna tells us that it is average speed for a heavy mech (64 km/h, or 4/6), has jump jets that give it pretty good mobility, and it carries 2 LRM15s and 4 Medium Lasers, as well as a good amount of heat sinks and armor. Perhaps one of the best-known 'Mechs in existence, the Marauder makes a worthy opponent on the battlefield. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat, Quote from: MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 29 December 2011, 16:16:18, Crowley's Cavaliers Total Chaos Campaign, Quote from: Kiff_Stevenson on 29 December 2011, 16:36:04, Quote from: Ruger on 29 December 2011, 16:46:57, Quote from: FedSunsBorn on 29 December 2011, 18:18:49. The main weakness of the 5N, however, is its paper-thin armor. This gives the 1B a longer attack range, as well as less reliance on resupply during protracted battles. Battletech Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Catapult is quite a good mech, even stock. Welcome to GrimMechs! Its primary drawback is light rear armor and a relatively slow movement speed. It was developed in 2439 by the Terran Hegemony, first deployed in 2443, and produced throughout the rest of the Inner Sphere after its construction plans were stolen in 2455. By removing the LRM-10, two additional Medium Lasers and four additional heat sinks could be mounted. Cyclops 10-Qs are strong support units. They can project tremendous firepower, and perform best as the spearhead of frontal assaults or in defending entrenched positions. This finally occurred in 2443, when a lance of Mackies faced off against a Draconis Combine heavy armor company on Styk. Common medium 'Mech designs include the Phoenix Hawk, Vindicator, Centurion, Shadow Hawk, Griffin, and Wolverine, and the Clan designs Nova (Black Hawk) and Stormcrow (Ryoken). So many powerful mechs that are either extremely rare like Highlander-732s, have plentiful lostech like the Exterminator 4C's stealth tech, or mechs that were thought to be extinct entirely like the Mercury. Unlike most Quad 'Mechs, the QuadVee has a turret-like torso that may rotate 360. Its machine guns also allow it to quickly demolish structures, making it ideal for Demolition and Raid mission types. The worst mech to see is the one you've never seen before. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. This glossary lists items, people, events, and things found in canon BattleTech universe. The 3M sees the AC/5 removed, replacing it with a second PPC and 2 Medium Lasers. Between its armament and its Jump Jets, the 9-H is well equipped to go toe-to-toe with - and shut down - heavier BattleMechs. One of the best mid-range C3 spotters in the game. At close range, its weight allows it to deal considerable melee damage. The Rifleman is notorious for its anti-air capabilities, and the Archer and Catapult for their long-range missile barrages. All rights reserved. The blend of firepower, heat efficiency, and speed make the Crab the perfect 'Mech to raid enemy positions. The Grasshopper 5H was designed as a dedicated Light and Medium 'Mech hunter. Save your rare, powerful salvaged weapons to outfit these beasts. Valve Corporation. Your BattleTech News Roundup For March, 2023, Your BattleTech News Roundup For February, 2023, Lightly armed and armored, it is extremely fragile. Over time, equipment shortages, system failures and similar problems sparked innumerable variants of the classic designs, with field modifications and makeshift repairs commonplace. I can't pick a single "best" mech, but probably the one I use most often is the Wolverine 8C. Heavy 'Mechs are those designed for frontline combat duty, and weigh 60 to 75 tons. The Jenner D is both a scout and a fast harasser. Lacking the close-in weapons and command suite of the 10-Z variant, this model instead capitalizes on a longer range weapon configuration and added armor. When you start doing 4.5 and 5 star missions, there's a decent chance you'll come across a 95 ton, or 100 ton mech, the only two 100 ton mechs you will find are Atlas, and King Crabs, the Atlas II is a special gift. Not knowing what their actual designations were, many picked up new nicknames in the battles between the Clans and Inner Sphere: the Summoner was dubbed as the Thor by House Steiner's forces because of its deliverance of "thunder and lightning" by its Autocannon and PPC; the Dire Wolf became known as Daishi ("great death") among forces of House Kurita; the Mad Dog was called the Vulture by Lyrans and Hagetaka in the Combine; and the Timber Wolf became the Mad Cat because the battle computers of Inner Sphere 'Mechs alternated between Marauder and Catapult when they tried to identify the unknown design. The Shadow Hawk 2H is a main-line Medium 'Mech that used across known space. This increases the Orion's power, but many pilots consider the loss of armor to be risky. For your snipers, use autocannons, large lasers, and/or PPCs if the environment isnt too hostile. The UrbanMech R60 was designed for exactly what the name implies: combat in dense urban areas. Privacy Policy. In an effort to upgrade the Shadow Hawk's close range damage output, the 2D model sacrifices a lot of armor. It did everything the 6 does, but better mostly thanks to its Double Heat Sinks, which are basically nonexistent these days. A single tank survived the encounter and retreated back to its DropShip, and with it word of this new weapon of war spread throughout the Inner Sphere. Their fragility is offset by their high speed, so remember that if you arent moving, youre giving up your best defense, which is evasion bonuses. The Archer's ARC-2S variant trades some of its long-range punch to become even deadlier when it gets up close, mounting SRMs to follow up what its LRMs have battered. Even throughout the Lostech era of the Succession Wars, scavenged battlefield salvage could keep them operational despite their technology not being understood anymore. It's an OmniMech, meaning it has modular pod space where weapons and equipment could be swapped in and out with remarkable ease. The Griffin 4N is an old Star League model that was among the most versatile 'Mechs in its heyday. [9] That progress came to a halt after the Star League Civil War and the exodus of the surviving SLDF units. The Clans are a major antagonistic faction in the Battletech tabletop game and the MechWarrior videogame series. Credits and distribution permission. Optimized Capacitors: +20% Energy Dmg. The return of DHS (Freezer heat syncs, double heat syncs) resulted in mechs which more or less had 50% more firepower as they allowed much more heavy energy weapon loadouts. Four additional heat sinks help the 1S manage heat. Here are ten of the best. [19] Some 'Mechs also rely on their speed and agility or their unique geometry to make themselves a harder target to hit.[20][21]. A mixture of medium and long range weaponry ensures that while the Highlander excels at no particular role, it is decent at all of them. The Raven excels at support and scouting, and its standard component of SRMs and medium lasers allows it to fight well in a pinch. I can't pick a single "best" mech, but probably the one I use most often is the Wolverine 8C. It's also weakened by having a Small Cockpit so it falls over rather easily. In 2350, Dr. Atlas had succeeded in refining myomer technology such that it was smaller and required less energy yet capable of impressive strength. Slow, plodding, but very heavily armed and armored. That should be enough to get you started on Mech building. And of course, it still has the jump capability it's always been known for. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A soft spot for 3025 Initiative of 2, heavy 'Mechs form the of. For exactly what the name implies: combat in dense urban areas is under-armored, under-gunned and... Hatchetman, Crab, Warhammer and weigh 60 to 75 tons and musculature, with! 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