By 2020, the industry may see global sales nearing $30 trillion. [online] notesmatic. Country Profiles examine the economic and political trends in 210 countries and associated regions, serving as a one-stop-shop for data and analysis on the economy, political landscape and the business environment. Check the template that resonates closely with your business model. Enterprise resource planning (SAP) Customer relationship management (CRM) SMS alerts for key performance indicators (KPI)s all with ambitious effort to be the premium supermarket in the grocery or Mega Stores industry. A new location with a strategic importance for the company has been open with the north and east being liberated. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of The current population of Sri Lanka is just over 21 million (Worldometer, 2021). It is creating a perfectly competitive environment. [ CITATION CSE18 \l 1033 ] 4. Also with the value engineered state of the art production facilities which is backward integrated to the keells super, supermarket range. The people and their buying habits and preferences influence the banking industry. What are the country's risks and vulnerabilities? Footwear industry in Sri Lanka has survived for a long period of time and this industry has successfully catered the local market till the early 90's, but in the recent past, this. The National Minimum Wage Act, No. Other than that, some financial bodies take care of the money flow and risk associated with the banking system. The banking industry is one of the dominant parts of the country's economy. Admissions Open. However, they are tied to privacy and consumer laws, which prevent them from sharing any such personal data of the customers. Synopsis Understand the political system in Sri Lanka through analysis of key figures in the country and governance indicators. The banking sector is helping the small business and small-scale industries to grow. Available at: (Accessed 24 August 2022). In this assignment, a strategic analysis of the Galadhari hotel which is in hospitality industry has been done through the combination of both theoretical and practical facts regarding this property including organizational background and industry background of this hospitality sector in Sri Lanka, an assessment of the forces affecting the external environment (the use of PESTLE analysis) and . Files are delivered directly into your account soon after payment is received and any tax is certification is verified (where applicable). 2023 Euromonitor is privately owned & trademarked. Strengths Companies quality policies GRI global reposting initiative will help improve capacity of the company and encourage investors. Corporate appraisal (SWOT) a critical assessment of the strength and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to the internal and environmental factors affecting the entity in order to establish its condition prior to the preparation of a long term plan (ICASL 2010 80). Table of Contents Sri Lanka is a country located in the Indian Ocean rich of Eco resources, having fabulous places, jungles, mountains, views to view. They use advanced technology to have a secured system to avoid online theft or cons. And tax exception for industrial plants, expand into Maldives, Seashells, as a Retail outfit. 1. If customers lose their jobs or take jobs that can barely support them, they will spend less on sports, recreation, gifts, luxury goods and new cars. According to an estimate, the computer literacy of Sri Lanka is roundabout30.1%, and its very low. (JKH Sustainability Report 2009, 2010). pestle analysis for supermarket industry in sri lanka March 14, 2023. It will open up the user-friendly canvas of EdrawMax that has several features that ease your efforts in making PESTEL analysis diagrams. This would enable them to be on control of substitutes challenging its position, and increasing brand loyalty among customers who will not be price sensitive, giving keells super the ability cover supplier cost increase on increased margins. This tool is very useful which help in overall growth and development of organization after learning from the past mistake and working for future. Approximately more than21million people are populating Sri Lanka. The second international airport also will be set up in the south Hambanthota district which would facilitate international trade. Weakness Customer perceived image of premium pricing, high quality requirements, complex vertical decision-making, high plant depreciation, maintenance cost, Limited supplier base, limited distribution in other parts of the country apart from western province, concentration on domestic market segment alone. Known until 1972 as Ceylon, Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by the Indian a result of its location in the path of major sea routes, Sri Lanka is a strategic naval link between West Asia and South East Asia and was colonized by Portuguese, Dutch and English . Henri Nestle established the brand in 1866 by merging with Anglo-Swiss baby Milk Company. PESTEL. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Different countries have different laws, but they can affect the banking industry -, If you are using the offline version of EdrawMax, open the tool in your system. He is a lecturer in Management and Marketing. Majority of the people live in rural areas and rely significantly on agriculture for their livelihood. When we ask consumers what they would do if the brand they are looking for is not available 65 percent said they will go to another shop says Dwight Watson, Ac Nielsen. PESTEL analysis is critical to understand the external threats & opportunities arising because of the macro environment developments. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? The commodities overview in. Go ahead EdrawMax Online today to create an amazing PESTEL Analysis diagram for different companies. Here are some ways the socio-cultural factors affect the banking industry -. Therefore, the overall progress of a country is to some extent dependent on the growth of the banking sector. Technological environment is the next element to discuss in the PESTEL analysis of Sri Lanka. Our premier, award-winning syndicated market research database provides detailed data and analysis on industries, economies, countries and consumers across 781 cities, 210 countries.. Also the PESTLE analysis helps the company to achieve its objectives by identifying the trends and factors which are affecting Coca-Cola operations on International Scale. The banking sector needs an internet connection for their transactions. Error: Something went wrong, try again in a few minutes. PESTEL analysis of the Banking Industry discusses how the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors contribute to the banking business. Some factors will be more important to different types of businesses, and a PESTLE analysis will help identity risk factors for the SWOT analysis. Looking at the Porters approach to industry analysis it is clear that Keells Super competiveness in the industry is considerably high since three out of five f forces for being competitive are in favor of the company, being a Entry barrier, ability to face the substitute challenges, and having supplier bargaining power on a manageable levels increase the competiveness of the supermarket chain, further the rivalry among competitors being moderate, with suppliers bargaining power needs to be address as issues for competiveness of the firm. The supermarket industry in Sri Lanka is set out for an explosive growth in the recent years this is with the western lifestyle of modern Sri Lankans where convenience is a key benefit sought after. National Productivity Merit award. Opportunity Looking at economic value indicator for the 2009-10 though retailer has not performed to the expectation the modern supply chain and consumer food industry together have archived their expectations compare to last year. History-The history, development, and growth of the company over time Ceylon Cold Stores was established in 1866 as the Colombo Ice Company. Access and download reports and data purchased through PESTLE Analysis of Nestle examines the various external factors like political, economic, social, technological (PEST) which impacts its business along with legal & environmental factors. Customers are getting attracted to better interest rates and customer service. Our consulting team answers your commercial questions with data and insights generated by our research experts, industry knowledge and 1,200 on-the-ground analysts in 100 developed, emerging and frontier markets. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Major political instability and distressed government finances have blighted Sri Lanka, which is mostly unfree for economic freedom. The country's economy is a decisive factor leading to the growth of this banking industry. It doesnt distinguish between local and foreign workers. Economy forces. The one of the main factors that would affect the consumer food and the grocery industry would be the Economic forces. However, some products continued to struggle due to, Alcoholic drinks registered positive growth in 2021 as sales rebounded from the severe declines recorded at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Technological forces that generate problem solving inventions. Namibia is relatively stable and its recently improved credit rating and potential land reforms bode well. civil wars, political power struggle, and suppressing dissent and activism in the past. Read More . Technological factors affecting Sri Lanka. The capital requirement to put up state of the art retail shopping outlets will be relatively high the backward integration it has with its production and packaging line up makes it impossible for a new entrant to come up with equal capital investment. PESTLE stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factors. EdrawMax has thousands of free templates. The Keells Super is also equipped with the range of products from the convenient food to cold food, canned food, carbonated beverages, and cold confectionaries items, and is backed by the high level of aggressive advertising providing high level of product differentiation. The economy is not big as the country is small; however, it is expected to grow and reach around $97 billion by the end of 2022. Each of the forces is determined how competitive in that industry as well as the structure of the industry. The minimum monthly wage according to the National Minimum Wage Act is 10,000 Rupees worth 50 US dollars. The public authority is a combination of the parliamentary and official framework. Efforts to reduce energy consumptions and carbon foot print. Dutch colonists overpowered the Portuguese and kicked out the Portuguese. PEST Analysis is a very advanced way to determine the external parameters that affect a business or industry. If you're in the Commodities industry in Sri Lanka, our research will help you to make informed, intelligent decisions; to recognise and profit from opportunity, or to offer resilience amidst market uncertainty The Commodities in Sri Lanka report includes: Analysis of the country's political and macroeconomic stability Hence Cost leader ship, and differentiation competitive strategy appears to be suited better, looking further at the SWOT Keells Super has a considerable threat for having and maintain a cost leader ship with supplier high bargaining power, commodity and raw material price increase, sustainability investment cost, and imitations coming into the market, having economies of scale is not so promising with rising energy prices, indicates best competitive strategy for keells Super would be Differentiation. Rising fuel coat will increase production cost of Keells Supper and their supply chain. Porter stated that five forces are deciding an industry either beneficial at future or it will become a case study and commerce practice (Porter, M.E., 2008). It Will Help u out in finding data and copying also;) . Copyright 2017 2025. Capacity increase is possible for keells supper if required for the north and east new markets but existing capacities of keells could service through these markets. Due to Dialog the Sri Lankan mobile industry has achieved new heights and has come at par with the developed world. Michael Porter proposes two generic competitive strategies for outperforming other corporations in a particular industry: lower cost and differentiation. Sri Lanka has realized the significance of science and technology. A PESTLE analysislooks at the macro trends in the surrounding environmentof a certain business or organization. Marketing Tutor. It examines the political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental elements of the operating marketthat may have either positive or negative effects on your company or organization. The journey of KP began in 2001 as an independent . Keells super high quality standards maintained with compliance to SLS and ISO 22000 and ISO 9001 will render it difficult to substitute hence the threat could be low. If this is your first time using the tool, you can register with your personal or professional email address. Head to the Template section on the left and type 'PESTEL Analysis' to see all the pre-built PESTEL Analysis templates like Netflix PESTEL Analysis, Amazon PESTEL Analysis, IKEA PESTEL Analysis, and more. Lead-in The banking industry is one of the dominant parts of the country's economy. Area harvested for Cabbages and Other Brassicas, Area harvested for Cauliflower and Broccoli, Area harvested for Peaches and Nectarines, Area harvested for Tangerines, Mandarins, Clementines, Yield of Tangerines, Mandarins, Clementines, Production of Cabbages and Other Brassicas, Production of Tangerines, Mandarins, Clementines, Production of Household and Sanitary Paper, Terrestrial Protected Areas as % of Total Area, Marine Protected Areas as % of Total Area, Primary Production of Coal, Peat and Oil Shale, Primary Production of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), Imports of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), Exports of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), Primary Production of Solar, Wind and Other Energy, Final Consumption of Coal, Peat and Oil Shale, Final Consumption of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), Final Consumption of Solar, Wind and Other Renewables, Final Consumption of Energy by Other Industries, Electricity Output from Geothermal Generation, Electricity Output from Hydroelectric Generation, Electricity Output from Wind-Powered Generation, Electricity Output from Nuclear Generation, Electricity Output from Combustible Renewables and Waste Generation, Share of Electricity Output from Renewables, Share of Electricity Output from Non-Renewables, Ratio of Proven Coal Reserves to Production, Ratio of Proven Oil Reserves to Production, Proven Oil Reserves (Year-End, '000 Million Barrels), Ratio of Proven Natural Gas Reserves to Production, Investment in Energy with Private Participation, Residential Heating Oil Price per 1000 litres, Capacity of Nuclear Reactors in Operation, Capacity of Nuclear Reactors Under Construction, Rural Population with Access to Electricity, Urban Population with Access to Electricity, Population with Access to Clean Fuels and Technologies for Cooking, Environmental Resilience Ranking: Risk Index, Environmental Resilience Ranking: Global Warming, Forest & Biodiversity Ranking: Availability, Energy Ranking: Sustainability & Efficiency, Domestic Material Consumption of Metal Ores, Domestic Material Consumption of Non-Metallic Minerals, Domestic Material Consumption of Fossil Energy, Domestic Material Consumption of Other Products, Consumption of All Ozone Depleting Substances, CO2 Emissions from the Consumption and Flaring of Natural Gases, CO2 Emissions from the Consumption of Coal, CO2 Emissions from the Consumption of Petroleum, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture, Waste Generated by Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Waste Generated by Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply, Waste Generated by Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management, Waste Generated by Wholesale of Waste and Scrap, Waste Intensity in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing, Reliance (dependency) on External Water Resources, Exploitable: Regular Renewable Surface Water, Exploitable: Irregular Renewable Surface Water, Exploitable: Total Renewable Surface Water, Exploitable: Regular Renewable Groundwater, Rural Population Using at least Basic Drinking Water Services, Urban Population Using at least Basic Drinking Water Services, Rural Population Using at least Basic Sanitation Services, Urban Population Using at least Basic Sanitation Services, % of Agricultural Water Managed Area Equipped for Irrigation, Harvested Irrigated Crop Area as % of Full Control Irrigation Area Actually Irrigated, Analyse growth opportunities and assess market potential, Understand the likely path of economic growth, Examine risks and vulnerabilities of economies to support critical decision-making. Encourage the management of the company to source where possible for open source software as to counter the affect of the increasing cost of licensed software. the retail shops have faced major threat from the huge discount store like Big Bazar, D-Mart or Wall Mart. This detailed PESTEL analysis of Sri Lanka aims to explore some of the powerful macro factors that impact on Sri Lanka today and may continue doing so in the future. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. So I did it on Sri Lanka. Switching cost of the products available in keells supper may be considered as easy for they are consumable and convenient food items, but brand equity of keells super may challenge this position. Pizza Hut Marketing PLan - BSB 126 MARKETING PLAN NAME: Matthew Fagg STUDENT NUMBER: N9447334 TOTAL - Studocu . In some countries, the government controls the banking sector to ensure a smooth monetary flow in the economy. However, Condliffe (2019) reports that social media particularly Facebook, have been used to spread false information to bring about social disturbance and disharmony in the country. Technological forces. Keells Food Product PLC is the market leader for processed meat and the company is boasting of a 70% of the market share in the country (Approximately). M Rahman writes extensively online and offline with an emphasis on business management, marketing, and tourism. 5 GAP Analysis Tools to Help a Business Analyst in Strategic Management GAP analysis tools include SWOT and PEST analysis, the Fishbone diagram, McKinsey 7S, and the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model. EdrawMax lets you share your PESTEL Analysis diagram on social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, Line, etc. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! The customers take loans for further investment or education. This PESTEL Analysis diagram software comes with a free template and customization options that help create wonderful diagrams and ensure your analysis diagrams stand out from the rest. According to an estimate, the annual nominal GDP of Sri Lanka in 2020 was81.120billion dollars, and its66thworlds highest. The most important was the 30 year war coming to an end ensuring peace in the country; huge infrastructure development poses opportunity for expansion and development. The banks provide loans that the firms can use as capital or invest in the infrastructure. The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka or Ceylon is a South Asian island country. This agricultural and farming industries leading to backward integrations with grocery industry which has influence the above Mega Stores concept and consumer products FMCG, and convenience food and frozen confectioneries which have shown huge potential in becoming one of the lucrative industries encouraging large corporate players JKH investing in this area. The banking institutions have decreased the use of harmful chemicals on machines and as cleaning agents. This has been because of the gradual improvement of the global economy in the year concerned with sharp recovery of the Asian markets improving the free movement of commodities. 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