These skills are marked with an, Keep their morale above 30+ to avoid conflicts. Five points per limb, twenty-five for a headshot. People told me I should get out more, but why? You won't see me flexing on a stage anytime soon. You should see me catch a shrimp in my pocket. I got to the point where I was making a pretty good living just on reaction videos. I put on a crazy show out on the promenade. It was at an animal shelter. When I actually bought a dentist's drill to decorate my walking stick, I knew I had a problem. It was amazing. I'm kind of proud that I've still got all my fingers. Everyone had to upgrade their locks and alarms. I'm the one who shows up with the chainsaw and the axe. If I can't find what you need, I can probably build it. There aren't any invisible things wrong with your car that a few thousand dollars can't fix. I've spent a lot of time squinting at the sky, spotting things most people never notice. I was just about to get my certification when all the lights went out. I didn't think chemistry would ever be important to me. I have to take twice as many pills as anyone else to get the same effect. You must find them first if you want to trade with them. Some people slept in on the weekends. Hard to really exercise that way. However, this requires you to level up the skill completely. Trait: Loved Western Movies (John Wayne) Nickname Arbiter. I had full sets of miniatures for several different armies, and I painted them all myself. We lived in filth. What you can't change is the 5th "random" skill. Is nobody washing their hands anymore? I was promoted to CEO when my boss retired to the country. The -re spelling is more appropriate to the history and erudition of the art. My old gang and I had zombie sniping contests. If I wanted your opinion, I'd give it to you. My way. My face was in the tabloids from day one. I'm not saying I had a problem but some folks probably did. There is a right way to survive out there. They didn't put my name on the restaurant, but the people still kept coming back. First thing I did after the outbreak was raid the corner store. Hey, you can criticize my eating habits, but at least there's more for you, right? I spent months on my own. I've never been someone folks wanted to mess with. With a new pair of tires and a nice set of shocks, there's nowhere I can't go. Otherwise we're just animals. Gut Packing is a Red Talon Quirk Skill. Just about anything can throw my back out, and then I'm useless for days. I can't help it, it's a disease. It was exactly the way it looked on TV. My job was to help high school students figure out their futures. My family moved around constantly, so I got used to starting over. Don't trust the establishment. Farting Around gives you a +10 morale boost. People have this weird habit of leaving their second-story windows open all night. I don't get a whole lot of work done, but I think people still sort of like having me around. Kids are the toughest audience. I catch short naps multiple times a day. I'm just not cut out for drudge work. The work I do takes a lot of effort and understanding. I walked a different way home every day, and found my way onto every rooftop. I sometimes like to do risky or painful things, just to test my limits. We're all soldiers now, whether we enlisted or not. When there's almost nothing left, everyone is secretly out for themselves. How else do you make breakfast? I worked out of a kiosk in the mall. Whether it's a good idea or not. I was the one who set the charges while everyone else ran for cover. I made them feel like they couldn't live without me. The Network is here to help get you what you need. Morale bonus from facilities with a Projector. I used to rappel down from rooftops with a loaded pack of cleaning equipment. All rights reserved. With co-op multiplayer support, you can visit your friends' communities and help them through a tough spot, bringing back rewards for your own communities later. The pain of getting up the mountain is nothing compared to the thrill riding back down. I managed several small farms in vacant lots and on rooftops downtown. Compared to my typical weekends, this life isn't so different. It was a huge job if I took on every task I could think of. But still. Besides that, it reduces vehicle damage which will allow the vehicle to take out twice as many zombies on the cruise through the landscape. I can catch a bit of shuteye anywhere I need to. At first I had a room devoted to model robots. Not one of us lost an eye. I look forward to planting some trees again. Bring it, baby! It's overtipping. I used to fence left-handed to throw people off. Um you won't see me anymore. Morale Bonus from Shooting training facilities. Don't have a lot of lung left in me. My prescription was getting worse, but I never bothered to go to the optometrist. Those skill book resets you can get are only for core skills. But my swing is still pretty good. Maybe because it was true. I just like moving to the music. A crutch strategy of rolling 3 semi-worthless meal plan survivors, used in a youtube meta meme for people who somehow can't figure out how to use outposts and quirk skills in lethal difficulty. Pinball is a Quirk Skill that gives you -25 percent in Gun Durability Loss, a +100 Shooting Experience Rate, and the Knowledge of Mechanics. It was the worlds best game, before all the GPS satellites got out of alignment. Updated October 1, 2021, by Jerrad Wyche: State of Decay 2 recently released a free piece of DLC for the game called Homecoming. Now eat your stew. You know, to send a message. People thought I was lazy, but the truth is, I just did't care. You're also able to summon these traders after you unlock the Independence Pack. I'm just saying, we were all going to die eventually, anyway. The outbreak hit when I was at my biggest venue yet. This is basically my last shot. Our reunions always required large outdoor spaces. I volunteer a lot in my old neighborhood, trying to help troubled kids do better than I did. Skills levels are displayed as stars, from 1 to 7. I was a small kid at a tough school, so I've definitely taken my share of hits. It's not tipping I believe in. Or before bed. No, there's no secret stash in the back room. I learned to keep quiet. I've been around the block more times than you want to know. The government airdropped supplies that kept us going for months! My waders ended up being useful, but I don't like to think about how. Wandering Traders will stick around for 30 minutes after they appear. I'm not really an anarchist. The messes they want me to clean up A modern factory will build an enormous machine and hire one person to keep it running. It definitely puts your priorities in order. Once I put my mind to learning something, it comes pretty easily. Being good isn't enough. How am I supposed to say hi, then? I said botany, not lobotomy. My coach said I was a born swimmer. I worked nights, and no one ever actually tried to break in. I worked in a trendy store for phones and tablets. They seem to be the rarest of traders, however they can appear on any day of the week and will stick around for 4 hours. I worked in a special elementary school that pulled in kids with all kinds of challenges. Well, I'm having my adventures now, dammit. I usually won the Box Office Challenge. If you're constantly low on food during Daybreak, you may want to look into finding this Quirk Skill. I had to move from the manufacturing industry over to the service side, because economics. I drove the bulldozer that cleared the intake zone so that folks could dump more garbage. I don't know if we'll ever have tech industry again, but I've been reading up on what's left. I have responsibilities that don't quit just because I'm helping you out. With bladed, look for lethality and ease of use. I could get ten on the leash at a time. There's no such things as "my business" and "your business". They had me running supplies to the refugee camps. I was out late five nights a week, playing in an old jazz club. I can walk all day with a book balanced on my head. I spent hours every night second-guessing the writers. We got stranded, and here I am. You have to have a precise ear for pitch, and the ability to direct other people. My friends always called me by my last name, and it sort of stuck throughout my life. I've been reading books on plumbing and electrical work, in case we ever need to fix something. I don't believe in limits. And one of them had tofu. I'm used to solving a whole different set of problems than people are worried about now. This is good life. In survival games, choosing the right path is key to having the experience that suits a player's style. I lived in my parents' basement for years. I wake up screaming almost every night, and I can't even remember what I was dreaming about. I went through a training regimen that taught me a variety of different shooting techniques. It doesn't have to be me. State of Decay 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. He will also help you complete game quests, and stay familiar with the latest game releases. I could march all day carrying a sousaphone, and you wouldn't hear me complain. Now it's essential. Its been awhile since Ive been shoulder-deep in an engine, but I still know my way around. Best damn canteen you ever used. I took classes because it looked cool. For Lichenology, I'd sell everything in my locker to grab that one--bullets, meds, mods, explosives . It also reigns supreme among the gardening-related skills, having to buff them up to levels six and seven before players start seeing the same results. I combined an Estes pop shuvit with a kickflip and bailed on a hydrant. Id love to change my diet, but that isnt an option. They say I need to put my whole heart into fighting zombies but they look like people. Everybody needs a set of rules to live by. I'd watch pretty much anything on the big screen. I was part of a two-person sniper team. I performed every night at the biggest theater in town. Don't underestimate the value of a smile and a kind word at the start of your day. This quirk skill can easily replace the need of Agriculture. Sometimes I walk into a room, and I forget what I was what were we talking about? Ran out of room for notches on my rifle. Of course I keep them alive! Not much of a social life. The glass is half-empty, and there's nothing coming out of the tap. He'll either have Survivor's Guilt or Utter Despair depending on how you get the cure for him. I baked chocolate chip cookies at a little shop downtown. I'm not saying I'm great. I swear I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on. In the first game, cars will break after you hit around three zombies in total. I don't know, I just have this feeling that things are going to be all right. Once I lasted three years alone on an island. I'm pretty sure I could make a turnover out of anything. I actually made a cake look like a head with a bullet hole once. I like to make art with espresso foam. Firing a gun is just awful for me. I just can't seem to get to sleep at night. I always screw things up. And yelling. I don't even exercise. I thought of putting myself forward as a sort of surgeon then I realized that was insane. If it plugs into a wall, or if a wall plugs into it, I know how to fix it. The zombie outbreak works like nothing I've ever seen in nature. It took three years to get it done, but it was basically a tiny clone of our actual house. When they're not ice skating. 2 Trumbull Trader 3 Mysterious Wandering Traders 4 Rare Skills Traders Wandering Traders Wandering Traders will stick around for 30 minutes after they appear. If you gotta transport stuff into hard-to-reach places, there's no better animal. Each trader has a type that determines what wares they will offer for trading. I did a lot of guitar work on movie soundtracks, and played in a couple of local cover bands. Soundproofing is also v. useful as it has no downside Sleep psychology can be ok but if you need the beds but it's also a hero power (minus the morale bonus) plus many bases . Since Update 25 you no longer need to get to the trader to find out which type they are. I've actually recovered from blood plague without taking any cure. Ive had more friends with four legs than with two. I swear, you can never boil anything too long, or add too much salt. I just have ideas, and I want to share them. Why don't you have it instead? We were just getting on our feet when the outbreak hit. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. If I can't turn things around now, I'm done. Whatever caught my fancy, I learned to make it, and then sold it. The page currently lists 1397 of them. I'm licensed to use anaethesia, and cut into your face. If you want high leaps, steady balance, and a good grip, then you want to learn ballet. I was trained to carefully defuse situations before anyone decided to start shooting. Friends called me enthusiastic. Eventually, you've got to use some muscle. Im still searching. I always slammed my eyes shut when my dad threw a ball to me. I'm always watching for the next disaster. I just walk outside for a minute, and my shirt is soaked. I had speaking gigs all over the country. We just took whatever we could get. Whenever Im in trouble, I've got this reflex to draw in and defend myself. Rich people don't have time to walk their own dogs. Maybe one more before I die. It's way more than just "roller skating in a circle." They determine the survivor's personality and give a brief background about their pre-Outbreak life. I never had to go to the spice section again. I holed up at a radio station and ran a decent show until the backup generator keeled over. People told me I'd be chased by dogs all day. Out here, you need to make rules and habits, and turn the chaos into something you control. I got my family out alive, then lost them one by one as we picked our way across the country. Dogs, man. The scarcer the water supply, the more people dump it into their lawn. You call it "spying on employees," but I call it "ensuring compliance with company regulations.". You've got to take care of our own. My friends and I staged fake battles with air guns, and put the whole thing up on the Internet. We're going to make this place livable if it kills me. If your first hit is hard enough, you don't need a second. Other people have to live here, too, after all. Id open up the sales papers every Sunday, and plan my entire week. It helps me relax after a long, hard day of not-painting. I like to show off a bit when I'm slicing things up. I figured I'd have cash for my retirement. I could only take five or six of my favorites. I raised ALL the hell. Sometimes it gets ugly, but what matters is that the right people win out in the end. Driving Skills in State of Decay 2. It's odd how many people want tattoos nowadays. I'm great at banging a gavel. What about my eyes? Every month, my friends brought their Xboxes to my house for some local eight-player Gears. I worked in advertising. Out where I was, the sidearm was mostly for snakes and coyotes. I only carried a stun gun on my hip. Hydroponics ends up essentially doing the same job as Gardening but on a bigger scale with the latter being more cost-effective if the player is dealing with a smaller community. I always felt like I could see every side of an issue. Whatever, they're all dead. I kept a few flowers along my driveway, and next to the porch. Please keep me around. You don't want to ask about my life out here. However, I've seen several instances with 2 yellow options plus the white one. It was like having a sister, without having to share a bedroom. How can you stand to live in a world like this? You're also able to summon these traders if you have a Trade Depot built (call Parts Trader). I used to really bug Isaac whenever we were at a red light. Not everyone loves being around someone as confident as I am, but they definitely know Im here. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Scrum Certification. I got tired of the same old cans of beans, so I've taught myself another way to get food. There's no cost to saying "thank you" when someone helps you out. You want me to put a butterfly on your cheek? I believe in getting it right the first time. Honestly, its the sounds of the game that I miss, more than even the game itself. I worked with the parks department, arranging for volunteers to maintain our green spaces. The difference between Agriculture and Gardening is just the 50% extra boost from seed sprinkling (1,5 Food), and the +1 Food when maxed out. Now I'm using it every day. It may not have a cool name, but its usefulness makes up for that shortcoming. My PhD is in American History, but I handled a range of different general-studies courses. Almost all of them are for Red Talon Contractors except the Red Talon Operator Trait - it is only available for the Red Talons you play as during Daybreak. Your butt. If you don't like it, you don't have to stay. A glorious, beautiful disease. State of Decay 2: Sheriff Legacy Goal Walkthrough | Endings Guide #1: Use Random Survivor Rolls For Rare Skills At the start of a New Game, if you skip the Tutorial, you'll be able to. I don't just get hurt. I was the worst burglar, and I knew I was bound to get caught. You have to have enough confidence in your vision to lead other people through the worst of it. I tried a million ways to lose weight, but the best one was "Run for your life every day.". The place was run by millenials. State of Decay 2 Project Osiris Red Talon is much more active in State of Decay 2 and one of their main goals is to investigate Project: Osiris. Imagine a town with no zombies, and full cabinets in every house. I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday. I'm thankful we don't have time for ridiculous holidays anymore. I can't stand there cooling my heels when shit is going down. Sit down and let me tell you all the forty-seven things I can make from that piece of "trash.". Pizza John. I'm always pumped. Players can look to use the best skills in the game to explore and clear the latest adventure added to the game by developers Undead Labs. 1 General Quirk Skills 2 Red Talon Quirk Skills 3 Heartland's Quirk Skills General Quirk Skills The following Quirk Skills are available for the survivors you'll encounter throughout your time in Campaign. It drives me crazy. I thought taking a kickboxing class would turn me into an action movie star. After managing a three-hundred-room hotel, I think our little community is a piece of cake. Spiders, heights, clowns you name it. Well at least our carbon footprint is way lower now. I used to drink bottles with scorpions inside. He's limited to once per day? I got so sick. Everything. Why settle for an A when you can have an A+ with extra credit? Not only do I have an herbal remedy for everything, I might even tell you which ones are real. Owning your own home is a full-time job. I don't mind fighting, as long as the enemy is fifty yards away. Do you like citrus or cinnamon? My last group kept it mobile, driving from one place to the next in an old RV. I'm a fucking people person. I walked around my block every night, watching for anything suspicious. You can't be too careful when your life depends on building something right. Since these fifth skills are granted by certain Traits upon a survivor's generation, it can happen that a survivor will not have a skill in the fifth slot, however by obtaining Textbooks you can teach these survivors to get a fifth skill of your choice (requires the appropriate textbook). But I'm totally nimble. I worked for a real estate company, fixing problems for tenants at all their properties. When you're a kid, a good bike means freedom. I've always been decent shot on the range, even without any formal training. Generally these skills are not learnable and are only available on survivors who start with them, however skill books to train 4 of these skills (Driving,Lichenology,Fishing,Scrum Master) were added in Update 2.00. Don't you have anything better to do? I was always the one they sent in first. It's like I want to end up dead and alone. Each survivor has a set of skills, composed of the four core skills (Cardio, Wits, Fighting and Shooting) and a fifth optional skill (Community or Quirk Skill). So I quit while I was ahead. Traveling after the apocalypse meant figuring out a lot of things I never knew about machines. I used to be afraid of everything. I'm a perfectionist. I worked part-time at my school, helping new kids figure out the ins and outs of the college. I spent whatever time I could seeing the world. Everything sounds fun! I had to choose between rent money and tuition money, so I chose tuition money. I left my local pharmacy with one less window and a lot less drugs. State of Decay 2. I needed a real life-and-death scenario to snap me out of it. I finally get it. I was definitely an overachiever in high school. All those eighty-hour weeks, and I was finally made partner two weeks before the apocalypse. Can'tfindthe Skill you're looking for? I should show you all the plans I've drawn up. I just really like khaki. I love every kind of cat. Just me and a knife. You need to be limber and focused to survive out there. Skill specializations in State of Decay 2 add some depth to the game. I had a punching bag in my garage. If people were more like cats, there would be a lot more of us left. Make a turnover out of room for notches on my rifle reading up on what 's left one... The intake zone so that folks could dump more garbage thing up on the leash at a radio and! You which ones are real from 1 to 7 room, and i painted them all myself around! Recovered from blood plague without taking any cure `` Run for your life depends on building something.! 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