Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Mako after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. About: Son of Emperor Valkorion, Arcann dreamed of a grander, more exciting future than the privileged life his father gave him. Contents 1 Galactic Republic 1.1 Jedi Knight In the diplomatic tent, the player will have a [FLIRT] Will you miss me? small flirt option, but Lemda is not very receptive. The player can then choose I love you too. or This isnt like you. If the player says they love her, a box will pop up that says, This choice will start your romance with Jaesa Willsaam. Youll get two different letters depending on if you had him join the Alliance or not. So, if you romanced Lana and decide to get back with Jaesa, you'll actually get a break up scene with Lana which is quite sad. How to use this guide: Find your class and gender on the list below. At the end of the Rishi storyline in the prelude, in a cutscene with the player, Lana Beniko, Theron and Jakarro in it, Theron Shan will angrily mention being thrown to the wolves. If the player chooses to shoot down their ship, Senya will still escape with Arcann. How to start single-planet romance: On Voss, the Smuggler has the opportunity to [FLIRT] with a Voss named Lokir-Ka, their chaperone while on the planet. About: Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. If you choose the love option a box will pop up that says This choice will start your romance with Felix Iresso. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that alliance alert up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert called Feel the Wrath dark side or Back in the Fold light side will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Ossus. His attitudes were likely shaped by the Imperial reconstruction of his homeworld and are appropriate for a Diplomatic Service member. There is a good chance this will lead to future romance down the road. Although Arn Peralun struggles to balance his cybernetics with his spirit, he fully understands the Force's Light Side. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. How to start romance: *Major Voss Imperial Agent Spoilers* Near the end of the Voss Imperial Agent storyline, the Agent must go to the Nightmare lands, and demands helps from the Voss family they are staying with. As far as I can tell, in the chaos of the later chapters, there is very little or no flirt options. It was Benikos treatise on the perceived moral parallels of Jedi and Sith in battlefield settings as well as her passion for unraveling the truths and secrets behind the Jedi that brought her to the attention of Darth Arkous of the Dark Council. There is no mention of the players relationship with Pierce. Are you sure you want to proceed? and clicking Continue will lead to a kiss. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. The first cutscene the player can flirt with her is in the story cutcenes for the Depths of Manaan Flashpoint as part of the Prelude. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. A proud Zakuulan, Koth has high hopes for the future of his homeworld and longs for the days of peace and prosperity under Valkorions reign. Romance continuation: The Jaesa romance can be continued after Ossus, see below, and a true love-based romance can be started at that point. Later, when the Smuggler completes the mission, Lenn invites the Smuggler for a private dinner with musicians and dancing, and some private time afterwards. Theron will continue to be a traitor in the Copero flashpoint. Romance conflicts: If you have romanced a companion through the companion stories and the originally game, you can still start a romance with Theron Shan in the expansions. How to start romance: Players can start a romance with Khem Val on Ossus, after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and before the Onslaught expansion, depending on whether or not they preserved Khem Vals spirit in the original story. At the end of the Yavin 4 storyline, the player will speak with Theron. Videos: Lieutenant Pierce original romance and all companion conversations, Lieutenant Pierce on KOTFE with romance. Videos: Quinn romance, Sith Warriors Reunion with romanced Quinn on Iokath, Sith Warrior sides with the Republic on Iokath, Sith Warrior side with the Republic with romance, Killing Quinn on Iokath, Killing romanced Quinn on Iokath, Quinn begging for his freedom on Iokath all three options if you ally with the Republic (accept begging and ally, imprison, kill), Sparing Quinn on Iokath but answering no to trusting him, Romanceable by: Sith Warrior male characters. Following his mysterious disgrace at the Battle of Druckenwell, he was stationed on Balmorra where he occasionally carried out small missions for Darth Baras (to whom he owes much of his careers early success). Also I think you have to choose at least one light side option, otherwise I think Chemish will kill him, because youre better. After an attack by a vicious gang, Kira left the refugees behind and returned to her life as a drifter. Among technologists, he earned accolades for solving a technical paradox that revolutionized computer slicing; despite his achievements, however, Tharan isnt taken seriously by the galaxys scientific community, which looks down on him as a playboy rather than a serious researcher. How to start single-planet romance: On Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler will speak with Darmas Pollaran, and information broker who plays Sabacc. If you sabotage Chemishs plan (light side), later refuse to get involved (dark side), he will not die and you can still romance him if you followed my instructions of how to speak with Kaliyo. If the Bounty Hunter chooses him, Raffid offers to make the Bounty Hunter a Baroness, and invites her to become to lady of the house with no obligation towards fidelity. Romance continuation: After Onslaught, after the Hearts and Minds quest, the player will meet up with Kira and Scourge again. Romance continuation: Players can resume their romance with Risha after completing the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion and the To Find a Findsman Alliance Alert. ]], Romanceable by: Jedi Consular male characters. If you would like to romance Watcher Two its recommended not to talk to Kaliyo in her companion conversations as even something like going for a drink with Kaliyo can trigger her romance flag. About:A tactical advisor loyal to the Empire, Lord Cytharat is a Sith Pureblood who was brought out of the Academy by Darth Malgus, and is looking for a chance at redemption after Malgus became a traitor on Ilum. How to start romance: Nadia Grell as a Jedi Knights romance can be started on the planet of Ossus, at level 70 or over, as part of the Jedi Under Siege quest started from the glowing blue terminal on your ship. If you choose to break up with her, she will stay on as a part of the alliance and be available for missions. In the casinos of Nar Shaddaa, he is cursed as a card-counting mathematical genius. Revan Loungefly Backpack & Loungefly Interview! The only explanation from his superiors is a reference to an incident on Althir where Lieutenant Iresso was captured by the Empire, but no details are given. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commanders Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Masters Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.). ), Videos: Torian original romance, Torian reunion romance, Torian reunion break up, Torian left to die in Chapter 8 of Knights of the Eternal Throne, Torian saved by his wife the Bounty hunter in Chapter 8 of Knights of the Eternal Throne,Bounty Hunter Asks Gault about Romanced Torian. Defying his fathers orders to remain on Zakuul, Arcann joined his brother at the front. What do you think? choose the option I love you too. and then a box will pop up that says This choice will start your romance with Kira Carsen. He has been meticulously hunting and killing the mutineers who betrayed him ever since. Did you find one of my guides useful? The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. In keeping with Jedi strictures against attachment, Therons mother, Grand Master Satele Shan, sent her infant son to be raised by the Jedi who trained her, Master Ngani Zho. This does not cause any issues with a Vette romance. Later, the player will receive a letter from Yana-Ton in the mail. $141.41. Then he set his sights on the Eternal Throne itself. Nadia will reply, and then a box will pop up that says This choice will start your romance with Nadia Grell. How to start single-planet romance: On Taris, the Smuggler will meet with Beryl Thorne, and have many opportunities to [FLIRT] with her in cutscenes. If you would like to remain friends and crew members, instead of choosing the [Flirt] option, choose the Its called friendship. option where your Jedi Knight will say The most important part of life is the bonds we form.. The Smuggler will have a chance to [FLIRT] with her right away, and the Smuggler will have more options to talk to her alone throughout the Alderaan Smuggler story. Galactic Season 4, PvP Season 2, 64-bit update, Ruhnuk Hidden Lore Object and Codex Entries. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commanders Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Masters Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.). You're welcome to message me with any comments about my guides or with questions about the game! He invites the Smuggler to his private cantina booth, and there the Smuggler can flirt with him. Later, the Smuggler will return to Alderaan for a duel, but she does not want to continue her romance then. If you are a Jedi Consular you will be able to invite him to join the Alliance as a friend or Flirt with him and have him join the Alliance and join as a companion. Unfortunately, Urtel is mortally wounded, and the romance can not be continued. You can then choose to click the links in the list to learn more about the romance. ), Videos: Numen Brock romance where Corso says Shes allergic to candles., Romanceable by: Trooper female characters. When the player returns to him later, Darmas invites the Smuggler to play Sabacc and choosing the [FLIRT] option leads to some private time together and a kiss. Later, however, players will receive a letter saying Zenith will consider working with them in the future, but will not have him as a companion. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. But Torian long ago learned to armor himself against contempt, and others doubts regarding his loyalty have only driven him to strive harder to prove his worth. Videos: Aric Jorgan original light side romance,Aric Jorgan Knights of the Fallen Empire romance Chapter 11, Aric Jorgan romance scene in Chapter 16, Knights of the Eternal Throne romance, Aric Jorgan break up in Chapter 11, Killing romanced Aric Jorgan in Chapter 13, Forgive romanced Aric Jorgan in Chapter 13. If flirtations have been successful, then a chance to trigger a romance with one of the three will become available in Chapter X. If you have not done To Find a Findsman, pick that alliance alert up and complete it first, and then the alliance alert Long-Awaited Genius will become available in the Companions & Contact menu as long as you have finished Onslaught. Free shipping. At the end of the Rishi storyline in the prelude, in a cutscene with the player, Lana Beniko, Theron and Jakarro in it, Theron Shan will angrily mention being thrown to the wolves. At the beginning of the Onslaught expansion, the player will have a conversation on Odessan with Lana to confirm who they are allying with. In Chapter 1 of Knights of the Eternal Throne, the player will head down to Voss with Torian on their shuttle and speak a little Mandoa jurkad ti kote as a [FLIRT] option to him which translates roughly to I carry a saber in to battle. How to start romance: Theron Shan is first introduced to the player in the Prelude to Shadow of Revan storyline, which can be started at level 53 or higher, Republic players will speak to T3-G2 located near the mission departures elevator to the east on the fleet, and Imperial players will speak to A7-M1, located near the mission departures Romance conflicts: If you have romanced a companion through the companion stories and the originally game, you can still start a romance with Lana Beniko in the expansions. In Chapter 10 of Knights of the Fallen Empire, Kaliyos initial reunion is quite hostile, and she does not want to talk when you first run in to eachother on Zakuul. The following romances are available to insta-60s: * Lana Beniko. In Chapter 3 of Knights of the Eternal Throne, Koth will be excited about reinforcements while on the Gravestone, and the player can [FLIRT] to ask for a kiss (or choose to punch him!). Unite with your friends or battle alone against deadly enemies both new and old as you aid the faction of your choice in the reignited war for the future of the galaxy. As for how romance will work in the future, it's a bit of a mystery. Some romances are easy to follow and enter, while others require that you make specific choices in the story that keep the recipient alive or aligns with the characters ideals. This victory earned her the nickname firehand among her clan and marked the beginning of an impressive career as an Imperial bounty hunter. Born to a family of servants on Alderaan, she was brought to the Jedi Order and trained by Master Nomen Karr. Which SWTOR Class Should I Make my Togruta? Both Romance Versions. [Kiss Quinn] as soon as they see him, but he does not want to kiss right then. The player will be sent to rescue the captured Lemda, and after they escape a collapsing building and talk about the ground quake, players will have the chance to choose [FLIRT] I like your spirit for a small flirt option. Best-guess personality profile suggests shes a typically patriotic example of the rank-and-file Imperial militarya true believer in Imperial superiority and duty. About: Corso Riggs is a cheerful, disarmingly optimistic mercenary soldier. To continue her romance if you had already romanced her as a male Jedi Knight,after the Flashpoint on Corellia in the Onslaught expansions storyline, Kira will reveal herself and hug the Jedi Knight, but you will have no dialogue options. About: Eva Kaayz is Chief Operations officer for the Czerka Weapons Division, who works for the premiere droid and weapons manufacturer, which has been taken over by the Republic. Vette will ask the player to choose if they want to be with her or Jaesa. Videos: Lemda Avesta romance compilation female, Lemda Avesta romance male. How to start single-planet romance: On Nar Shaddaa, the Sith Warrior will meet up with Twilek friends of Vette, and one of them is Taunt, a red Twilek, who invites the Sith Warrior off for some private time alone. How to start romance: The female Imperial Agent can romance Vector during the Imperial Agent story as well as the companion conversations with him. Videos: Nadia Grell female Jedi Consular new romance on Ossus, Nadia Grell male Jedi Consular continued romance on Ossus, Reject Nadia on Odessan, Romanceable by: Jedi Consular female characters. Press N on your keyboard to open the Companions & Contact menu. While those under his command may not particularly like the brooding Cathar, they almost always respect him. The dialogue choice to flirt with Theron will lead to the proper start of the romance and a kiss scene. After the player completes Ossus, they can meet up with Doc on Odessan for a private romance scene, where they can choose [FLIRT] Go on. after doc talks about how far theyve come, to receive a compliment. Afterwards, Corso will say hell do anything to win the Smugglers heart again, and asks to come back to them. In return for help, Vaverone will offer the pleasure of her company. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commanders Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Masters Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.). To start a romance with her, after she asks that you take on the galaxy together like old times, choose the dialogue option [Flirt] I want more. which will have your character say I want to be more than your teacher, or your partner, Nadia. To confirm the romance, during the next dialogue option, choose [Kiss Nadia] (or choose No, we shouldnt do this. to change your mind). How to continue non-romance: Players can resume their short romance with Aristocra after the Knights of the Eternal Throne expansion, as part of the Copero / Traitor Among the Chiss storyline. In the seventh chapter of Knights of the Eternal Throne, on Nathema, before entering the main building the player will get the option to [FLIRT] with Lana. Cavarat protests highly about the flirtation, but in the end slaps the Smuggler, kisses him, and tells him to get in the cell because they have things to discuss and they share some private time together. You also can not do the companion conversations if you have used an Outlander Token or Commanders Token to create a level 60, 65 or 70 character (using a Masters Datacron to boost an existing character to level 70 is fine though.). The player will have a reunion on Odessan, and during the conversation an option [FLIRT] Youre never alone will appear. In Chapter 9 of Knights of the Eternal Throne, as the player leaves on on the Gravestone, the player will have the option to [Kiss Vette] or [Inspire Vette]. How to start romance: *MAJOR TROOPER SPOILERS* Seargent Jaxo is a key character in the Trooper story, and the player will meet up with her many times throughout the story for information. However, if you start or renew a romance in Knights of the Fallen Empire, Knights of the Eternal Throne, or Onslaught, Koth will speak with you and consider your relationship over. Growing up on the remote forest world of Sarkhai, the Senators daughter was always treated differently by the other children. For Theron Shan, its a moot point. Immediately afterwards, the player has a chance to choose to [FLIRT] with Theron Shan or Lana Beniko. Romance continuation: After Onslaught, after the Hearts and Minds quest, the player will meet up with Kira and Scourge again. All Thats Left Short Story New with 7.1! If the Agent accepts the proposal, they will go through the Voss marriage ceremony, and the male Agent will marry Phi-Ton. How to start romance: The male Sith Inquisitor can romance Ashara during the Sith Inquisitor story as well as the companion conversations with her. Although Surab does not have a kiss scene, the players final [FLIRT] with her during the Taris bonus series says that he epxects a call next time shes on leave, and she says shell keep that in mind. Once you get to the cantina scene at the end of Chapter 9 you have the option to "lock in" a romance with Lana (or Theron, or Koth if you haven't pissed him off too much) regardless of any prior romance. For Republic players, Theron will speak with the player alone, and they can share a kiss before they part ways. All of the original romance options are limited to opposite-gendered characters, but same-gender romance options were released in Rise of the Hutt Cartel and all-gender romance options were added in Shadow of Revan, as well as Knights of the Fallen Empire, some of which can be continued. The first companion conversation will take place right after you get them, and the last will take place after Corellia and your final class story chapter. With Lanas prowess as a Sith Lord and Koths skills in the pilot seat, the two became a formidable thorn in the Eternal Empires sideeventually breaking out the legendary Outlander accused of assassinating Valkorion. It seems he might want to take Theron on a night out as well. If the player chooses to break up, Raina will be sad but understand, and would like to stay and continued working with the alliance. The scene ends with Doc and the player spending some private time together in Docs new quarters. Videos: Arcann full KOTET romance and saving Arcann and Senya, Letting Senya and Arcann go at the end of KOTFE, Shooting Arcann and Senya down at the end of KOTFE, Interrupt Arcanns healing on Voss and kill Senya, Stopping Arcann After Killing Senya on Voss and all three reveal options, Killing unhealed Arcann on Zakuul at Vaylins party dark side, Killing unhealed Arcann on Zakuul at Vaylins party light side, Arcann romance all three choices in Unmasked Regrets, Arcann romance refusal. The player will reunite with her partway through the chapter, and they will later meet in private for a conversation and an enthusiastic kiss. About: Koth Vortena is a former captain in the Zakuulan military who defected with his crew when he was ordered to kill civilians. How to continue romance: Players can resume their romance with Quinn on Iokath after the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. In Chapter 8 of Knights of the Eternal Throne, the player has a major decision to make involving Vette. The player does get to reunite with him in the Jedi Under Siege storyline for Ossus and he says hed love to take her on a drink once the mission is over, but it never happens. How to start single-planet romance: During the Smuggler storyline, the player will rescue Senator Dodonna, and a [FLIRT] option will show up, and if the player chooses it, the Senator will invite the Smuggler for some private time and give the Smuggler a kiss. She will ask you not to worry her again, choose the dialogue option [Flirt] I missed you, too. your character will say Ive waited a long time for you to come back to me, Kira. but you will then continue discussing the important mission and meet with her later in your base on Odessan. His file shows participation in several notable battles, including the so-called Eight-Hour Invasion of Dubrillion where Republic forces repelled an Imperial invasion force with minimal reinforcements. Afterwards, Risha will confront the player about abandoning her. She has since become his most trusted advisor. If the player has romanced Scourge, the player will go for a walk with Scourge some place quiet. Afterwards, Raina Temple will meet with the Agent, and admit she had been looking for the Agent for years and asks if the Agent still loves her after all this time. Having now seen the darkness within the Jedi Order, Jaesa has left its corruption behind completely to help transform the Empire from within. The other option will lead to a box that says This choice will end your romance with Aric Jorgan. The player has two dialogue options I understand. to resume the romance, or You moved on, and so did I.. How do I tell Darman in Mandalorian that I love him? At the end of the chapter, there is a bonus scene with Torian and the Bounty Hunter holding hands in front of a Mandalorian banner. There is no kiss and you dont get to see the date. Doing so will end any other romances you may be involved in. Wise and experienced beyond her years, she has led an adventurous life containing some extremely dark chapters. Some characterize Doc as a blowhard and scoundrel, but these individuals have never required his impressive surgical skills. Videos: Koth Vortena Full Romance Video KOTFE, Koth saves you from Arcann and kisses you, Additional Koth Romance flirts in KOTET, Hearts and Minds romance additional dialogue, Koth rejects romance, Threatening to kill Koth later if the player romances Lana, Choke and kill Koth when he returns from the Gravestone, Romanced Koth leaves after choices made with Kaliyo and the Spire, Blowing up Zakuul with Kaliyo, Punch Koth for stealing the Gravestone but keep him as part of your team, Koth is a Traitor (after he Stole the Gravestone) on Iokath, Lana gets jealous when you flirt with Koth, (not a video) Koth choices and the Gravestone, Koth break up if you start or renew another romance, Zakuul exiles Chapter 4 Knights of the Fallen Empire all fates with Koth and Lana, Lieing to Koth about blowing up the Spire in Chapter 10, (not a vidoe) Discussion about how to romance Koth and have him betray the alliance later, (not a video) another thread discussing Chapter 10 and Koth leaving or staying. 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