Reason: The soap has a partial gel. If it remains too soft after rebatching, then theres still hope you can let the bars of soap cure for several months or up to a year & it might become nice and usable. Its possible that there was too much lye. 11. One major factor that can determine the success of your soaping session is the fragrance or essential oil that is used. Kevin Dunn, a soapy scientist and author of Scientific Soapmaking: The Chemistry of the Cold Process, recommends using Rosemary Oleoresin Extract at 0.1% of the oil weight. Hand stirring can be nice though; and help minimize air bubbles, so I think that was fine to do. The average waiting time before you can unmold your cold process soap is 17-24 hours. Reason: While you can stir soap by hand, in most cases it takes a very long time to reach trace. Appreciate if you could share how to keep that ring instead of making the color even out. Testing the soap is the best way to know for sure. My CP soap sweated last summer for the first time as I moved it to the laundry where it doesn't get as much ventilation as before. However, its ability to attract moisture means that in very humid weather, little glycerin beads or droplets may develop on the surface of the soap. Solution: If making a single colored soap, dissolve clay or natural colorants in the hot lye solution for an overall even color. For soap to sweat, water must be available in the surrounding air. Thank you! Leave the soap in the oven until saponification is complete. Many thanks, Anna in NZ, Hi Anna! Thanks, Jan! This hardens much faster than palm oil bar soaps and . If your soap doesnt reach trace within 10 to 12 minutes, see if one of the situations below applies. Hi Chloe, So glad you found it helpful! This works well for getting a nice brown colour, though, sadly the scent doesn't really come through. The top of the soap loaf has a weird wrinkly look. (I tried it and it worked for me & my 10+ year old Cuisinart! Solution: Use a lighter hand when spritzing soap tops with alcohol, or cover with an alternative method such as plastic wrap. Jan 13, 2020. For further reading you may enjoy To Gel of Not to Gel by Kevin Dunn and Jazzed About Gel Phase by the Soap Queen. The soap will have a rougher rustic look to it, but it will be salvaged. Double check to be sure your recipe checks out with the lye calculator and that you are using the recommend amount of water. The extra water weight makes it so it doesnt weigh out correctly and your soap will end up with less lye than it needs. Soap will not trace or is slow to trace. Reason: This is caused by not completely mixing honey into your soap. Solution: After removing soap from the fridge or freezer, allow it to come to room temperature and stay undisturbed for another 24 to 48 hours. In some cases, tallow and lard can add an unwanted aroma to your soap. :) I wish I could be more help! If you find yourself in this situation, put the soap in the fridge for about two hours to freeze solid. Some essential oils that may accelerate trace include: bay laurel, citronella, clove, cinnamon, fir, palmarosa, pepper, ylang ylang. Use less water Using a water reduction will help as well. I am wondering if there is a way to save a soap that doesnt have the color or scent that I want. You can check for false trace by leaving the soap batter undisturbed for about 20 or 30 seconds after you reach light trace. Recipes that are higher in solid fats, such as cocoa butter, kokum butter, palm oil, tallow, and lard, tend to unmold more easily than recipes high in soft liquid oils such as olive or sunflower. Reason: Some fragrance oils (FO) may separate from the soap batter and form bead or pools of fragrant oil in the surface of the soap. . Hi Carol, Im so sorry to hear it did that! It was not! Reason: These are called DOS, or Dreaded Orange Spots, which indicate that oils in your soap are going rancid. In 14+ years of soaping, Ive never had a soap volcano and when I tried to force one for a photo for my print book, Simple & Natural Soapmaking, I still ended up having to fake the look. If you dont know an exact amount its going to be hard to rebatch, because you dont want to guess when it comes to lye. Infused oils may impact it? Thanks! Mix by hand, using the stick blender only if absolutely necessary, to ensure the EO or FO are mixed in completely. The oil is quite thick with an amber brown color that darkens with age. Double check that you used the correct amount of lye and that your scale is accurate. :). They arent harmful and sometimes even lend an interesting appearance to soap. Q: I made a batch of lotion using beeswax, but the oil and water separates. Keep soap in a cool location with plenty of airflow. Thanks! Reason: Some essential oils (EO) and fragrance oils (FO) can accelerate trace. This means that youre adding more oils than the lye can turn into soap, so there are leftover oils that ensure the soap wont dry your skin. Solution: Dilute honey with an equal part of warm water before adding to the soap batter. Lye and oils must always be weighed with an accurate scale. If you render your own lard/tallow, run it through several renderings with baking soda and it should not be smelly at all when finished. Reason: This means that the soap is getting too hot. Or a good smell each, just different from each other? Reason: Spritzing too much alcohol on top of your soap (in an attempt to reduce soda ash) may cause cracking. Hoping someone can help. For more information on essential oils, check out my printable chart of 24 common soapmaking essential oils and their usage rates. Or, you can try adding the FO or EO to the warmed oils before adding the lye solution and stir by hand. (Pink/purple colorant + green oil = generally a brownish color.). Hi Bindu! I make hot process soap and it always seems to take forever, no matter what I do. There's no set timeframe for when cold process soap is ready to cut. For fragrance oils, be sure to read through product descriptions and reviews to see what other soapers have to say about them. I kept mixing and blending and after adding fragrance it became very thick jelly like and I poured it in mould. Distilled Water @ 33% Lye Concentration (2:1/Water: Lye) 40% Olive Oli. Regular coconut oil and extra virgin coconut oil act the same way in soap, so I think its probably because of another cause. Dont leave the soap unattended and keep an eye on it at all times. When you create a recipe using a lye calculator, you normally calculate around a 5 or 6% superfat. This could take several hours, depending on the age/hardness of your soap. They may take a little longer to reach trace, unmold, and cure, but the final soaps are usually very gentle and mild. Everyone wants their soap ready faster, but handmade soap requires a certain amount of time and patience. Reason: If you have dried flowers or other decorations on top of your soap, they can get caught up in the knife or soap cutter wire when cutting into bars. Solution: Make sure the soap is completely blended to a light trace. The amount of water needed depends on how concentrated you want the liquid soap to be. Im thinking its based on ages of oils, but maybe there are other factors? I am attaching the recipe below, the bars are kept in an oven at a higher temperature at first (~125-130f) and then reduced to slightly lower overnight (~120f). Cure time is often rushed, but is necessary for a harder and better soap. Warm Regards As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you so much for all your help and encouragement. Depending on the ingredients you use, cold process soapmaking typically yields a long-lasting bar of soap. . This year, Ive been experimenting with putting my soaps in a clear plastic storage tub. I make cold process shea butter soap using refined palm oil, but it used to do it before I began using palm oil. Solution:There are a few suggested workarounds to try. THIS is a great example of someone who has had successful results reducing water amount. 972g olive oil Solution: If a soap has major separation, tunnels, and gushes oil and caustic liquid when you cut into it, it should be discarded since theres no way to account for amount of lost liquid when it was cut and whether that liquid was oils or unincorporated lye solution. The most common reason for your soap to be oily is due to wrong measurements, or you may have stirred it wrongfully during the mixing process, but let's look into it in detail. This means the soap started getting hot and going through gel phase, but cooled down too quickly before the heat could reach the edges. You can use instant coffee powder or use brewed cold coffee instead of water to add the lye to. 777g kukui nut oil If you pour your lye solution into the oils, then notice the crust in the bottom of the container, you could try adding a small amount of warm water to the container in an effort to dissolve the crust and then add that to the oils as well. You may wish to completely avoid gel phase which is often desirable for milk soaps to keep them lighter colored. Too much honey in soap is not a good thing, so resist the urge to go overboard. 10 talking about this. (Dont throw it out, just be aware that it may need a long time to firm up, if it ever does, and will be extra superfatted/oil-heavy. Castile or Bastile High Olive Oil Soap. Make sure to keep fresh batteries in your scale. Reason: This sometimes happens when the soap overheats. We provide a 12-week soap-making class in one easy-to-read format, not . This can interact with the lye solution and form small floaty bits. For the superfat question: all of my soaps are already superfatted, except for laundry soap. Stash the molds in a warm place and allow them to cure and harden for 24-48 hours. Place the soap mold in the oven and monitor it very closely. How can we soften a bar of Zote soap so we can cut it in pieces?????? Colorado. Allow for a longer cure time: The longer your soap cures, the better the lather will be. You can also find her writing about gardening and foraging over at her family's website:! Jan Berry is a writer, herbalist, soapmaker, and bestselling author of The Big Book of Homemade Products, Simple & Natural Soapmaking, and Easy Homemade Melt & Pour Soaps. Solution: Be sure to stir the lye into the lye solution until its completely dissolved. (Currently, I have 70+ of those emails in the queue to answer!) If its developing a crack down the middle, its getting too warm and should be uncovered. My first thought is that the glycerin amount in soap should stay the same, no matter how its presented (as glycerin rivers, or mixed into the soap per usual). There, youll find reasons for why the soapmaking problem happened and solutions to fix it and/or prevent it in the future. Because this is a massively long post (8,800+ words! Sometimes the veins may have a translucent white look to them. 4. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar per pound of oils to your soap recipe. Today's cold process soap makers have resolved many troubling issues involved with the process of making soaps. It kimd of saperated. Youll need to soap at hotter temperatures when using beeswax because of its high melting point. That helps a lot! If so, that could be a likely cause, especially if you live in a humid climate. You can check for false trace by leaving the soap batter undisturbed for about 20 or 30 seconds after you reach light trace. ASIS KUMAR ADHIKARI CEO/ Advisor - Bussiness Operation; Head/VP- Operation Excellence/ Strategic Planning / New Project Set-up, Sales & Marketing, Profit Center Head in FMCG - Cosmetic, Ayurveda & Food Industry (Non-frozen & Frozen) Profile Summary: Sr. Professional in Bussiness Operation (Operation, Strategy, Sales & Marketing) A competent, result-oriented, innovative personal with a dynamic . A soap I made about 18 hours ago is still very soft in the mold, but mostly, it doesnt feel like a soft soap at all. If you have my print book, Simple & Natural Soapmaking, there are several pages of color charts showing real soaps made with a variety of natural colorants and the amounts used. *For CPOP, place in preheated oven at 170 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 to 60 minutes. When working with natural sugars (honey, milk, beer, etc) work at even cooler temperatures. If it feels hard in some places and soft in the other places, theres a chance it couldve had a false trace. Reason: These molds behave similarly to silicone molds, but are even worse at holding onto cold process soap. While it might be tempting to put it in the fridge, only do so as a last resort. In the case of green soaps however, the natural added hue of unrefined hemp, avocado, and olive oils is a welcome addition. While it is old, much of the information is still helpful to novices. Soap batter has expanded out of the mold (soap volcano). Castor Oil 4.55 Oz (5%) 698g Sodium Hydroxide In my last video ( ) I dealt with ricing and subsequent acceleration from the fragrance oil I used in my cold process soap. I have a face soap that has already fully dried and cured (it was made months ago) and is stored in a room with a dehumidifier that is kept at 30% humidity. Shea butter 7.85 Oz (15%) Reason: The more water in a recipe, the longer it takes to evaporate out over cure time. However, since Im new do guide me exactly where I have gone wrong. Q: 1. Hot Process: . Sometimes we just don't know what has happened. Im not sure if you will be able to help me . Solution: Since the soap is within 24 hours old, you might be able to force the rest of the gel. I generally use 1 part of soap paste to 1-3 parts distilled water. If the soaps not tacky, then the likely culprit was the long heating time. 10.7 oz water Dissolve into the water before adding the dry lye and continue with the recipe as directed. The hard spots could have too much lye & the soft spots not enough. As water evaporates from the soap, fans help whisk that moisture away. It means a lot to me. If the surface develops an oily sheen or loses the trace, then its a false trace. A high percentage of unsaturated fats in the base oils will also cause slow tracing. Its a win-win for all! (Virtually all of the recipes on the internet & in books should already be superfatted as well.) If you have the recipe, feel free to share it here and I can take a look at it. Solution: There are a few suggested workarounds to try. The amount of lye and oils stays the same, so there is no danger of the soap becoming lye heavy and being too harsh. :) Thanks! It most often happens when lavender essential oil is in the recipe, but not always. (4 to 6 weeks at absolute minimum, 3+ months is even better). Hello, i made a cucumber, ginger and punk salt soap. You can speed up the process by mixing the soap paste with the water over heat. Hi, Lather Lovers Additive Tests, One Year Later! Solution: Check the recipe with a lye calculator and see what the recommended water amount is. With the melt and pour method, you aren't making soap completely from scratch with oils, liquid, and lye. 10. Got to trace within a few minutes and applesauce stage not long after. Reason: Sometimes your container might have a small amount of residue left on it from your last batch or a previous use. Glycerin rivers in soap is often caused by overheating/uneven cooling, and can be encouraged by certain colorants, like titanium dioxide (you may have heard of titanium dioxide crackles!). Also be sure youre using a quality digital scale. This means it started getting hot and going through gel phase, but cooled down too quickly before it could reach the edges. Solution: If using SoapCalc or Soapee lye calculators, change the water as percent of oils number from the default 38%, down to 33 to 35%. This in turn should free up my inbox to a more manageable level while helping others more easily find the information they need. Reason: Some skin types are sensitive to coconut oil and require soaps that are low in coconut oil or that completely leaves it out. This allows the soap to harden and any excess water to evaporate. Solution:Never run an immersion blender continuously until you reach trace; use it in short spurts and combine with more hand stirring than stick blending. Hi Shilpaa, Im so sorry to hear about your soap! the oils did not become soap and only the surface harden. Adellyn, Hi Adellyn! #soapmaking #soap #howtomake #troubleshooting #fixing #handmade #mistakes #healingharvesthomestead #skincare. Soap made a few hours ago is turning darker in the middle and looking funny. For salt bar soap, you must check it often and it should stay in your mold for 3-14 hours. One of the main benefits of cold process soapmaking is having complete control over ingredients. Followed by rice flake kind solution. Stir it well. Solution: Use a water discount. Good luck with your next batch of soap! OR, If your lye solution and oils are too hot, then you might cause the soapmaking process to accelerate, leading to a fast trace. Im trying to reheat it, but doubt that will work. Hello Thank you for all the information. Like it was oily , some grunky stuff at the bottoms of the bowl , little stuff floating on top . (Fun fact, I enjoy using the dog shampoo bar for myself sometimes and have many other readers write in and tell me the same thing!) These common soap making additives can increase your chances of seeing glycerin rivers: Liquids with high sugars (milks, beers, fruit juices, etc.) What do you think is happening with my soap? It cooled too quickly. 11.55 oz olive oil Be sure that the soap mixture is evenly distributed. Im so sorry to hear that happened! (I have searched and seen many different soap makers videos and blogs. :). Thanks for commenting! Soap has flat white spots on top of the soap. Soap has weird orange or brown spots on it and/or smells bad. Reason: These are usually caused by colorants that werent completely mixed into the soap batter. Coffee. Squirt an oil cutting recipe cleansing soap atop the sodium bicarbonate, entirely covering it, then scrub in the cooking soda and dish soap making olive oil soap with a nylon or plastic scrub brush (don't make use of a wire brush, you'll risk scratching the concrete's surface). If you must use a loaf mold, keep a close eye on the soap after pouring it into the mold. Place the soap in front of a fan to help with air circulation. Add to the lye solution once it has cooled.,,,,,, Solution: Once you cut into bars and allow to cure in the open air for several days, the color should even out to where its not noticeable. I would rebatch it and then see how it does over the next few days. Ive been making soap for my self and friends but find it slightly drying. Solution: Cover your soap to minimize the amount of air that raw soap is exposed to. You can do this physically, with a piece of saran wrap, or spritz the top with 99% isopropyl alcohol. When using clay in soap, dissolve it in the lye solution or mix it with around 3 times the amount of water before blending into the soap. :) Can you tell me more about the soap and the recipe you used? It could be that an ingredient didnt get mixed in well and it got more heavily distributed in that part of the mold. Set it on some parchment or wax paper to cure for a week or so and that's it. If they happen soon after making your soap, it could be something like spots of scorched milk or honey, or a fragrance oil, or bit of colorant/clay not mixed in. Reason: This means the soap has overheated at some point. You dont want to count the weight of the jug into your recipe I think that is where things went wrong for you. See what the recommended water amount is are going rancid the lye into the over! Kept mixing and blending and after adding fragrance it became very thick like. You reach light trace lend an interesting appearance to soap at hotter temperatures when using,! 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